This document is a Compliance Test Plan developed by Digital Cinema Initiatives, LLC (DCI). DCI is the owner of this Compliance Test Plan for the purpose of copyright and other laws in all countries throughout the world. The DCI copyright notice must be included in all reproductions, whether in whole or in part, and may not be deleted or attributed to others. DCI hereby grants to its members and their suppliers a limited license to reproduce this Compliance Test Plan for their own use, provided it is not sold. Others must obtain permission to reproduce this Compliance Test Plan from Digital Cinema Initiatives, LLC.
This Compliance Test Plan is intended solely as a guide for companies interested in developing products that can be compatible with other products developed using this document and [DCI-DCSS]. Each DCI member company shall decide independently the extent to which it will utilize, or require adherence to, this Compliance Test Plan. DCI shall not be liable for any exemplary, incidental, proximate or consequential damages or expenses arising from the use of this document. This document defines only one approach to compatibility, and other approaches may be available to the industry. Only DCI has the right and authority to revise or change the material contained in this document, and any revisions by any party other than DCI are unauthorized and prohibited.
Using this document may require the use of one or more features covered by proprietary rights (such as features which are the subject of a patent, patent application, copyright, mask work right or trade secret right). By publication of this document, no position is taken by DCI with respect to the validity or infringement of any patent or other proprietary right. DCI hereby expressly disclaims any liability for infringement of intellectual property rights of others by virtue of the use of this document. DCI has not and does not investigate any notices or allegations of infringement prompted by publication of any DCI document, nor does DCI undertake a duty to advise users or potential users of DCI documents of such notices or allegations. DCI hereby expressly advises all users or potential users of this document to investigate and analyze any potential infringement situation, seek the advice of intellectual property counsel, and, if indicated, obtain a license under any applicable intellectual property right or take the necessary steps to avoid infringement of any intellectual property right. DCI expressly disclaims any intent to promote infringement of any intellectual property right by virtue of the evolution or publication of this document.
DCI gratefully acknowledges the participation and technical contributions of Sandflow Consulting LLC, San Mateo, CA,, in the preparation of this document.
DCI gratefully acknowledges the participation and technical contributions of CineCert LLC, 2840 N. Lima St, Suite 110A, Burbank, CA 91504, in the preparation of this document.
DCI gratefully acknowledges the participation and technical contributions of the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, IIS, Am Wolfsmantel 33, 91058 Erlangen, Germany,, in the preparation of this document.
Digital Cinema Initiatives, LLC (DCI) is a joint venture of Disney, Fox, Paramount, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Universal, and Warner Bros. Studios. The primary purpose of DCI is to establish uniform specifications for d-cinema. These DCI member companies believe that d-cinema will provide real benefits to theater audiences, theater owners, filmmakers and distributors. DCI was created with the recognition that these benefits could not be fully realized without industry-wide specifications. All parties involved in d-cinema must be confident that their products and services are interoperable and compatible with the products and services of all industry participants. The DCI member companies further believe that d-cinema exhibition will significantly improve the movie-going experience for the public.
Digital cinema is today being used worldwide to show feature motion pictures to thousands of audiences daily, at a level of quality commensurate with (or better than) that of 35mm film release prints. Many of these systems are informed by the Digital Cinema System Specification, Version 1.0, published by DCI in 2005. In areas of image and sound encoding, transport security and network services, today's systems offer practical interoperability and an excellent movie-going experience. These systems were designed, however, using de-facto industry practices.
With the publication of the Digital Cinema System Specification [DCI-DCSS], and the publication of required standards from SMPTE, ISO, and other bodies, it is possible to design and build d-cinema equipment that meets all DCI requirements. Manufacturers preparing new designs, and theaters planning expensive upgrades are both grappling with the same question: how to know if a d-cinema system is compliant with DCI requirements?
Note: This test plan references standards from SMPTE, ISO, and other bodies that have specific publication dates. The specific version of the referenced document to be used in conjunction with this test plan shall be those listed in Appendix F.
This Compliance Test Plan (CTP) was developed by DCI to provide uniform testing procedures for d-cinema equipment. The CTP details testing procedures, reference files, design evaluation methods, and directed test sequences for content packages and specific types of equipment. These instructions will guide the Test Operator through the testing process and the creation of a standard DCI compliance evaluation report.
This document is presented in three parts and eight appendices.
The procedures in this document are substantially traceable to the many normative references cited throughout. In some cases, DCI have chosen to express a constraint or required behavior directly in this document. In these cases it will not be possible to trace the requirement directly to an external document. Nonetheless, the requirement is made normative for the purpose of DCI compliance testing by its appearance in this document.
This document is written to inform readers from many segments of the motion picture industry, including manufacturers, content producers, distributors, and exhibitors. Readers will have specific needs of this text and the following descriptions will help identify the parts that will be most useful to them. Generally though, the reader should have technical experience with d-cinema systems and access to the required specifications. Some experience with general operating system concepts and installation of source code software will be required to run many of the procedures.
This document uses the following typographical conventions to convey information in its proper context.
A Bold Face style is used to display the names of commands to be run on a computer system.
A Fixed Width
font is used to express literal data such as string values or element names for XML documents, or
command-line arguments and output.
Examples that illustrate command input and output are displayed in a Fixed Width
font on a shaded background:
$ echo "Hello, World!"
Hello, World!1
Less-than (<
) and greater-than (>
) symbols are used to illustrate generalized input values in command-line examples. They
are placed around the generalized input value, e.g., <input-value>
. These symbols are also used to direct command
output in some command-line examples, and are also an integral part of the XML file format.
Callouts (white numerals on a black background, as in the example above) are used to provide reference points for examples that include explanations. Examples with callouts are followed by a list of descriptions explaining each callout.
Square brackets ([ and ]) are used to denote an external document reference, e.g., [SMPTE-377-1].
The test procedures documented in Part I. Procedural Tests will contain the following sub-sections (except as noted)
Note – There may be additional restrictions, depending on implementation. For example, some Media Blocks may refuse to perform even the most basic operations as long as they are not attached to an SMS or Imaging Device. For these environments, additional equipment may be required.
The [DCI-DCSS] allows different system configurations, meaning different ways of grouping functional modules and equipment together. The following diagram shows what is considered to be a typical configuration allowed by DCI.
The left side of the diagram shows the extra-theater part, which deals with DCP and KDM generation and transport. The right side shows the intra-theater part, which shows the individual components of the theater system and how they work together. This test plan will test for proper DCP and KDM formats (i.e., conforming to the Digital Cinema System Specification), for proper transport of the data and for proper processing of valid and malformed DCPs and KDMs. In addition, physical system properties and performance will be tested in order to ensure that the system plays back the data as expected and implements all security measures as required by DCI.
While the above diagram shows what is considered to be a typical configuration allowed by the Digital Cinema System Specification, the [DCI-DCSS] still leaves room for different implementations, for example, some manufacturers may choose to integrate the Media Decryptor blocks into the Imaging Device, or share storage between d-cinema servers.
In order to successfully execute one of the test sequences given in Part III. Consolidated Test Procedures, the Test Operator must understand the details of many documents and must have assembled the necessary tools and equipment to execute the tests. This document provides all the necessary references to standards, tutorials and tools to orient the technical reader.
As an example, Section 7.5.12 requires a calculation to be performed on a set of measured and reference values to determine whether a Imaging Device's colorimetry is within tolerance. Section C.6 provides an implementation of this calculation, but the math behind the program and the explanation behind the math are not presented in this document. The Test Operator and system designer must read the reference documents noted in Section 7.5.12 (and any references those documents may make) in order to fully understand the process and create an accurate design or present accurate results on a test report.
Preparing a Test Subject and the required documentation requires the same level of understanding as executing the test. Organizations may even choose to practice executing the test internally in preparation for a test by a Testing Organization. The test procedures have been written to be independent of any proprietary tools. In some cases this policy has led to an inefficient procedure, but the resulting transparency provides a reference measurement that can be used to design new tools, and verify results obtained from any proprietary tools a Testing Organization may use.
Many tests in this Part rely on the Security Manager promptly making available log records of events. In order to provide a bound on test durations, failure of a Security Managers to make the record of an event available as part of a log report within 5 minutes of the event being recorded is cause to fail the test being conducted.
Authentication of devices in d-cinema is accomplished using asymmetric cryptography. Unlike symmetric cryptography, which uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data, asymmetric cryptography uses a pair of keys that each reverse the other's cryptographic operations: data encrypted with one key in the key pair can only be decrypted by the other key in the key pair. In such a key pair, there is a public key that is distributed freely, and a private key that is closely held and protected. Public keys are not easily distinguished from one another because they don't carry any identifying information (they're just really long random numbers). To address this, public keys are distributed with metadata that describes the person or device that holds the private key, called the subject. This set of metadata and the public key comprise the digital certificate. The standard that defines a digital certificate for d-cinema is [SMPTE-430-2] . It is based on the ITU standard for Public Key Infrastructure, called X.509, and specifies a number of constraints on the X.509v3 standard, such as the X.509 version that can be used and the size of the RSA keys, among other things.
A digital certificate also contains a signature, created by generating a message digest of the certificate and then encrypting that message digest with a (usually different) private key. The signature is then added to the certificate, and is used to verify that the certificate is authentic. The holder of the (private) key used to sign a certificate (encrypt the message digest) is known as the issuer, and identifying information about the issuer is in the Issuer field of the certificate, linking the issuer to the subject's certificate. Similarly, identifying information about the subject is in the Subject field. In most cases, the issuer and the subject are different. When the issuer and subject are the same, the certificate is known as being self-signed. A self-signed certificate is also self-validating, as its own public key is used to validate its signature. When a self-signed certificate is used to sign other certificates, it becomes the Certificate Authority (CA) for those certificates. The collection of certificates, from the top CA certificate to the last certificate (known as a leaf certificate) are collectively called the certificate chain.
Certificate authentication is recursive: in order to verify that a certificate is valid you have to decrypt the signature using the public key in the issuer's certificate. Once that signature is validated, if the issuer's certificate is not self signed then the signature validation process continues up the chain until a self-signed (CA) certificate is validated. A certificate is trusted only if its entire chain is valid.
The test procedures in this chapter are organized into two groups: tests that evaluate a certificate's compliance to [SMPTE-430-2] and tests that evaluate the behavior of devices that decode certificates. The Certificate Decoder tests are in this section because they are not specific to any particular type of system. All d-cinema devices that decode certificates must behave in the manner described by these tests.
The testing procedures that follow make use of the openssl cryptographic tools and library. openssl is a well known, free, and open source software package available for a number of hardware platforms and operating systems.
Much of the information in a digital certificate can be viewed in a human-readable format using openssl's 'text' option. The information presented in the text output can be used to validate a number of certificate requirements, and to validate certificate-related KDM requirements by comparing the values present in the text output to the values in the KDM. The following example illustrates the features of a typical d-cinema leaf certificate:
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in smpte-430-2-leaf-cert.pem1 Certificate: Data: Version: 3 (0x2)2 Serial Number: 39142 (0x98e6)3 Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption4 Issuer:,, Validity:6 Not Before: Mar 9 23:29:52 2007 GMT7 Not After : Mar 8 23:29:45 2008 GMT8 Subject:,,9 Subject Public Key Info:11 Public Key Algorithm: rsaEncryption12 RSA Public Key: (2048 bit)13 Modulus (2048 bit):14 [hexadecimal values omitted for brevity] Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)15 X509v3 extensions:16 X509v3 Key Usage:17 Digital Signature, Key Encipherment, Data Encipherment18 X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical19 CA:FALSE X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:20 1F:F8:BC:1F:25:66:28:46:52:16:84:DE:60:8D:94:57:D6:81:8A:AE X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:21 keyid:D2:C7:42:6A:43:62:DF:3E:94:3C:26:27:A2:03:05:21:36:CF:32:8B DirName:/ CN=.ra-1b/dnQualifier=3NMh+Nx9WhnbDcXKK1puOjX4lsY= serial:56:CE Signature Algorithm: sha256WithRSAEncryption22 [hexadecimal values omitted for brevity]
and Subject
fields are present inside the signed part of the
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -inform PEM -in <certificate>A correctly formatted and encoded certificate will be displayed as text output by openssl. An incorrectly formed certificate will cause openssl to display an error. A certificate that causes an error to be displayed by the openssl command is incorrectly formed and shall be cause to fail this test.
The version of the certificate and the presence of the Issuer
and Subject
fields in
the signed portion of the certificate
can be verified by viewing openssl's text output of the certificate.
The version number is indicated by
2 in the example
certificate, and the issuer and subject fields are indicated by numbers 5
and 10, respectively. An x509 version number
other than 3, or the absence of either the Subject field or the Issuer field shall be cause to fail this test.
of the signature and the SignatureAlgorithm
in the signed portion of
the certificate both contain the value "sha256WithRSAEncryption"
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The signature algorithm of the certificate is indicated by 4 in the example certificate, and the signature algorithm of the signature is indicated by number 22 of the example certificate.
Verify that these fields both contain the value "sha256WithRSAEncryption"
. If either field contains a different
value, this shall be cause to fail this test.
field is present outside the signed part of the certificate and contains an ASN.1 Bit
String that contains a PKCS #1SHA256WithRSA
signature block.
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>A correct certificate signature will be displayed as colon separated hexadecimal values in the text output by openssl. The signature block, omitted from the example certificate, will be present below the signature algorithm at the bottom of the output below callout number 22 of the example certificate. An incorrect certificate signature will cause openssl to display an error. A certificate that causes openssl to generate errors is cause to fail this test. A signature value other than sha256WithRSAEncryption is cause to fail this test.
Serial Number
field is present inside the signed part of the certificate
and that it contains a nonnegative
integer that is no longer than 64 bits (8 bytes).
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The serial number field is indicated by 3 in the example certificate. Confirm that the serial number is a non-negative integer that is no longer than 64 bits (8 bytes), and that the parenthetical phrase "neg" is not present. A negative serial number or a number larger than 64 bits shall be cause to fail this test.
Subject Public Key Info
field is present inside the signed part of the certificate and that it
describes an RSA public key with a modulus length of 2048 bits and a public exponent of 65537.
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The Subject Public Key Info is indicated by 11 in the example certificate. The modulus length and the public exponent are indicated by 14 and 15, respectively.
Verify that the Public Key Algorithm
type is rsaEncryption
RSA Public Key
is (2048 bit)
Failure to meet both requirements is cause to fail this test.
Verify that the Modulus
is (2048 bit)
and that Exponent
65537 (0x10001)
. Any other value for the
modulus length or the exponent shall be cause to fail this test.
The section "RSA Key Format" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
field is present inside the signed part of the certificate and contains timestamps in UTC.
Timestamps with years up to and including 2049 must use two digits (UTCTime) to represent the year. Timestamps with
the year 2050 or later must use four digits (GeneralizedTime) to represent the year.
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The validity field is indicated by callout 6 in the example certificate. Confirm that the field is present and that it contains a "Not Before" value as a UTC timestamp as indicated by 7 of the example certificate and a "Not After" value as a UTC timestamp as indicated by 8 of the example certificate. If the validity field is not present, this shall be cause to fail this test.
Verifying the format of the timestamps as either UTCTime or GeneralizedTime can be accomplished by viewing the ASN.1 sequences of the certificate with openssl. Additionally, by using the grep command to specify a text string to display, in this case, "TIME", the time formats can be quickly identified:
$ openssl asn1parse -in <certificate> |grep TIME 154:d=3 hl=2 l= 13 prim: UTCTIME :070312145212Z 169:d=3 hl=2 l= 13 prim: UTCTIME :270307145212ZConfirm that timestamps up to the year 2049 are in UTCTime format, and that timestamps starting with the year 2050 are in GeneralizedTime format. Timestamps in UTCTime format will be formatted as "YYMMDDhhmmssZ", and Timestamps in GeneralizedTime format will have the year coded as "YYYYMMDDhhmmssZ", where "Y" represents the year, "M" represents the month, "D" represents the day, and "h", "m", "s", and "Z" represent hours, minutes, seconds, and the Universal Coordinated Time zone. A timestamp prior to 2049 that is not in UTC format shall be cause to fail this test. A timestamp starting in 2050 or later that is not in GeneralizedTime format shall be cause to fail this test.
Authority Key Identifier
field is present in the X509v3 Extensions
section inside the signed part of the certificate.
Authority Key Identifier
field can be verified by using the
openssl command to display
the certificate information as described in Example 2.1, e.g.:
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The Authority Key Identifier of the certificate is indicated by 21 in the example certificate. Confirm that this field exists. The absence of the
Authority Key Identifier
field shall be cause to fail this test.
Key Usage
field is present in the X509v3 Extensionssection
inside the signed part of the certificate.
For signer certificates, verify that only the "Certificate Sign" (keyCertSign)
flag is true, the "CRL Sign" (cRLSign)
flag may optionally be present.
For the SM role leaf certificate of a dual certificated MB, verify that the "Certificate Sign" (keyCertSign)
, "CRL
Sign" (cRLSign)
, and the "Digital Signature" (digitalSignature)
flags are false or not present and that the "Key
Encipherment" (keyEncipherment)
flag is true.
For the LS role leaf certificate of a dual certificated MB, verify that the "Certificate Sign" (keyCertSign)
, "CRL
Sign" (cRLSign)
, and the "Key Encipherment" (keyEncipherment)
flags are false or not present, and that the
"Digital Signature" (digitalSignature)
flag is true.
For all leaf certificates not part of a dual certificated MB, verify that the "Certificate Sign" (keyCertSign)
and "CRL
Sign" (cRLSign)
flags are false or not present, and that the "Digital Signature" (digitalSignature)
, and "Key
Encipherment" (keyEncipherment)
flags are true.
Key Usage
field can be verified by using the openssl command to display the certificate information
as described in Example 2.1, e.g.:
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The
Key Usage
field in the certificate is indicated by 17 in the example certificate.
For all certificates, confirm that this field exists. Absence of the Key Usage
field shall be cause to fail this test.
For signing certificates, confirm that the key usage listed in the usage list (indicated by 18) has only "Certificate
Sign" (keyCertSign)
, the optional "CRL Sign" (cRLSign)
flag may be present. Absence of the "Certificate Sign"
flag, or presence of any other flag except for "CRL Sign" (cRLSign)
, shall be cause to fail this test.
For the SM role leaf certificate of a dual certificated MB, confirm that the key usage lists "Key Encipherment" (keyEncipherment)
and that "Digital Signature" (digitalSignature)
is absent. Absence of "Key
Encipherment" (keyEncipherment)
, or presence of "Digital Signature" (digitalSignature)
, shall be cause to
fail this test. Presence of "Certificate Sign" (keyCertSign)
or "CRL Sign" (cRLSign)
shall be cause to fail this test.
For the LS role leaf certificate of a dual certificated MB, confirm that the key usage lists "Digital Signature" (digitalSignature)
and that the "Key Encipherment" (keyEncipherment)
is absent. Absence of "Digital
Signature" (digitalSignature)
, or presence of "Key Encipherment" (keyEncipherment)
, shall be cause to fail
this test. Presence of "Certificate Sign" (keyCertSign)
or "CRL Sign" (cRLSign)
shall be cause to fail this test.
For all leaf certificates not part of a dual certificated MB, confirm that the key usage lists "Digital Signature" (digitalSignature)
and "Key Encipherment" (keyEncipherment)
. Absence of "Digital Signature" (digitalSignature)
and "Key Encipherment"
shall be cause to fail this test. Presence of
"Certificate Sign" (keyCertSign)
or "CRL Sign" (cRLSign)
shall be cause to fail this test.
Note that leaf certificates may have other key usages specified, and the presence of other usages not specifically referenced here shall not be a reason to fail this test.
Basic Constraints
field is present in the X509v3 Extensions
section of the signed portion
of the certificate. For signer certificates, verify that the certificate authority attribute is true (CA:TRUE) and the
value is present and either zero or positive. For leaf certificates, verify that the certificate
authority attribute is false (CA:FALSE) and the PathLenConstraintis
absent or zero.
Basic Constraints
field can be verified by using the
openssl command to display the certificate
information as described in Example 2.1, e.g.:
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The Basic Constraints field in the certificate is indicated by 19 in the example certificate. For signing certificates, confirm that this field exists, that the certificate authority value is true (CA:TRUE), and that the path length is present and is a positive integer. For leaf certificates, confirm that the certificate authority value is false (CA:FALSE) and that the path length is absent or zero. The absence of the Basic Constraints field shall be cause to fail this test. For signer certificates, the absence of the CA:TRUE value, or a negative or missing Path Length value shall be cause to fail this test. For leaf certificates, the presence of the CA:TRUE value or the presence of a path length greater than zero shall be cause to fail this test.
present in the Subject
field and that the DnQualifier
is the Base64 encoded thumbprint of the subject public key in the certificate. Also verify that there is exactly one
present in the Issuer
field and that the DnQualifier value is the Base64 encoded thumbprint of the
issuer's public key.
field can be verified by using the
openssl command to display
the certificate information as described in Example 2.1, e.g.:
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The Subject DnQualifier in the certificate is in the Subject information as indicated by 10 in the example certificate, and the Issuer DnQualifier in the certificate is in the Issuer information as indicated by 5. Confirm that each of these fields contain only one DnQualifier. Missing DnQualifier values in either of these fields or the presence of more than one DnQualifier in either field shall be cause to fail this test.
The public key DnQualifier must be recalculated to confirm that the DnQualifier value in each of these fields is correct.
The following steps perform this calculation:
$ openssl x509 -pubkey -noout -in <certificate> | openssl base64 -d \ | dd bs=1 skip=24 2>/dev/null | openssl sha1 -binary | openssl base64The resulting value is the calculated DnQualifier of the public key in the input certificate. Confirm that when this calculation is performed on the public key in the subject certificate, the calculated value is equal to the DnQualifier present in the Subject field. Confirm that when this calculation is performed on the public key in the issuer certificate, the calculated value is equal to the DnQualifier present in the Issuer field of the subject certificate. A DnQualifier that does not match the calculated value of the corresponding certificate's public key shall be cause to fail this test.
field is present in the Issuer
and Subject
Verify that the two OrganizationName
values are identical.
in the Subject and Issuer fields can be verified by using the
openssl command
to display the certificate information as described in Example 2.1, e.g.:
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The OrganizationName values are in the Subject and Issuer fields in the certificate as indicated by 5 and 10 in the example certificate. Confirm that the Organization name, the value specified as
" O=<organization-name>"
, is the same in
both fields. Non-identical Organizational name values in the Subject and Issuer fields shall be cause to fail this test.
(OU) value is present in the Issuer
and Subject
in the Subject and Issuer fields can be verified by using the
command to display the certificate information as described in Example 2.1, e.g.:
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The OrganizationUnitName values are in the Subject and Issuer fields in the certificate as indicated by 5 and 10 in the example certificate. The absence of an
in either the Subject or Issuer fields of the certificate
shall be cause to fail this test.
CommonName (CN)
is present exactly once in both the Subject
and Issuer
fields. Also verify that
the CommonName
fields contain a physical identification of the entity (i.e., make, model, or serial number, for devices).
For leaf certificates (i.e., certificate authority is set to False), verify that at least one role is specified and that it is the
role expected for the certificate.
in the Subject and Issuer fields can be verified by using the
openssl command to
display the certificate information as described in Example 2.1, e.g.:
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>The CommonName values are in the Subject and Issuer fields in the certificate as indicated by 5 and 10 in the example certificate. Confirm that the
, the value specified as "CN=<common-name>" is present only once and that
it contains information that identifies the entity. For leaf certificates, confirm that the common name specifies at least one
role and that it is correct for the certificate. The absence of the CommonName
value in either the Subject
or Issuer
fields shall be cause to fail this test. For leaf certificates, the absence of a role designation shall be cause to fail this test.
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate>For signer certificates (certificates that have CA:TRUE), of the X.509v3 extensions listed in the certificate, "Basic Constraints" (indicated by 19) must be marked critical. "Basic Constraints" may be marked critical for leaf certificates. "Key Usage" and "Authority Key Identifier" (indicated by 17) may be marked critical. No other unrecognized X.509v3 extensions may be marked critical. A signer certificate with a "Basic Constraints" section that is not marked critical shall be cause to fail this test. A Certificate that has any X.509v3 extension marked critical other than "Basic Constraints", "Key Usage" or "Authority Key Identifier" shall be cause to fail this test.
$ openssl verify -CAfile caroot.pem caroot.pem caroot.pem: OK $ cp caroot.pem certchain.pem $ openssl verify -CAfile certchain.pem signer.pem signer.pem: OK $ cat signer.pem >> certchain.pem $ openssl verify -CAfile certchain.pem leaf.pem leaf.pem: OKError messages from openssl indicate that a certificate in the chain did not validate, and that the chain is not valid. Error messages that indicate that the certificate chain is not valid shall be cause to fail this test.
field, there is a
corresponding certificate whose Subject
field matches that Issuer
field.A complete certificate chain starts with a leaf certificate and ends with a self-signed (CA root) certificate. Between the leaf certificate and the CA root certificate there should be one or more signer certificates. A leaf certificate is signed by a signer certificate, and the signer certificate is identified by its DnQualifier in the "Issuer" field of the leaf certificate. In a chain of three certificates, the signer certificate is in turn signed by the CA root certificate, which is similarly identified by its DnQualifier in the Issuer field of the signer's certificate. The CA root certificate is self-signed and has its own DnQualifier in both the Subject and Issuer fields.
To verify that the certificate chain is complete, confirm that the certificates corresponding to the Issuer DnQualifiers of each of the certificates is present, as explained in Section 2.1.11: Public Key Thumbprint. A certificate chain that does not contain all of the certificates matching the DnQualifiers specified in the Issuer fields of the certificates means the chain is not complete and shall be cause to fail this test.
The validity period of a certificate can be viewed using the procedure described in Section 2.1.7: Validity Field. Confirm that for each certificate in the chain, the signer certificate's validity period completely contains the validity period of the signed certificate. A certificate that has a validity period that extends beyond the validity period of its signer (either starting before, or ending after, the validity period of its signer) shall be cause to fail this test.
To confirm that the CA root certificate is a valid root certificate:A CA Root certificate that is not self-signed shall be cause to fail this test.
field is True
, the PathLenConstraint
value is present and is either zero or positive. Verify that if the certificate authority attribute of the BasicConstraint
field is False, the PathLenConstraint
field is absent or set to zero.
in the subject and issuer fields do not
values in the Subject
and Issuer fields. Verify that the operation fails. A successful operation using a malformed certificate is cause to fail
this test.
X.509v3 extension.
. Verify that the operation fails. A successful operation using a certificate without
the certificate signer present is cause to fail this test.
This chapter contains tests for Key Delivery Messages (KDM). The test procedures in this chapter are organized into three groups: tests that evaluate a KDM's compliance to [SMPTE-430-1], tests that evaluate a KDM's compliance to [SMPTE-430-3], and tests that evaluate the behavior of devices that decode KDMs. The KDM Decoder tests are in this section because they are not specific to any particular type of system. All d-cinema devices that decode KDMs must behave in the manner described by these tests.
Before diving in to testing KDM files, we will first introduce XML and provide some examples of KDM documents.
XML is a file metaformat: a file format for creating file formats. Many of the files that comprise a d-cinema composition (e.g., a feature or trailer), are expressed in XML. While the various d-cinema file formats represent different concepts within the d-cinema system, the arrangement of data within the files is syntactically similar for those files that use XML. This section will provide an overview of XML as used for d-cinema applications. Readers looking for more detailed technical information are referred to the home of XML at
The main unit of data storage in an XML document is the XML element. XML elements are expressed in a document using tags; strings of human-readable text enclosed between less-than (<) and greater-than (>) characters. An XML document is an element that is meant to be interpreted as a complete unit. Every XML document consists of a single XML element having zero or more (usually hundreds more) elements inside. XML documents may be stored as files, transmitted over networks, etc. The following example shows a very simple XML element, rendered as a single tag
By itself, this XML element is a complete, though very uninteresting XML document.
To be more useful, our example element needs some data, or content. XML content may include unstructured text or additional XML elements. Here we have expanded the element to contain some text:
<Comment>The quick brown fox...</Comment>
Notice that when an XML element has content, the content is surrounded by two tags, in this case <Comment> and </Comment>. The former is an opening tag, the latter a closing tag.
We now have some data inside our element. We could help the reader of our example XML document by indicating the language that the text represents (these same characters could of course form words from other languages). The language of the text is metadata: in this case, data about the text. In XML, metadata is stored as sets of key/value pairs, or attributes, inside the opening tags. We will add an attribute to our example element to show some metadata, in this case we are telling the reader that the text is in English:
<Comment language="en">The quick brown fox...</Comment>
The following example shows an actual d-cinema data structure (there is no need to understand the contents of this example as this particular structure is covered in more detail in Section 4.2.1.):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?> <PackingList xmlns=""> <Id>urn:uuid:59430cd7-882d-48e8-a026-aef4b6253dfc</Id> <AnnotationText>Perfect Movie DCP</AnnotationText> <IssueDate>2007-07-25T18:21:31-00:00</IssueDate> <Issuer>user@host</Issuer> <Creator>Packaging Tools v1.0</Creator> <AssetList> <Asset> <Id>urn:uuid:24d73510-3481-4ae5-b8a5-30d9eeced9c1</Id> <Hash>AXufMKY7NyZcfSXQ9sCZls5dSyE=</Hash> <Size>32239753</Size> <Type>application/mxf</Type> <AnnotationText>includes M&E</AnnotationText> </Asset> </AssetList> </PackingList>
You may have noticed that the basic structure of XML allows the expression of almost unlimited types and formats of information. Before a device (or a person) can read an XML document and decide whether it is semantically correct, it must be possible for the reader to know what the document is expected to contain.
The XML standard dictates some initial requirements for XML documents. The document shown in Example 3.1 above illustrates some of these requirements:
element (it should close before
closes, not after).
<Element1> <Element2> <Element3> </Element2> </Element3> </Element1>
A document which meets these requirements is said to be well formed. All XML documents must be well formed. An XML parser (a program that reads XML syntax) will complain if you give it XML that is not well-formed. Well-formedness, however, does not help us understand semantically what's in an XML document. To know the meaning of a particular XML structure, we have to have a description of that structure.
The structure and permitted values in an XML document can be defined using XML Schema. There are other languages for expressing the content model of an XML document, but XML Schema is the standard used by the SMPTE specifications for d-cinema. XML Schema is a language, expressed in XML, which allows the user to define the names of the elements and attributes that can appear in an XML document. An XML Schema can also describe the acceptable contents of and combinations of the XML elements.
Given an XML Schema and an XML document, a validating XML parser will report not only errors in syntax but also errors in the use and contents of the elements defined by the schema. Throughout this document, we will use the schema-check program (see Section C.3) to test XML documents. The command takes the instance document and one or more schema documents as arguments
$ schema-check <input-file> smpte-430-3.xsd
If this command returns without errors, the XML document can be said to be both well-formed and valid
Some XML documents are defined using more than one schema. In these cases, you can supply the names of any number of schemas on the command line:
$ schema-check <input-file> smpte-430-3.xsd smpte-430-1.xsd
XML Signature is a standard for creating and verifying digital signatures on XML documents. Digital signatures are used to allow recipients of Composition Playlists, Packing Lists and Key Delivery Messages (KDM) to authenticate the documents; to prove that the documents were signed by the party identified in the document as the document's signer, and that the documents have not been modified or damaged since being signed.
The checksig program (distributed with the XML Security library) can be used to test the signature on an XML document. The program is executed with the name of a file containing a signed XML document:
$ checksig test-kdm.xml Signature verified OK!
The program expects that the first certificate in the <KeyInfo>
element is the signer. This has two implications:
To address the first issue, the program (see Section C.8) can be used to re-write the XML document with
the signer's certificate first in the <KeyInfo>
element. This is demonstrated in the following example:
$ test-kdm.xml > tmp.xml $ checksig tmp.xml Signature verified OK!
The second issue is addressed by extracting the certificates from the document's XML Signature data and validating them directly with openssl. This procedure is the subject of the next section.
followed by a newline. The encoded text is followed by the string -----END CERTIFICATE-----
. An example
of this format can be seen below. Note that the Printable Encoding has newlines after every 64 characters.-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIEdzCCA1+gAwIBAgICNBowDQYJKoZIhvcNAQELBQAwgYQxGTAXBgNVBAoTEC5j YS5jaW5lY2VydC5jb20xLDAqBgNVBAsTIy5yYS0xYi5yYS0xYS5zNDMwLTIuY2Eu Y2luZWNlcnQuY29tMRIwEAYDVQQDEwkuY2MtYWRtaW4xJTAjBgNVBC4THGNwSmxw NDBCM0hqSG9kOG9JWnpsVi9DU0xmND0wIBcNMDcwMTE1MjI0OTQ0WhgPMjAwODAx MTUyMjQ5NDJaMIGLMRkwFwYDVQQKExAuY2EuY2luZWNlcnQuY29tMTUwMwYDVQQL EywuY2MtYWRtaW4ucmEtMWIucmEtMWEuczQzMC0yLmNhLmNpbmVjZXJ0LmNvbTEQ MA4GA1UEAxMHU00ud3MtMTElMCMGA1UELhMcdC8zQ2xNWjdiQWRGUnhnam1TRTFn NGY4NUhNPTCCASIwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADggEPADCCAQoCggEBAOBejWa3Lg+Y uvTYhCaFy0ET6zH6XrB3rLRrlbeMrrTuUMCX0YSmA7m3ZO1Bd/HQrJxyq6hJmPGu auxwWiF4w+AajBRp4eSiAt8srACcEmUyqGHwPLoaKVEaHXSOY8gJp1kZwqGwoR40 RQusfAb2/L76+RlMUyACoJuR6k4kOBW3bjEE4E76KKR4k5K580d7uFf5G86GhGfU AfXHJXboqzHnxQHaMldKNaSskxWrW8GrX43+2ZZUHM2ZKe0Ps/9g2gCRZ6eYaim4 UF+szH0EUY0Mbx4poqn+SZFrUWtEoWcDM6PSTTgCQVOQ1BtzD1lBQoNQGOJcd73N 9f5MfGioWMkCAwEAAaOB5zCB5DALBgNVHQ8EBAMCBLAwDAYDVR0TAQH/BAIwADAd BgNVHQ4EFgQUt/3ClMZ7bAdFRxgjmSE1g4f85HMwgacGA1UdIwSBnzCBnIAUcpJl p40B3HjHod8oIZzlV/CSLf6hf6R9MHsxGTAXBgNVBAoTEC5jYS5jaW5lY2VydC5j b20xJjAkBgNVBAsTHS5yYS0xYS5zNDMwLTIuY2EuY2luZWNlcnQuY29tMQ8wDQYD VQQDEwYucmEtMWIxJTAjBgNVBC4THEJteVdZV3d0M29FNlJGSTVYdDd3K0hGaEtW Zz2CAwDpzTANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQsFAAOCAQEAowjAFQsyoKto7+WBeF9HuCRpKkxk 6qMgXzgAfJFRk/pi7CjnfjxvWukJq4HWgWHpXsGFf/RTp08naV1UHNe71sDYV2Fb MOSFRi2OrRwZExO9SBKQHLZ7ZdLU+6GIHXKjmp9DiofUNOqvZPQnvwG/CmO84CpG K14ktxtOghczzEiJCk2KISsgOU6NK4cmcFfMjuklTwmD5C6TvaawkvcNJQcldjUw TWbvd+Edf9wkHNvBERR9lbCGWr16C5BVQZtFBJAU++3guL/4Qn4lkeU/gmR6o99S UQ+T344CBSIy06ztiWZiuxoONoXfy12DTSepB+QShmuhsScrfv0Q9bB5hw== -----END CERTIFICATE-----
Within an XML document signed using XML Signature, certificates are stored in
elements. These elements can be found at the end of the document, within the
element. The encoding method for storing certificate data in XML Signature is
virtually identical to PEM. The Base64 encoding (see [RFC-2045]) uses the
same mapping of binary data to text characters, but the line length is not limited as with PEM.
It is a relatively easy task to use a Text Editor to copy and paste certificate data from an XML document:
, then press the Enter key.
Note that the number of '-' (dash) characters on either side of the BEGIN CERTIFICATE
label is five (5).<dsig:X509Certificate>
element (but not the element tags) from the
KDM and paste it into the new editor window. The cursor should now be positioned at the last character of the
certificate; press the Enter key.-----END CERTIFICATE-----
at the end of the new editor window and press the Enter key..pem
suffix.In most cases the procedure given above can be automated using the program (see Section C.9). As
shown below, the -p
option can be used to provide a prefix for the automatically-generated filenames. In this example,
the input document contained four certificates.
$ -p my_prefix_ test-kdm.xml $ ls my_prefix_* my_prefix_1.pem my_prefix_2.pem my_prefix_3.pem my_prefix_4.pem
You can test that the certificate has been correctly extracted by using openssl to view the contents of the certificate file:
$ openssl x509 -text -noout -in <certificate-file.pem>
The output from this command should look similar to Example 2.1
To validate a complete chain of extracted certificates, use the procedure in Section 2.1.16.
The Key Delivery Message (KDM) is an XML document that contains cryptographic information necessary to reproduce an encrypted composition. A KDM also contains metadata about the cryptographic information, such as the validity period and the associated Composition Playlist (CPL). The format of the KDM file is specified by [SMPTE-430-1] . A KDM is a type of Extra-Theater Message (ETM), as specified by [SMPTE-430-3] .
The following examples show the elements of the KDM that will be examined during the procedures. Each example is followed by a list of descriptive text that describes the various features of the KDM called out in the examples. These features will be referred to from the test procedures.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>1 <DCinemaSecurityMessage xmlns=""2 xmlns:dsig="" xmlns:enc=""> <AuthenticatedPublic Id="ID_AuthenticatedPublic">3 <MessageId>urn:uuid:b80e668c-a175-4bc7-ae48-d3a19c8fce95</MessageId>4 <MessageType></MessageType>5 <AnnotationText>Perfect Movie KDM</AnnotationText>6 <IssueDate>2007-07-24T17:42:58-00:00</IssueDate>7 <Signer>8 <dsig:X509IssuerName>dnQualifier=wBz3yptkPxbHI/\+LUUeH5R6rQfI=,,,</dsig:X509IssuerName> <dsig:X509SerialNumber>6992</dsig:X509SerialNumber> </Signer> <RequiredExtensions> <KDMRequiredExtensions xmlns=""> <Recipient>9 <X509IssuerSerial> <dsig:X509IssuerName>dnQualifier=wBz3yptkPxbHI/\+LUUeH5R6rQfI=,,,</dsig:X509IssuerName> <dsig:X509SerialNumber>8992</dsig:X509SerialNumber>10 </X509IssuerSerial> <X509SubjectName>dnQualifier=83R40icxCejFRR6Ij6iwdf2faTY=,CN=SM.x_Mastering,,</X509SubjectName>11 </Recipient> <CompositionPlaylistId>12 urn:uuid:20670ba3-d4c7-4539-ac3e-71e874d4d7d1 </CompositionPlaylistId> <ContentTitleText>Perfect Movie</ContentTitleText>13 <ContentKeysNotValidBefore>2007-07-24T17:42:54-00:00</ContentKeysNotValidBefore>14 <ContentKeysNotValidAfter>2007-08-23T17:42:54-00:00</ContentKeysNotValidAfter>15 <AuthorizedDeviceInfo> <DeviceListIdentifier>urn:uuid:d47713b9-cde1-40a9-98fe-22ef172723d0</DeviceListIdentifier> <DeviceList>16 <CertificateThumbprint>jk4Z8haFhqCGAVbClW65jVSOib4=</CertificateThumbprint>17 </DeviceList> </AuthorizedDeviceInfo> <KeyIdList>18 <TypedKeyId> <KeyType scope="">MDIK</KeyType>19 <KeyId>urn:uuid:15e929b3-1d86-40eb-875e-d21c916fdd3e</KeyId>20 </TypedKeyId> <TypedKeyId> <KeyType scope="">MDAK</KeyType> <KeyId>urn:uuid:ca8f7756-8c92-4e84-a8e6-8fab898934f8</KeyId> </TypedKeyId> [remaining key IDs omitted for brevity] </KeyIdList> <ForensicMarkFlagList>21 <ForensicMarkFlag> </ForensicMarkFlag> </ForensicMarkFlagList> </KDMRequiredExtensions> </RequiredExtensions> <NonCriticalExtensions/> </AuthenticatedPublic>
<AuthenticatedPrivate Id="ID_AuthenticatedPrivate">1 <enc:EncryptedKey xmlns:enc="">2 <enc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm="">3 <ds:DigestMethod xmlns:ds="" Algorithm="" /> </enc:EncryptionMethod> <enc:CipherData> <enc:CipherValue>4 [256 Byte long encrypted cipherdata block omitted] </enc:CipherValue> </enc:CipherData> </enc:EncryptedKey> <enc:EncryptedKey xmlns:enc=""> <enc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""> <ds:DigestMethod xmlns:ds="" Algorithm="" /> </enc:EncryptionMethod> <enc:CipherData> <enc:CipherValue> [256 Byte long encrypted cipherdata block omitted] </enc:CipherValue> </enc:CipherData> </enc:EncryptedKey> <enc:EncryptedKey xmlns:enc=""> <enc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""> <ds:DigestMethod xmlns:ds="" Algorithm="" /> </enc:EncryptionMethod> <enc:CipherData> <enc:CipherValue> [ 256 Byte long encrypted cipherdata block omitted] </enc:CipherValue> </enc:CipherData> </enc:EncryptedKey> <enc:EncryptedKey xmlns:enc=""> <enc:EncryptionMethod Algorithm=""> <ds:DigestMethod xmlns:ds="" Algorithm="" /> </enc:EncryptionMethod> <enc:CipherData> <enc:CipherValue> [ 256 Byte long encrypted cipherdata block omitted] </enc:CipherValue> </enc:CipherData> </enc:EncryptedKey> [additional EncryptionKey entries omitted] </AuthenticatedPrivate>
<dsig:Signature xmlns:dsig="">1 <dsig:SignedInfo> <dsig:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" />2 <dsig:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" />3 <dsig:Reference URI="#ID_AuthenticatedPublic">4 <dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm="" />5 <dsig:DigestValue>cnn8M41NR4jQF+9GOZiNJTlfl+C/l8lBFljuCuq9lQE=</dsig:DigestValue>6 </dsig:Reference> <dsig:Reference URI="#ID_AuthenticatedPrivate">7 <dsig:DigestMethod Algorithm="" /> <dsig:DigestValue>TEW7tPwML2iOkIpK2/4rZbJbKgnnXjAtJwe9OJSe8u4=</dsig:DigestValue> </dsig:Reference> </dsig:SignedInfo> <dsig:SignatureValue>uH41s9odRPXzFz+BF3dJ/myG09cLSE9cLzf2C7f2Fm49P9C53T5RSeEIyqt6p5ll8 zlH2q3ZJRZcZuV5VA7UkIb4z6U4CGUTU51D8lL/anY1glLFddjUiDU/0nmC4uAsH rzwQgzOTZmZd2eLo0N70DBtNhTcJZftKUN2O2ybHZaJ7Q/aBxAiCK3h/fRW/b7zM bcbsD9/VfJFI7VQCOLYwTxq643Exj7sYGKISrjuN+MLAubG50hu74YLOtA/dmGB1 G4VeXkBBR/BEjOEeoxyfFpxbZwkdoI18/Qd1JF32xpE1PlTLrJoRyjrX/6qkm9OJ X9GyFNd8jVxdYNI4s1JCnQ==</dsig:SignatureValue> <dsig:KeyInfo>9 <dsig:X509Data> <dsig:X509IssuerSerial> <dsig:X509IssuerName>dnQualifier=wBz3yptkPxbHI/\+LUUeH5R6rQfI=,,,</dsig:X509IssuerName> <dsig:X509SerialNumber>6992</dsig:X509SerialNumber> </dsig:X509IssuerSerial> <dsig:X509Certificate>10 [PEM encoded certificate omitted] </dsig:X509Certificate> </dsig:X509Data> <dsig:X509Data> <dsig:X509IssuerSerial> <dsig:X509IssuerName>dnQualifier=8O8W8oYHlf97Y8n0kdAgMU7/jUU=, CN=.s430-2,,</dsig:X509IssuerName> <dsig:X509SerialNumber>50966</dsig:X509SerialNumber> </dsig:X509IssuerSerial> <dsig:X509Certificate> [PEM encoded certificate omitted] </dsig:X509Certificate> </dsig:X509Data> <dsig:X509Data> <dsig:X509IssuerSerial> <dsig:X509IssuerName>dnQualifier=8O8W8oYHlf97Y8n0kdAgMU7/jUU=, CN=.s430-2,,</dsig:X509IssuerName> <dsig:X509SerialNumber>13278513546878383468</dsig:X509SerialNumber> </dsig:X509IssuerSerial> <dsig:X509Certificate> [PEM encoded certificate omitted] </dsig:X509Certificate> </dsig:X509Data> </dsig:KeyInfo> </dsig:Signature></DCinemaSecurityMessage>
Since the KDM carries encrypted data, a tool that can decrypt the encrypted portions of the KDM has been provided in Section C.1. kdm-decrypt takes two arguments, a KDM and the RSA private key that corresponds to the certificate to which the KDM was targeted, and displays the contents of the encrypted section. Here is an example of kdm-decrypt and the resulting output:
$ kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <rsa-private-key.pem> CipherDataID: f1dc124460169a0e85bc300642f866ab1 SignerThumbprint: q5Oqr6GkfG6W2HzcBTee5m0Qjzw=2 CPL Id: 119d8990-2e55-4114-80a2-e53f3403118d3 Key Id: b6276c4b-b832-4984-aab6-250c9e4f91384 Key Type: MDIK5 Not Before: 2007-09-20T03:24:53-00:006 Not After: 2007-10-20T03:24:53-00:007 Key Data: 7f2f711f1b4d44b83e1dd1bf90dc7d8c8
$ schema-check smpte-430-3.xsd <input-file> schema validation successfulIf the KDM is not valid or well formed, the program will report an error. A reported error is cause to fail this test.
element in the
area of the KDM.
section of the certificate as
indicated by 6 in the example certificate.<IssueDate>
; element as shown in 7 of
Example 3.6.Not Before
and Not After
values of the signer certificate to the date in the <IssueDate>
element of the KDM and confirm that it is within the date range. An <IssueDate>
value outside the date ranges
of the certificate is cause to fail this test.<Signer>
element of the KDM is valid.
attribute of the <EncryptionMethod>
for the encrypted key has the value "http://"
attribute of the <EncryptionMethod>
in the <AuthenticatedPrivate>
element for each of the encrypted keys, as indicated by 3 in the example KDM,
is ""
. Any other value in this attribute is cause to
fail this test.
element is in a human-readable language. If the optional xml:lang
attribute is present, the language must match. If the xml:lang
attribute is not present, the language must be English.
element as indicated by 6 in the
Example 3.6 is a human-readable language. The presence of non-human-readable data
or text in a language other than English without that language's corresponding xml:lang
value is cause to fail this test.
element of the <EncryptedKey>
element is not present.
element, the
element is not present. The presence of the <ReferenceList>
element indicates that the KDM
is malformed and is cause to fail this test.
attribute of the <CanonicalizationMethod>
element of the
element in the <Signature>
area of the KDM is
attribute of the
of the <SignedInfo>
element of the <Signature>
element is
, as shown in 2 of Example 3.8. Any other value in this attribute is cause to fail this test.
element of the <Signature>
area of the KDM contains at least two child
elements. The value of the URI
attribute of each <Reference>
element must correspond to the
respective ID
attribute of the digested element. Verify that the URI
attribute of one of the <Reference>
identifies the AuthenticatedPublic
portion of the KDM. Verify that the URI
attribute of one of the <Reference>
element identifies the AuthenticatedPrivate
portion of the KDM.
element of the <Signature>
area of
the KDM has at least two child <Reference>
elements as shown in 4 and 7 of
Example 3.8
The presence of fewer than two <Reference>
elements is cause to fail this test.URI
attribute of one of the <Reference>
element matches the value of the ID
attribute of the
element, as shown by 4 in Example 3.8 and 3 in Example 3.6. The absence of this association in the KDM is cause to fail this test.URI
attribute of one of the <Reference>
element matches the value of the ID
attribute of the
element, as shown by 7 in Example 3.8 and
1 in Example 3.7. The absence of this association in the KDM is cause to fail this test.<SignatureMethod>
element of the <SignedInfo>
element of the <Signature>
area of the
KDM contains the URI value ""
element of the <SignedInfo>
element of the <Signature>
section of the KDM contains the URI value ""
, as shown in 3 of
Example 3.8. Any other value is cause to
fail this test.
elements of the <SignedInfo>
element in the <Signature>
section of the KDM do
not contain a Transforms
elements of the <SignedInfo>
element in
the <Signature>
section of the KDM do not contain a Transforms
attribute. The presence of the Transforms
attribute is cause to fail this test.
attribute of the <DigestMethod>
element of each of the
elements in the <SignedInfo>
element of the <Signature>
section of the KDM is " http://"
attribute of the <DigestMethod>
element of each of the <Reference>
elements is ""
, as
shown in 5 of Example 3.8. Any other value is cause to fail this test.
element is properly encoded, all digests are
properly formed, the <SignatureMethod>
and <CanonicalizationMethod>
in the <SignedInfo>
are correct, and the <Reference>
values are correct. Verify that the signature is valid.
$ schema-check <input-file> smpte-430-3.xsd schema validation successfulIf the KDM is not valid or well formed, the program will report an error. A reported error is reason to fail this test.
element of the KDM contains the string ""
element of the KDM contains the string
as shown in 5 of Example 3.6. Any other value in this element is cause to fail this test.
element of the <Recipient>
element of the <KDMRequiredExtensions>
element in the
of the <Recipient>
element as shown in 11 .<ContentAuthenticator>
element of the <KDMRequiredExtensions>
of the KDM contains one of the certificate thumbprints of one of the certificates in the chain of the signer of the CPL.
element of the
element of the KDM. If the element is not present, this test is considered passed
and the remaining procedure steps are not performed. $ dc-thumbprint <certificate.pem>
value matches one of the thumbprints of the certificate chain of
the signer certificate.<ContentAuthenticator>
with a value that does not match one of the thumbprints is cause to
fail this test.
elements of the <KeyInfo>
elements in the signature portion of the KDM.
element can be achieved by validating
the signature. If the validation is successful then the certificate that signed the KDM is present. The signature can be
validated using the and checksig commands:
$ <kdm-file.kdm.xml> > tmp.xml $ checksig tmp.xmlA KDM that causes checksig to display errors indicates that the signature did not validate and shall be cause to fail this test.
element of the <KeyIdList>
element in the <KDMRequiredExtensions>
is well formed. Verify that the element contains one of the following values: MDIK, MDAK, MDSK, FMIK,
$ schema-check <kdm-file.kdm.xml> smpte-430-1.xsd schema validation successfulIf the KDM is not valid or well formed, the program will report an error. A reported error is cause to fail this test.
element, and verify that the element contains one of:
, as shown in 19 of
Example 3.6 Any other value in this element is cause
to fail this test.<ForensicMarkFlagList>
element contains a list of one or both of the following two
element. The absence
of the element is cause to pass this test and the remainder of this procedure can be skipped. If present, the element must
contain one or both of the following URI values:
is not present.
element is not present. The presence of
the element is cause to fail this test.
element of all <EncryptedKey>
elements in the
section of the KDM are identical.
values are identical in all instances of
elements. The absence of <KeyInfo>
elements is cause to pass this test. The presence of differing
values in <EncryptedKey>
elements is cause to fail this test.
element is in a human-readable language.
If the optional xml:lang
attribute is present, the language must match. If the xml:lang
attribute is not present, the
language must be English.
Using a Text Editor, view the KDM and confirm that the <DeviceListDescription>
element is either absent or
is present and contains human-readable text. The presence of non-human-readable data or text in a language other than
English without that language's corresponding xml:lang
value is cause to fail this test.
element is in a human-readable language. If the optional xml:lang
attribute is present, the language must match. If the xml:lang
attribute is not present, the language must be English.
element as indicated by 13 in the
Example 3.6 is a human-readable language. The presence of non-human-readable data or text in a language other than
English without that language's corresponding xml:lang
value is cause to fail this test.
attribute of the <TypedKeyId>
element of the <KeyIdList>
element is absent or
contains the value
element is either not
present or is present and contains the value
as shown in 19 of Example 3.6 Presence of the scope attribute with any other value is cause to fail this test.
attribute of the <EncryptionMethod>
element of the <EncryptedKey/>
has the value ""
attribute of the <EncryptionMethod>
of the <EncryptedKey/>
element contains the value
as shown in 3 of Example 3.7.
Presence of the Algorithm
attribute with any other value is cause to fail this test.
element in the KDM matches the value in the RSA
protected <EncryptedKey>
structure, and that these values match the value of the <Id>
element in the respective
composition playlist.
$ kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <rsa-private-key.pem>Verify that the
element of the <KDMRequiredExtensions>
element in the
plaintext portion of the KDM contains the same value as the CPL ID present in the RSA protected <EncryptedKey>
structure. Non-identical values shall be cause to fail this test.
and <ContentKeysNotValidAfter>
match their counterparts in the RSA protected <EncryptedKey>
structure and that the values are in UTC format.
$ kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <rsa-private-key.pem>Verify that the
element of the <KDMRequiredExtensions>
element has
the same value as the corresponding field inside the RSA protected EncryptedKey structure, and that it is in UTC format
as specified in [RFC-3339]. Non-identical values shall be cause to fail this test.
Verify that the <ContentKeysNotValidAfter>
element of the <KDMRequiredExtensions>
element has the
same value as the corresponding field inside the RSA protected EncryptedKey structure, and that it is in UTC format as
specified in [RFC-3339]. Non-identical values shall be cause to fail this test.
element of the <KDMRequiredExtensions>
matches a KeyID in the RSA protected <EncryptedKey>
structure and that there are no KeyIDs without corresponding
structures, nor <EncryptedKey>
structures with KeyIDs that are not present in the KeyIDList.
$ kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <rsa-private-key.pem>Compare the list of KeyIDs to the KeyIDs in the RSA protected EncryptedKey structures and verify that each of the KeyIDs in the list correspond to a KeyID in an RSA protected EncryptedKey structure. The presence of KeyIDs in the KeyIDList that do not correspond to a KeyID in an RSA protected EncryptedKey structure shall be cause to fail this test. The presence of a KeyID in an RSA protected EncryptedKey structure that is not also present in the KeyIDList shall be cause to fail this test.
structure is f1dc124460169a0e85bc300642f866ab
$ kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <rsa-private-key.pem>Verify that the plaintext value of the CipherData Structure ID is
. Any
other value shall be cause to fail this test.
element matches the
thumbprint of the certificate that signed the KDM.
$ kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <rsa-private-key.pem>A certificate thumbprint can be calculated using the dc-thumbprint tool included in Section C.1. Calculate the thumbprint with dc-thumbprint, i.e.,
$dc-thumbprint <certificate.pem>Identify the certificate used to sign the KDM and calculate its thumbprint. Compare this thumbprint against the thumbprint decrypted from the
element and confirm that they are the same. Non-identical values shall be cause
to fail this test.
$ kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <rsa-private-key.pem>Verify that the plaintext representation of the
element contains two validity time stamps in UTC
format. Time stamps that are not present or that are not in UTC format shall be cause to fail this test.
element in the other portions of the KDM.
$ kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <rsa-private-key.pem>Verify that the decrypted plaintext value of the CompositionPlaylistID the same as the
element in the AuthenticatedPublic area of the KDM. Mismatching composition playlist IDs shall be cause to fail this test.
elements of the KDM use only the allowed key types (MDIK, MDAK, MDSK, FMIK
and FMAK
), and that they match the plaintext fields in the <TypedKeyId>
element values for the KeyIDs
in the <KeyIdList>
$ kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <rsa-private-key.pem>For each
element, verify that the plaintext representation contains a key type that is one of MDIK, MDAK, MDSK, FMIK
, and that the key type is identical to the key type for the corresponding KeyID in the KeyIDList. A key type that is not either MDIK, MDAK, MDSK, FMIK
shall be cause to fail this test. A key type in
the <EncryptedKey>
element that does not match the key type for the corresponding KeyID in the KeyIDList shall
be cause to fail this test.
element is compliant with [RFC-2253].
element as shown below 8 of
Example 3.6. Verify that any special characters are properly escaped, and the sequence
is correct and valid. Improperly escaped characters or sequences that do not conform to [RFC-2253] shall be cause to
fail this test.
The procedures in this section test the behavior of a KDM decoding device, such as a Security Manager (SM) or a KDM authoring device. The procedures use a generic syntax to instruct the test operator to cause the Test Subject to decode a KDM.
In the case of an SM, the text "Perform an operation..." should be interpreted to mean "Assemble and play a show with DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted)...".
In the case of a KDM authoring device, the text "Perform an operation..." should be interpreted to mean "Perform a KDM read or ingest operation...".
Some of the procedures in this section require test content that is specifically malformed. In some implementations, these malformations may be caught and reported directly by the SMS without involving the SM. Because the purpose of the procedures is to assure that the SM demonstrates the required behavior, the manufacturer of the Test Subject may need to provide special test programs or special SMS testing modes to allow the malformed content to be applied directly to the SM.
element is present and
not empty.
element with child content. Verify that the operation is successful. A failed operation
shall be cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Maximum Number of DCP Keys" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Certificate Presence Check" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
elements are present in the <EncryptedKey>
elements of the
area of the KDM, the Test Subject verifies that they all match, and that the Test Subject
rejects the KDM if they do not match.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
value. If the operation succeeds this is cause to fail this test.KDMKeysReceived
associated with the above steps and:
parameter contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the signing certificate of
KDM with invalid MessageType. Verify that ReferencedIDs
contains a KeyDeliveryMessageID
parameter with
a value that is the MessageId
of KDM with invalid MessageType. Failure of any verification shall be cause
to fail this test.contentId
element contains the Id
of DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted). Verify that the value of the SignerID
parameter contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the signing certificate of
KDM with expired Signer certificate.
Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the Id
DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted) and KeyDeliveryMessageID
parameter with a value that is the MessageId
of KDM with expired Signer certificate. Failure of any verification shall be cause to fail this test.KDMFormatError
exception in each KDMKeysReceived
log record. Record
any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing KDMFormatError
exception in any of
the associated KDMKeysReceivedlog
records shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
associated with the above steps and:
element contains the Id
of DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted). Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the Id
of DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted)
and KeyDeliveryMessageID
parameter with a value that is the MessageId
of the KDM used. Missing
required elements or incorrect parameters shall be cause to fail this test.SignerId
parameter contains the Certificate Thumbprint of
the signing certificate of the KDM.SignatureError
exception in each KDMKeysReceived
log record. Record
any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing SignatureError
exception in any of
the associated KDMKeysReceived
log records shall be cause to fail this test.KDMKeysReceived
associated with the above step and:
element contains the Id
of DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted). Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the Id
of DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted)
and KeyDeliveryMessageID
parameter with a value that is the MessageId
of the KDM used. Missing
required elements or incorrect parameters shall be cause to fail this test.CertFormatError
exception in the KDMKeysReceived
log record. Record
any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing CertFormatError
exception in the
associated KDMKeysReceived
log record shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
element is present and not empty.
element with child content. Verify that the operation is successful. A
failed operation shall be cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
elements are present in the <EncryptedKey>
elements of the
area of the KDM, the OBAE-capable Test Subject verifies that they all match,
and that the OBAE-capable Test Subject rejects the KDM if they do not match.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
value. If the operation succeeds this is cause to fail this test.
events associated with the above steps and:
parameter contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the signing
certificate of KDM with invalid MessageType (OBAE). Verify that ReferencedIDs
contains a KeyDeliveryMessageID
parameter with a value that is the MessageId
of KDM with invalid MessageType (OBAE). Failure of any verification shall be
cause to fail this test.
element contains the Id
of DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted). Verify that the value of the SignerID
parameter contains the Certificate
Thumbprint of the signing certificate of KDM with expired Signer certificate (OBAE). Verify that
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the
of DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted) and KeyDeliveryMessageID
parameter with a value that is the MessageId
of KDM with expired Signer certificate (OBAE).
Failure of any verification shall be cause to fail this test.
exception in each KDMKeysReceived
record. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing KDMFormatError
exception in any of the associated KDMKeysReceivedlog
records shall be cause to fail this
test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
associated with the above steps and:
element contains the
of DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted). Verify that
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the
of DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted) and
parameter with a value that is the MessageId
of the KDM used.
Missing required elements or incorrect parameters shall be cause to fail this test.SignerId
contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the signing certificate of the KDM.SignatureError
exception in each KDMKeysReceived
record. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing SignatureError
exception in any of the associated KDMKeysReceived
log records shall be cause to fail this
associated with the above step and:
element contains the
of DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted). Verify that
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the
of DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted) and
parameter with a value that is the MessageId
of the KDM used.
Missing required elements or incorrect parameters shall be cause to fail this test.CertFormatError
exception in the KDMKeysReceived
record. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing CertFormatError
exception in the associated KDMKeysReceived
log record shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The DCP is the file format for d-cinema content. Entire suites of standards documents from SMPTE define this format, most notably the 428 and 429 multi-part documents. In addition, many IETF documents and some ISO documents are referenced from the SMPTE works. Reading and understanding all of these documents is a substantial task, but it is essential knowledge for accurate and efficient analysis of d-cinema files
In the following procedures, simple tools are used to display the contents of d-cinema files. Example output from these tools is shown with descriptions of the features that will be interesting to the Test Operator. In addition to the tools used in this text, the Test Operator may use more sophisticated methods so long as the results obtained are equivalent to the procedures presented here. The reader should also note that a programmer's Text Editor and a binary viewer or editor are essential tools for direct inspection of data.
D-cinema track files and composition playlists are identified by unique, embedded identifiers. These identifiers, called UUIDs, are defined by [RFC-4122]. d-cinema XML files use UUIDs to refer to other d-cinema XML files and MXF files (assets). When d-cinema assets are written to a filesystem, a mechanism is needed to relate the UUID values to filename values in the filesystem. An Asset Map is an XML document that provides a mapping from UUID values to filesystem paths. When a d-cinema package is written to a volume, an Asset Map is created that includes the size and location of every file in the package1.
Along with the Asset Map, each volume has a Volume Index file. The Volume Index file is used to differentiate volumes in a multiple-volume distribution. Both Asset Maps and Volume Indexes are XML files (as described in Section 3.1). The formats of the Asset Map file and the Volume Index file are specified in [SMPTE-429-9]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>1 <AssetMap xmlns="">2 <Id>urn:uuid:425e93f7-bca2-4255-b8ec-8c7d16fc8881</Id>3 <Creator> Packaging Tools v1.0 </Creator>4 <VolumeCount>1</VolumeCount>5 <IssueDate>2007-07-06T18:25:42-00:00</IssueDate>6 <Issuer>user@host</Issuer>7 <AssetList>8 <Asset>9 <Id>urn:uuid:034b95b0-7424-420f-bbff-a875a79465a5</Id>10 <PackingList>true</PackingList>11 <ChunkList>12 <Chunk>13 <Path>perfect_movie_domestic_51.pkl.xml</Path>14 <VolumeIndex>1</VolumeIndex>15 <Offset>0</Offset>16 <Length>14366</Length>17 </Chunk> </ChunkList> </Asset> <Asset> <Id>urn:uuid:4f89a209-919b-4f21-a1d6-21ad32581115</Id> <ChunkList> <Chunk> <Path>perfect_movie_j2c_r01.mxf</Path> <VolumeIndex>1</VolumeIndex> <Offset>0</Offset> <Length>342162304</Length> </Chunk> </ChunkList> </Asset> <Asset> <Id>urn:uuid:e522f7b6-6731-4df5-a80e-8cfd74f82219</Id> <ChunkList> <Chunk> <Path>perfect_movie_wav_r01.mxf</Path> <VolumeIndex>1</VolumeIndex> <Offset>0</Offset> <Length>34591246</Length> </Chunk> </ChunkList> </Asset> [additional assets omitted for brevity] ... </AssetList> </AssetMap>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>1 <VolumeIndex xmlns="">2 <Index>1</Index>3 </VolumeIndex>
. Verify that the Asset
Map validates against the schema defined in [SMPTE-429-9].
is cause to fail this test.ASSETMAP.xml
against the schema in [SMPTE-429-9].
Failure to correctly validate is cause to fail this test. For more information on schema validation see
Section 1.4:
Conventions and PracticesE.g.:
$ cd / $ ls -F ASSETMAP.xml PKL_c2434860-7dab-da2b-c39f-5df000eb2335.xml J2K_a13c59ec-f720-1d1f-b78f-9bdea4968c7d_video.mxf WAV_22d190bd-f43b-a420-a12e-2bf29a737521_audio.mxf ... $ $ schema-check ASSETMAP.xml smpte-429-9.xsd schema validation successful $
. Verify that the
Volume Index file validates against the schema defined in [SMPTE-429-9].
is cause to fail this test.VOLINDEX.xml
against the schema in [SMPTE-429-9].
Failure to correctly validate is cause to fail this test. For more information on schema validation see Section 1.4:
Conventions and Practices.$ cd / $ ls -F VOLINDEX.xml PKL_c2434860-7dab-da2b-c39f-5df000eb2335.xml J2K_a13c59ec-f720-1d1f-b78f-9bdea4968c7d_video.mxf WAV_22d190bd-f43b-a420-a12e-2bf29a737521_audio.mxf ... $ $ schema-check VOLINDEX.xml smpte-429-9.xsd schema validation successful $
The Packing List (PKL) is an XML document (see Section 3.1) that specifies the contents of a d-cinema Package. It contains the UUID, file type (MXF track file, CPL, etc.), and a message digest of each file in the DCP. This information is used to ensure that all of the expected files have been included and have not been modified or corrupted in transit. The format of the Packing List file is specified by [SMPTE-429-8].
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>1 <PackingList xmlns="">2 <Id>urn:uuid:59430cd7-882d-48e8-a026-aef4b6253dfc</Id>3 <AnnotationText>Perfect Movie DCP</AnnotationText>4 <IssueDate>2007-07-25T18:21:31-00:00</IssueDate>5 <Issuer>user@host</Issuer>6 <Creator>Packaging Tools v1.0</Creator>7 <AssetList>8 <Asset>9 <Id>urn:uuid:24d73510-3481-4ae5-b8a5-30d9eeced9c1</Id>10 <Hash>AXufMKY7NyZcfSXQ9sCZls5dSyE=</Hash>11 <Size>32239753</Size>12 <Type>application/mxf</Type>13 </Asset> <Asset> <Id>urn:uuid:456e547d-af92-4abc-baf3-c4d730bbcd65</Id> <Hash>kAAo0kXYVDBJUphIID89zauv50w=</Hash> <Size>86474446</Size> <Type>application/mxf</Type> </Asset> <Asset> <Id>urn:uuid:e4a4e438-63ec-46cb-b9aa-43acee787d79</Id> <Hash>kt5bP8y4zmHNAY1qVnujItAb4sY=</Hash> <Size>12163</Size> <Type>text/xml</Type> </Asset> <Asset> <Id>urn:uuid:3d445456-54d5-42bc-a7cc-a8c00b20ffb7</Id> <Hash>AQWMKCxxMv001zTS3Y3Oj8M+d9s=</Hash> <Size>62500144</Size> <Type>application/mxf</Type> </Asset> [Remaining assets and signature omitted for brevity] </AssetList> [Signature omitted for brevity] </PackingList>
attribute of the <AnnotationText>
element is not present, or present with a value
of "en", that the Annotation text is in human-readable English.$ <input-file> smpte-429-8.xsd schema validation successful $
4 element is not present, or present with a value of "en", that the contents of the <AnnotationText>
4 element is human readable English. Failure to meet this
requirement is cause to fail this test.
$ vi <input-file> ... <AnnotationText>Perfect Movie Reel #1 Picture</AnnotationText> ... <AnnotationText language="en">Perfect Movie Reel #1 Sound</AnnotationText> ... :q $
$ <input-file> all UUIDs conform to RFC-4122 $
file is available,
otherwise the tester will need to devise a method for locating the relevant assets. For each of the <Asset>
9 elements contained in the Packing List, compare the contents of the child <Id>
10 element with the contents of the ASSETMAP.xml
file to discover the path to the asset. List the file size of the referenced asset and verify that
it is identical to the value of the child <Size>
12 element inside the <Asset>
element. One or more failures to verify the file sizes is cause to fail this test.$ <pkl-file.pkl.xml> > tmp.xml $ checksig tmp.xml The supplied signature is valid $
The Composition Playlist (CPL) is an XML document (see Section 3.1) that contains the information necessary to reproduce a composition. It contains metadata about the composition such as the title and the rating, and references to the track files that contain the composition's essence. The format of the Composition Playlist file is specified by [SMPTE-429-7].
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>1 <CompositionPlaylist xmlns="">2 <Id>urn:uuid:20670ba3-d4c7-4539-ac3e-71e874d4d7d1</Id>3 <IssueDate>2007-07-25T00:35:03-00:00</IssueDate>4 <Issuer>user@host</Issuer>5 <Creator> Packaging Tools v1.0 </Creator>6 <ContentTitleText>Perfect Movie</ContentTitleText>7 <ContentKind>feature</ContentKind>8 <ContentVersion>0 <Id>urn:uuid:e5a1b4dc-faf3-461b-a5e2-9d33088b1b28</Id>10 <LabelText>Perfect Movie - Domestic - US 5.1 </LabelText>11 </ContentVersion> <RatingList />12 <ReelList>13 <Reel>14 <Id>urn:uuid:f62cffe9-2da7-4d28-b73e-f21c816ab02f</Id>15 <AssetList>16 <MainPicture>17 <Id>urn:uuid:93270dd0-8675-42fa-9ce8-34b61c963997</Id>18 <EditRate>24 1</EditRate>19 <IntrinsicDuration>480</IntrinsicDuration>20 <EntryPoint>0</EntryPoint>21 <Duration>480</Duration>22 <FrameRate>24 1</FrameRate>23 <ScreenAspectRatio>1998 1080</ScreenAspectRatio>24 </MainPicture>25 <MainSound>26 <Id>urn:uuid:e33b7b37-da90-4429-88af-5c5b63506017</Id> <EditRate>24 1</EditRate> <IntrinsicDuration>2880</IntrinsicDuration> <EntryPoint>120</EntryPoint> <Duration>2760</Duration> </MainSound> </AssetList> </Reel> </ReelList> [Additional reel data and CPL Signature omitted for brevity] </CompositionPlaylist>
element contains at least one instance of the <Rating>
element, which in turn contains two
elements, <Agency>, that contains a URI that represents the agency that issued the rating, and <Label>
, that contains
the rating$ schema-check <input-file> smpte-429-7.xsd schema validation successful $
$ <cpl-file.cpl.xml> > tmp.xml $ checksig tmp.xml The supplied signature is valid $
value is listed. If an Asset
Id occurs more than once in the CPL, verify that the same <KeyId>
is utilized throughout.<KeyId>
is associated with only one Asset Id.<KeyId>
value) make
a list of all Asset Id values and the associated <KeyId>
. If Asset Ids are repeated in the CPL, the
same <KeyId>
should be associated for that Asset every time. Any deviation is cause to fail this test.<KeyId>
is associated with exactly one Asset Id (i.e. a particular Decryption
Key should only be associated with one, unique Asset). Any deviation is cause to fail this test.A Track File is a container for encoded essence. In the d-cinema system, each Track File contains a single track of a single type of essence. For example, a Track File may contain images or sound or timed text, but never more than one type of essence2.
D-cinema Track Files are based on the Material eXchange Format (MXF). MXF is a file metaformat, i.e., a file format for creating file formats. While the various d-cinema Track File formats represent different methods of encoding essence data, the arrangement of metadata within the files is syntactically similar. This section will provide an overview of MXF as used for d-cinema applications. Readers looking for more detailed technical information are referred to [SMPTE-377-1]
Before diving head-first into examining MXF files, it is important to understand the structure of the files. This section will briefly describe the contents of some example MXF files by displaying the files' header metadata using the klvwalk software utility from the free ASDCPLib software package.
Briefly, an MXF file [SMPTE-377-1] contains a sequence of Key-Length-Value (KLV) packets. Some packets carry essence and some carry metadata. MXF files are divided into partitions. Each partition is comprised of a set of KLV packets. The first KLV packet in each partition is a Partition Pack.
The number of partitions in a digital cinema sound or picture Track File is usually three (Timed Text Track Files may have more than three partitions). The first partition in an MXF file contains the metadata which describe the coding parameters of the essence and the MXF file itself. The second partition contains the essence data as a sequence of KLV-wrapped frames. The final partition contains the index table
To display the metadata in the header partition of an MXF file testfile.mxf
, use klvwalk like so
$ klvwalk -r testfile.mxf ...
The following sections illustrate the expected output
As shown in Example 4.5, the first structure to be output is the Partition Pack of the Header Partition. This structure documents the MXF version that the file conforms to and provides a description of the general architecture to be found inside
06.0e.2b. len: 120 (ClosedCompleteHeader)1 MajorVersion = 1 MinorVersion = 2 KAGSize = 1 ThisPartition = 0 PreviousPartition = 0 FooterPartition = 218362864 HeaderByteCount = 16244 IndexByteCount = 0 IndexSID = 0 BodyOffset = 0 BodySID = 1 OperationalPattern = 060e2b34.0401.0101.0d010201.100000002 Essence Containers:3 060e2b34.0401.0103.0d010301.027f0100 060e2b34.0401.0107.0d010301.020b0100
The following table gives the list of valid Essence Container ULs for d-cinema Track File
UL Value | Container Type |
060e2b34.0401.0101.0d010301.02060100 | Linear PCM Audio [SMPTE-429-3], [SMPTE-382] |
060e2b34.0401.0107.0d010301.020c0100 | JPEG 2000 Images [SMPTE-429-4] |
060e2b34.0401.010a.0d010301.02130101 | Timed Text [SMPTE-429-5] |
060e2b34.0204.0101.0d010301.027e0100 | Encrypted Essence [SMPTE-429-6] |
An MXF file may contain zero or more continuous segments of essence data. Each segment is described by a Source Package structure. Per [SMPTE-429-3], MXF files for digital cinema must contain exactly one top-level Source Package (thus one segment of essence), referred to in MXF jargon as a File Package. Example 4.6 shows a Source Package structure that points to JPEG 2000 essence data.
06.0e.2b. len: 294 (SourcePackage)1 InstanceUID = 42b5a376-c740-42e2-99f1-4ec782c4837e PackageUID = [060a2b34.0101.0105.01010f20],13,00,00,00, [b4f492cd.b89b.0f65.490c35ec.5f6340b7]2 Name = File Package: SMPTE 429-4 frame wrapping of JPEG 2000 codestreams PackageCreationDate = 2007-03-21 07:42:04.000 PackageModifiedDate = 2007-03-21 07:42:04.000 Tracks:3 9227a330-7e64-4c90-b4ef-d057ed6ef159 0de983e3-255b-4d26-bde7-f33c530c077d 54e13d93-abcf-4869-b008-c59573b8d01d Descriptor = c6a35640-d6d8-433c-82c9-23df2eae93114
If the MXF file contains encrypted essence, the header metadata will contain one Cryptographic Framework set with a link to a single Cryptographic Context set (defined in [SMPTE-429-6]). These structures are shown in Example 4.7
06.0e.2b. len: 40 (CryptographicFramework)1 InstanceUID = b98ca683-2e49-4e6a-88ff-af33910ba334 ContextSR = 8dcd2f7b-fd0b-4602-bae7-806c82dcfd94 06.0e.2b. len: 120 (CryptographicContext)2 InstanceUID = 8dcd2f7b-fd0b-4602-bae7-806c82dcfd94 ContextID = 3472d593-e9ff-4b2e-84ca-5303b5ce53f7 SourceEssenceContainer = 060e2b34.0401.0107.0d010301.020c01003 CipherAlgorithm = 060e2b34.0401.0107.02090201.010000004 MICAlgorithm = 060e2b34.0401.0107.02090202.010000005 CryptographicKeyID = c030f37a-bf84-496b-bdc2-81744205a9446
If the MXF file contains image essence for DCI-compliant digital cinema, the header metadata will contain an RGBA Essence Descriptor (defined in [SMPTE-377-1], with a strong link to a JPEG 2000 Picture SubDescriptor (defined in [SMPTE-422]. These structures are shown in Example 4.8
06.0e.2b. len: 169 (RGBAEssenceDescriptor)1 InstanceUID = 18a47da5-53d1-4785-a91e-41155753a02f Locators: SubDescriptors: 05f80258-beb2-4769-b99a-af4d6c3895da LinkedTrackID = 2 SampleRate = 24/12 ContainerDuration = 7203 EssenceContainer = 060e2b34.0401.0107.0d010301.020c0100 Codec = 00000000.0000.0000.00000000.00000000 FrameLayout = 0 StoredWidth = 20484 StoredHeight = 10805 AspectRatio = 2048/1080 PictureEssenceCoding = 060e2b34.0401.0109.04010202.030101036 ComponentMaxRef = 4095 ComponentMinRef = 0 06.0e.2b. len: 174 (JPEG2000PictureSubDescriptor)7 InstanceUID = 05f80258-beb2-4769-b99a-af4d6c3895da Rsize = 3 Xsize = 2048 Ysize = 1080 XOsize = 0 YOsize = 0 XTsize = 2048 YTsize = 1080 XTOsize = 0 YTOsize = 0 Csize = 3 PictureComponentSizing = 00000003000000030b01010b01010b0101 CodingStyleDefault = 01040001010503030000778888888888 QuantizationDefault = 227f187f007f007ebc76ea76ea76bc6f4c6f4c6f645803580358455fd25fd25f61
If the MXF file contains audio essence for DCI-compliant digital cinema, the header metadata will contain a Wave Audio Descriptor (defined in [SMPTE-382]). This structure is shown in Example 4.9.
06.0e.2b. len: 134 (WaveAudioDescriptor)1 InstanceUID = 0b7eac6c-85e2-47e4-b0bf-b3e60f6e6cd7 Locators: SubDescriptors: LinkedTrackID = 2 SampleRate = 24/12 ContainerDuration = 5283 EssenceContainer = 060e2b34.0401.0101.0d010301.02060100 AudioSamplingRate = 48000/14 Locked = 0 AudioRefLevel = 0 ChannelCount = 65 QuantizationBits = 246 DialNorm = 0 BlockAlign = 187 SequenceOffset = 0 AvgBps = 144000
All d-cinema Track Files end with a Random Index Pack (RIP). The RIP provides a lookup table that gives the location of all partitions in the file for easy random access. The number of partitions shown by the RIP should be three if the MXF file is a sound or picture Track File, and may be more than three for a Timed Text Track File.
06.0e.2b. len: 40 (RandomIndexMetadata)11
0 : 0
1 : 16384
0 : 110688380
$ asdcp-test -i -v <input-file> ... SampleRate: 24/1 ... ContainerDuration: 528 ... $
$ asdcp-test -i -v PerfectMovie-j2c-pt.mxf File essence type is JPEG 2000 pictures. ProductUUID: 43059a1d-0432-4101-b83f-736815acf31d ProductVersion: Unreleased 1.1.13 CompanyName: DCI ProductName: asdcplib EncryptedEssence: No AssetUUID: 0e676fb1-951b-45c4-8334-ed2c59199815 Label Set Type: SMPTE AspectRatio: 2048/1080 EditRate: 24/1 StoredWidth: 2048 StoredHeight: 1080 Rsize: 3 Xsize: 2048 Ysize: 1080 XOsize: 0 YOsize: 0 XTsize: 2048 YTsize: 1080 XTOsize: 0 YTOsize: 0 ContainerDuration: 240 Color Components: 11.1.1 11.1.1 11.1.1 Default Coding (16): 01040001010503030000778888888888 Quantization Default (33): 227f187f007f007ebc76ea76ea76bc6f4c6f4c6f645803580358455fd25fd25f61
$ asdcp-test -x first -d 1 -f 0 PerfectMovie-j2c-pt.mxf $ asdcp-test -x last -d 1 -f 239 PerfectMovie-j2c-pt.mxf $ ls first000000.j2c last000239.j2c PerfectMovie-j2c-pt.mxf
$ j2c-scan frame000000.j2c digital cinema profile: none rsiz capabilities: standard pixel offset from top-left corner: (0, 0) tile width/height in pixels: (2048, 1080) image width/height in tiles: (1, 1) tile #1 coding style: 1 progression order: Component-Position-Resolution-Layer POC marker flag: 0 number of quality layers: 1 rate for layer #1: 0.0 multi-component transform flag: 1 ...
to display the length of
every WAVEssence set (UL value 060e2b34.0102.0101.0d010301.16010101
) and checking that each frame
contains the appropriate number of bytes. The expected number of Audio Bytes per frame can be calculated by using the
formula len=BPS*Ch*SPF, where BPS is the number of Bytes Per Sample (BPS=3), Ch is the number of Audio Channels
in the DCP, and SPF is the number of Samples Per Frame value taken from Table 4.2.
If any frame has an actual len
that differs from the expected value, calculated from the formula, this is cause to fail
this test.
The example below shows eight frames of a composition containing six channels of 48kHz samples at 24fps, completely wrapped in KLV triplets (3 * 6 * 2000 = 36000).
$klvwalk PerfectMovie-pcm-pt.mxf ... 060e2b34.0102.0101.0d010301.16010101 len: 36000 (WAVEssence) 060e2b34.0102.0101.0d010301.16010101 len: 36000 (WAVEssence) 060e2b34.0102.0101.0d010301.16010101 len: 36000 (WAVEssence) 060e2b34.0102.0101.0d010301.16010101 len: 36000 (WAVEssence) 060e2b34.0102.0101.0d010301.16010101 len: 36000 (WAVEssence) 060e2b34.0102.0101.0d010301.16010101 len: 36000 (WAVEssence) 060e2b34.0102.0101.0d010301.16010101 len: 36000 (WAVEssence) 060e2b34.0102.0101.0d010301.16010101 len: 36000 (WAVEssence) ...The possible values for the Samples/Frame are shown in table below.
FPS | Sample Rate | Samples/Frames |
24 | 28 kHz | 2000 |
24 | 96 kHz | 4000 |
48 | 48 kHz | 1000 |
48 | 96 kHz | 2000 |
$ klvwalk -r PerfectMovie-j2c-pt.mxf ... 060e2b34.0253.0101.0d010101.01012900 len: 169 (RGBAEssenceDescriptor) InstanceUID = 82141918-ce1b-47a5-ac13-c47cfb2e51a7 GenerationUID = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Locators: SubDescriptors: 92e96e5e-6bef-4985-8117-7dfa541f96fa LinkedTrackID = 2 SampleRate = 24/1 ContainerDuration = 240 EssenceContainer = 060e2b34.0401.0107.0d010301.020c0100 Codec = 060e2b34.0401.0109.04010202.03010103 FrameLayout = 0 StoredWidth = 2048 StoredHeight = 1080 AspectRatio = 2048/1080 ComponentMaxRef = 4095 ComponentMinRef = 0 ...The valid Image Structure Container values are shown in table below.
Operational level | Maximum Horizontal Pixels | MaximumVertical Pixels | Frames per Second |
1 | 4096 | 2160 | 24 |
2 | 2048 | 1080 | 48 |
3 | 2048 | 1080 | 24 |
$ asdcp-test -d 1 -x frame j2c/PerfectMovie-j2c-pt.mxf $ j2c-scan frame_000001.j2c coding parameters digital cinema profile: none rsiz capabilities: standard pixel offset from top-left corner: (0, 0) tile width/height in pixels: (2048, 1080) image width/height in tiles: (1, 1) ...
of the MXF RGBAEssenceDescriptor
6 in Example 4.8) is one of:
(for 2K images) or
(for 4K images).
$ asdcp-test -x frame j2c/PerfectMovie-j2c-pt.mxf $ ls j2c frame000000.j2c frame000057.j2c frame000124.j2c frame000191.j2c frame000001.j2c frame000058.j2c frame000125.j2c frame000192.j2c frame000002.j2c frame000059.j2c frame000126.j2c frame000192.j2c frame000003.j2c frame000060.j2c frame000127.j2c frame000194.j2c ...
$ j2c-scan frame000000.j2c digital cinema profile: none rsiz capabilities: standard pixel offset from top-left corner: (0, 0) tile width/height in pixels: (2048, 1080) image width/height in tiles: (1, 1) tile #1 coding style: 1 progression order: Component-Position-Resolution-Layer POC marker flag: 0 number of quality layers: 1 rate for layer #1: 0.0 multi-component transform flag: 1 ...
. An example is shown below.
$ klvwalk -r PerfectMovie-pcm-pt.mxf ... 060e2b34.0253.0101.0d010101.01014800 len: 134 (WaveAudioDescriptor) InstanceUID = e1c4c755-2c3e-4274-a3bf-581aadd63a4b GenerationUID = 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 Locators: SubDescriptors: LinkedTrackID = 2 SampleRate = 24/1 ContainerDuration = 480 EssenceContainer = 060e2b34.0401.0101.0d010301.02060100 Codec = 00000000.0000.0000.00000000.00000000 AudioSamplingRate = 48000/1 Locked = 0 AudioRefLevel = 0 ChannelCount = 6 QuantizationBits = 24 DialNorm = 0 BlockAlign = 18 SequenceOffset = 0 AvgBps = 144000 ...Verify the following:
. Any other value
is cause to fail this test. ChannelCount * 3
. Any other value is cause to fail this test.AudioSamplingRate * ChannelCount * 3
. Any other value
is cause to fail this test. $ schema-check testfile.xml S428-7-2007.xsd $
$ ftlint 1 font_file.otf font_file.otf: OK. $
$ identify -verbose subpicture_0001.png Image: subpicture_0001.png Format: PNG (Portable Network Graphics) Geometry: 120x420 Class: DirectClass Colorspace: RGB Type: GrayscaleMatte Depth: 8 bits ...
element of the <Asset>
element. Inconsistency is cause to fail this test.<Hash>
element of the <Asset>element. Inconsistency is cause to fail this
test. The following is an example using the asdcp-test software utility:
$ asdcp-test -t PerfectMovie-j2c-pt.mxf t0MirEHOVFF4Mi1IP0iYVjrvb14= PerfectMovie-j2c-pt.mxf
This chapter contains test procedures of security features that apply to more than one type of device. Procedures are given for Type 1 and Type 2 Secure Processing Block (SPB) physical security requirements, Intra-theater communications, and security log reporting.
The test procedures in this section apply to any device or component that is classified as a Type 1 or Type 2 SPB.
If the Test Subject is a Media Block:
Roles listed in the Subject Common Name | DigitalSignature flag | KeyEncipherment flag |
includes the SM and MIC roles, but does not include any of the LS and RES roles | false | true |
includes the SM, MIC and RES roles, but does not include the LS role | false | true |
includes LS role | true | false |
For any other Test Subject:
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
24.4. SDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.4. HDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.4. SDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.4. HDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "SPB Type 2 Security Perimeter" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SPB Type 2 Secure Silicon" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "TLS Session Initiation" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Auditorium Security Message Support" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM Failure Behavior" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'RRP Invalid'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'GetTime'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'GetEventList'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'GetEventID'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'LEKeyLoad'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'LEKeyQueryID'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'LEKeyQueryAll'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'LEKeyPurgeID'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'LEKeyPurgeAll'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "ASM 'GetProjCert'" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "TLS Exception Logging" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Secure Processing Block (SPB) modules are required to provide event log reports on demand. The log reports are XML documents (see Section 3.1) having a structure defined by [SMPTE-430-4]. This section will describe the report format and present procedures for testing general operational requirements for event logging.
The method of generating a log report will vary between implementations. Consult the manufacturer's documentation for log report generation instructions.
Standard d-cinema log reports are encoded as XML documents per [SMPTE-430-4]. The reports consist of a preamble, which identifies the device that created the report, and a sequence of log records. In log reports which contain security events (Security Event Logs), some of the log records may contain XML Signature elements. The report format includes many unique security features; the reader should study [SMPTE-430-4] in detail to understand how log authentication works.
The following subsections detail the major features of a log report
A collection of one or more log records is presented as an XML document having a single LogReport
element as
the top-level element. The log report begins with reportDate
and reportingDevice
elements. The contents
of the elements identify the time the log was created and the device that created the log
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <LogReport1 xmlns=""2 xmlns:dcml=""> <reportDate>2007-05-04T09:30:47-08:00</reportDate>3 <reportingDevice>4 <dcml:DeviceIdentifier idtype="CertThumbprint">YmVsc3dpY2tAZW50ZXJ0ZWNoLmNvbQ== </dcml:DeviceIdentifier> <dcml:DeviceTypeID scope="">SM </dcml:DeviceTypeID> <dcml:AdditionalID>vnqteTcB2Gji\+1Hl23sxxgOqvwE=</dcml:AdditionalID>5 <dcml:DeviceSerial>000000042</dcml:DeviceSerial>6 <dcml:ManufacturerCertID>rlpve6MSncWouNIpFcTSIhk6w2A=</dcml:ManufacturerCertID>7 <dcml:DeviceCertID>9czqa+0orIADHDIYxAkn/IcmZ3o=</dcml:DeviceCertID> <dcml:ManufacturerName>Acme Digital Cinema Inc.</dcml:ManufacturerName> <dcml:DeviceName>Mojo Media Block</dcml:DeviceName> <dcml:ModelNumber>MB-3000</dcml:ModelNumber> <dcml:VersionInfo> <dcml:Name>Bootloader</dcml:Name> <dcml:Value></dcml:Value> <dcml:Name>Security Module</dcml:Name> <dcml:Value></dcml:Value> </dcml:VersionInfo> </reportingDevice>
element is the root element of a log report document.LogRecord
and DCML namespaces are usedEach event contained in the log report is encoded as a LogRecordElement
element. This element type has three
major sub-elements: LogRecordHeader
, LogRecordBody
, and LogRecordSignature
. The first two are
shown in the example below, the last is the subject of the next section.
The log record element defined in [SMPTE-430-4] is known by two names. The correct name to use depends
on context. Testing a candidate document against the LogRecord
schema will verify correct use. When a log
record (defined as the complex type logRecordType
in the LogRecord
schema) appears as a sub-element of a
element, the record element name is LogRecordElement
. When a log record appears as the root
element of an XML document, the record element name is LogRecord
<LogRecordElement1 xmlns="" xmlns:dcml=""> <LogRecordHeader> <EventID>urn:uuid:8a221dfc-f5c6-426d-a2b8-9f6ff1cc6e31</EventID>2 <TimeStamp>2005-12-17T10:45:00-05:00</TimeStamp>3 <EventSequence>1000003</EventSequence>4 <DeviceSourceID> <dcml:PrimaryID idtype="CertThumbprint">kkqiVpDUAggQDHyHz0x9cDcsseU=</dcml:PrimaryID> </DeviceSourceID> <EventClass></EventClass>5 <EventType scope="">Key</EventType>6 <contentId>urn:uuid:733365c3-2d44-4f93-accd-43cb39b0cedf</contentId>7 <previousHeaderHash>9czqa+0orIADHDIYxAkn/IcmZ3o=</previousHeaderHash>8 <recordBodyHash>9czqa+0orIADHDIYxAkn/IcmZ3o=</recordBodyHash>9 </LogRecordHeader> <LogRecordBody> <EventID>urn:uuid:8a221dfc-f5c6-426d-a2b8-9f6ff1cc6e31</EventID> <EventSubType scope=""> KDMKeysReceived </EventSubType>10 <Parameters>11 <dcml:Parameter> <dcml:Name>SignerID</dcml:Name> <dcml:Value xsi:type="ds:DigestValueType">rlpve6MSncWouNIpFcTSIhk6w2A=</dcml:Value> </dcml:Parameter> </Parameters> <Exceptions>12 <dcml:Parameter> <dcml:Name>KDMFormatError</dcml:Name> <dcml:Value xsi:type="xs:string">XML validation failed on line 36</dcml:Value> </dcml:Parameter> </Exceptions> <ReferencedIDs>13 <ReferencedID> <IDName>CompositionID</IDName> <IDValue>urn:uuid:64bb6972-13a0-1348-a5e3-ae45420ea57d</IDValue> </ReferencedID> <ReferencedID> <IDName>KeyDeliveryMessageID</IDName> <IDValue>urn:uuid:64bb6972-13a0-1348-a5e3-ae45420ea57d</IDValue> </ReferencedID> </ReferencedIDs> </LogRecordBody> </LogRecordElement>
element contains a single log record, corresponding to a single system event. If the
log record is the root element of an XML document, the element name will be LogRecord
element in the record that preceded this one in the report. This element
should not be used in a stand-alone LogRecord
element contained within the same parent LogRecordElement
elementAn XML Signature is used to create a tamper-proof encoding. The signature is made over the contents of the
element as shown in the following example. The RecordAuthData
element contains the
digest of the containing record's LogRecordHeader
element. Consult [SMPTE-430-4] for details on extending
the signature's proof of authenticity to preceding records via the contents of the header's previousHeaderHash
<LogRecordSignature>1 <HeaderPlacement>stop</HeaderPlacement> <SequenceLength>2</SequenceLength> <RecordAuthData Id="ID_RecordAuthData">2 <RecordHeaderHash>SG93IE1hbnkgTW9yZSBSZXZpc2lvbnM/</RecordHeaderHash>3 <SignerCertInfo>4 <ds:X509IssuerName>CN=DistCo-ca,OU=DistCo-ra,O=DistCo-ra, dnQualifier=vnqteTcB2Gji\+1Hl23sxxgOqvwE=</ds:X509IssuerName> <ds:X509SerialNumber>16580</ds:X509SerialNumber> </SignerCertInfo> </RecordAuthData> <Signature>5 <ds:SignedInfo> <ds:CanonicalizationMethod Algorithm="" /> <ds:SignatureMethod Algorithm="" /> <ds:Reference URI="#ID_RecordAuthData"> <ds:DigestMethod Algorithm="" /> <ds:DigestValue>VGhpcyBvbmx5IHRvb2sgdHdvIHllYXJz</ds:DigestValue> </ds:Reference> </ds:SignedInfo> <ds:SignatureValue> Vqe6MS0pHovkfqhHlkt/NNEI1GGchCW/EyqxOccSenuzNQc63qL+VIQoIJCcwgnE0i/w/8bIgjfB PrsOW5M3zlR0eAZc7tt6f7q50taNmC+O2wfATVXqEE8KC32qO//NQHuOL6bLLH+12oqgR5fS/mlI /wpn8s/pAtGA9lAXDRp03EVOvzwq0m9AjzOxIbgzGg6AIY0airJ1gecT1qccb1zGQjB81pr3ctlp ECchubtSCqh+frRn4CZc4ZRMLhjnax/zwHIG4ExiMCEKbwaz7DwN8zv1yoPUzut9ik7X0EyfRIlv F3piQoLeeFcFrkfNwYyyhTX8iHTO4Cz8YfGNyw==</ds:SignatureValue> <ds:KeyInfo> <ds:X509Data> <ds:X509IssuerSerial> <ds:X509IssuerName>Sample Issuer Name</ds:X509IssuerName> <ds:X509SerialNumber>1234567</ds:X509SerialNumber> </ds:X509IssuerSerial> <!-- X509 certificate value as block of Base64 encoded characters, --> <!-- truncated for brevity --> <ds:X509Certificate> QSBDZXJ0aWZpY2F0ZSB3b3VsZCBiZSBsb25nZXIgdGhhbiB0aGlz</ds:X509Certificate> </ds:X509Data> <ds:X509Data> <ds:X509IssuerSerial> <ds:X509IssuerName>Sample Issuer Name 2</ds:X509IssuerName> </ds:X509IssuerSerial> <!-- X509 certificate value as block of Base64 encoded characters, --> <!-- truncated for brevity --> <ds:X509Certificate>TG9uZ2VyIHRoYW4gdGhpcyB0b28sIGZvciBzdXJl</ds:X509Certificate> </ds:X509Data> </ds:KeyInfo> </Signature> </LogRecordSignature>
contains the signature of a log record.RecordAuthData
element is the content that is actually signed for the signature. This element is identified
for the signature processor by the Id attribute valueHeader
element.XML Signatures on log reports can be checked using the procedure in Section 3.1.3.
The section "Log Record Proxy" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
$ schema-check <input-file> smpte-433.xsd smpte-430-4.xsd schema validation successful
$ <input-file> all UUIDs conform to RFC-4122 $
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Log Records for Multiple Remote SPBs" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
number to each log record it creates. Verify that this EventSequence
number appears in the
Header node of each log record in a report.
value that is one greater than the value in the previous record.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Log Collection by the SM" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "General Log System Failure" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Verify that all Log Records within a Log Report are properly authenticated as specified in [SMPTE-430-4] and [SMPTE-430-5].
Verify that the Log Report is signed by the SM.
Verify that EventID for a given event is maintained across collections.
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
record. Failure for the records in the two reports to have the same
value is cause to fail this test. Note: The following
steps shall use the Log Report extracted in Step 2.LogReport
. Failure of this verification
is cause to fail the test.recordBodyHash
elements as specified in Section of [SMPTE-430-5]; andLogRecordSignature
element as specified in Section 7.3
of [SMPTE-430-4] and Section 6.1.3
of [SMPTE-430-5].previousHeaderHash
(unless the Log Record is the first of a sequence) and
elements as specified in Section of [SMPTE-430-5]; LogRecordSignature
element as specified in
Section 7.3 of
[SMPTE-430-4] and Section 6.1.3
of [SMPTE-430-5].LogRecordSignature
element. Using its X509IssuerName
and X509SerialNumber
from the SignerCertInfo
element, locate elements that match in one of the KeyInfo
elements and extract the device certificate
from its X509Certificate
element. Absence of a device certificate or mismatched X509IssuerName
and X509SerialNumber
values shall be cause to fail the test.LogReport
element contains a single reportingDevice
child element
as defined in [SMPTE-430-4]. Failure of this verification is cause to fail this test.reportingDevice
element meets the following requirements. Failure to
meet any of these requirements is cause to fail this test.
attribute of the DeviceIdentifier
element is equal to "DeviceUID"
, the
element shall also be present and shall contain the certificate thumbprint of the SM
attribute of the DeviceIdentifier
element is equal to "DeviceUID"
, it shall contain
the device UUID of the Test Subject.idtype
attribute of the DeviceIdentifier
element is equal to "CertThumbprint"
, it shall
contain the certificate thumbprint of the SM Certificate of the Test Subject.AdditionalID
element shall be present and its value set to the certificate thumbprint of the LS
Certificate, encoded as an ds:DigestValueType
type.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
number to each log record it creates. Verify that this
number appears in the Header node of each log record in a report.
value that is one greater than the value in the
previous record.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Verify that the OBAE-capable Test Subject provides log event information in the form of Log Reports
Verify that all Log Records within a Log Report are properly authenticated as specified in [SMPTE-430-4] and [SMPTE-430-5].
Verify that the Log Report is signed by the SM.
Verify that EventID for a given event is maintained across collections.
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
If the Test Subject uses a single certificate implementation as defined in Section of [DCI-DCSS]:
record. Failure for the records in the two reports to have the same
value is cause to fail this test. Note: The following
steps shall use the Log Report extracted in Step 2.
. Failure of this verification is cause to fail the test.
elements as specified in Section of [SMPTE-430-5]; andLogRecordSignature
element as specified in Section 7.3
of [SMPTE-430-4] and Section 6.1.3
of [SMPTE-430-5].previousHeaderHash
(unless the Log Record is the first of a sequence) and
elements as specified in Section of [SMPTE-430-5];
element as specified in Section 7.3 of [SMPTE-430-4] and Section 6.1.3 of [SMPTE-430-5].
element. Using its X509IssuerName
and X509SerialNumber
from the SignerCertInfo
element, locate elements that match in one of the KeyInfo
elements and extract the device certificate
from its X509Certificate
element. Absence of a device certificate or mismatched X509IssuerName
and X509SerialNumber
values shall be cause to fail the test.If the Test Subject uses a dual certificate implementation as defined in Section of [DCI-DCSS]:
contains a single reportingDevice
child element
as defined in [SMPTE-430-4]. Failure of this verification is cause to fail
this test.reportingDevice
element meets the following requirements. Failure to meet any of these requirements is
cause to fail this test.
attribute of the DeviceIdentifier
element is equal to
, the DeviceCertID
element shall also be present and shall contain the
certificate thumbprint of the SM Certificate.
attribute of the DeviceIdentifier
element is equal to
, it shall contain
the device UUID of the Test Subject.
attribute of the DeviceIdentifier
element is equal to
, it shall contain the certificate thumbprint of the SM Certificate of the Test
element shall be present and its value set to the certificate thumbprint of the LS
Certificate, encoded as an ds:DigestValueType
type.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "SM Proxy of Log Events" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SM Proxy of Security Operations Events" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SM Proxy of Security ASM Events" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Remote SPB Time Compensation" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Secure Processing Blocks (SPB) are required to record Security Log Events (defined in [SMPTE-430-5]) upon the occurrence of certain operational states. The procedures in this section should cause the Test Subject to record the respective events.
events per
, Type Playout
, Event Subtype
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in
shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
, Type Playout
, Event Subtype CPLStart
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].CPLStart
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
, Type Playout
, Event Subtype CPLEnd
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].CPLEnd
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per
, Type Playout
, Event Subtype PlayoutComplete
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].PlayoutComplete
shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
, Type Validation
, Event Subtype
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].CPLCheck
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per
, Type Key
, Event Subtype KDMKeysReceived
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].KDMKeysReceived
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
, Type Key
, Event Subtype KDMDeleted
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].KDMDeleted
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
, Type Playout
, Event Subtype
associated with the OBAE essence in DCI 2K Sync Test (OBAE) (Encrypted).FrameSequencePlayed
record has correctly recorded parameters as defined in
list of the FrameSequencePlayed
record contains a name/value pair whose
element contains the token OBAEMark
, and whose Value
element shall contain one of two tokens, either
or false
, indicating that a forensic mark was or was not inserted during playout.FrameSequencePlayed
as detailed above shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
Type Playout
, Event Subtype CPLStart
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].CPLStart
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
Type Playout
, Event Subtype CPLEnd
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].CPLEnd
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per
Type Playout
, Event Subtype PlayoutComplete
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].PlayoutComplete
shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per
, Type Validation
, Event Subtype
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].CPLCheck
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
, Type Key
, Event Subtype KDMKeysReceived
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].KDMKeysReceived
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per
, Type Key
, Event Subtype KDMDeleted
record has correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].KDMDeleted
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "LinkOpened Event" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LinkClosed Event" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LinkException Event" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LogTransfer Event" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KeyTransfer Event" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
, Type Operations
, Event Subtypes SPBStartup
, for each of (a) between the times recorded in step 1 and step 5 and (b) after the time recorded
in step 5. SPBStartup
and SPBShutdown
records have correctly formatted parameters as defined in
and SPBShutdown
events shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
and SPBClose
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
, Type Operations
Event Subtypes SPBOpen
and SPBClose
and SPBClose
records have correctly formatted parameters as defined in
and SPBClose
events shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per
, Type Operations
Event Subtypes SPBClockAdjust
records have correctly formatted parameters as defined in
event shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
and SPBDivorce
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
, Type Operations
, Event Subtypes SPBMarriage
and SPBDivorce
and SPBDivorce
records have correctly formatted parameters as defined in
and SPBDivorce
events shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
, Type Operations
, Event Subtypes SPBSoftware
records have correctly formatted parameters as defined in
event shall be cause to fail this test.Security
, Type Operations
, Event Subtypes SPBSoftware
records have correctly formatted parameters as defined in
Missing required elements or incorrect parameters shall be cause to fail this test.SoftwareFailure
exception in the SPBSoftware
log record. Record any
additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing SoftwareFailure
exception in the
associated SPBSoftware
log record shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
log events, the respective log records contain correctly coded
events per [SMPTE-430-5].
A SPBSecurityAlert
record indicates an event that is not described by one of the other event record types
defined in [SMPTE-430-5]. Each Test Subject must be evaluated to determine what conditions may result in a
event being logged. Detailed instructions must be provided by the manufacturer, including
any test jigs or applications that may be required to perform the test.
event recording the
, Type Operations
, Event Subtypes
. Verify that the SPBSecurityAlert
records have correctly formatted parameters as
defined in [SMPTE-430-5].SPBSecurityAlert
record, provide an explanation of the condition and any parameters that
are recorded.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Data only | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Data only | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Data only | — |
The Media Block (MB) is a Type 1 SPB comprising a Security Manager (SM) and the Media Decryptors (MD) for all essence types, plus, as required, Forensic Marker (FM) for image or sound and a Timed Text rendering engine (alpha-channel overlay).
Some of the procedures in this section require test content that is specifically malformed. In some implementations, these malformations may be caught and reported directly by the SMS without involving the SM. Because the purpose of the procedures is to assure that the SM demonstrates the required behavior, the manufacturer of the Test Subject may need to provide special test programs or special SMS testing modes to allow the malformed content to be applied directly to the SM.
records for each track file included in the
composition and that the FirstFrame
and LastFrame
parameter values reflect the interrupted playback.PlayoutComplete
event associated with the interrupted playback.FrameSequencePlayed
record for each track file included in the
composition and that the FirstFrame
and LastFrame
parameter values reflect the interrupted playback.PlayoutComplete
event associated with the interrupted playback.FrameSequenceError
exception in the
log record for the image track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.TrackFileIDError
exception in the
record for the image track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.FrameMICError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the image track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.FrameMICError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the image track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.FrameMICError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
log record for the image track file.CheckValueError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the image track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
exception in the
log record for the sound track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.TrackFileIDError
exception in the
record for the sound track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.FrameMICError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the sound track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.FrameMICError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the sound track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.FrameMICError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
log record for the sound track file.CheckValueError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the sound track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Restriction of Keying to Monitored Link Decryptors" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
log record that contains a KeyTypeError
exception. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. Failure to produce correct log
records shall be cause to fail this test. Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
event associated with the above operation and:
element contains the Id
of the CPL. Verify that the value of the SignerID
contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the certificate used to sign the CPL. Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the Id
of the CPL. Missing required
elements or incorrect parameters shall be cause to fail this test.AssetHashError
exception in the CPLCheck
log record. Record any additional
parameters associated with the exception. A missing AssetHashError
exception shall be cause to fail this
event associated with
the above operation and:
element contains the Id
of the CPL. Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a
parameter with a value that is the Id
of the CPL. Missing required elements or incorrect
parameters shall be cause to fail this test.SignatureError
exception in the CPLCheck
log record. Record any additional
parameters associated with the exception. A missing SignatureError
exception shall be cause to fail this
event associated with
the above operation and:
element contains the Id
of the CPL. Verify that the value of the SignerID
contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the certificate used to sign the CPL. Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the Id
of the CPL. Missing required
elements or incorrect parameters shall be cause to fail this test.AssetMissingError
exception in the CPLCheck
log record. Record any
additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing AssetMissingError
exception shall be
cause to fail this test.CPLCheck
event associated with
the above operation and:
exception in the CPLCheck
log record. Record any additional
parameters associated with the exception. A missing CPLFormatError
exception shall be cause to fail this
event associated with
the above operation and:
element contains the Id
of the CPL. Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a
parameter with a value that is the Id
of the CPL. Missing required elements or incorrect
parameters shall be cause to fail this test.CertFormatError
exception in the CPLCheck
log record. Record any additional
parameters associated with the exception. A missing CertFormatError
exception shall be cause to fail this
test. Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Remote SPB Integrity Monitoring" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SPB Integrity Fault Consequences" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
This test will require KDMs that contain ContentKeysNotValidAfter
elements set to a time in the near future. It
is recommended that fresh KDMs be generated that will expire 30-60 minutes after beginning the test procedures. Refer
to information provided in the relevant step to ensure that the applicable KDM is being used at the appropriate absolute
time the step of the test is carried out.
The Test Operator is required to take into account any timezone offsets that may apply to the locality of the Test Subject
and the representation of the ContentKeysNotValidAfter
element of the KDM. For clarity it is recommended
that a common representation be used.
The Security Manager's (SM) clock must be accurately set, to the extent possible, for successful execution of this test.
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
element (i.e. the KDM's end of validity
timestamp). Note: Steps 2 and 3 must be commenced before the time recorded in this step.<ContentKeysNotValidAfter>
element (i.e. the KDM's end of validity timestamp). Note: Steps 5 and 6 must be commenced before the time recorded
in this step.FrameSequencePlayed
, CPLEnd
events.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
element having a certificate thumbprint value that does not match
the thumbprint of one of the signer certificates in the certificate chain that signed the associated CPL.<ContentAuthenticator>
element having a certificate thumbprint value that
matches the thumbprint of one of the signer certificates in the certificate chain that signed the associated CPL
but that certificate has no role.<ContentAuthenticator>
element having a certificate thumbprint value that matches the thumbprint of one
of the signer certificates in the certificate chain that signed the associated CPL but that certificate has a bad role (SM).<ContentAuthenticator>
element having a certificate thumbprint value that matches the
thumbprint of one of the signer certificates in the certificate chain that signed the associated CPL but that certificate
has an extra role.FrameSequencePlayed
associated with the above steps and:
log records that contain
exceptions. Record any additional parameters associated with
the exception. A missing ContentAuthenticatorError
exception in any of the associated
log records shall be cause to fail this test.
Only for the operation associated with step 2, a correctly recorded CPLCheck
log record with a
exception is an allowable substitute for a FrameSequencePlayed
log record to
satisfy the requirements of this step of the test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
and ContentKeysNotValidAfter
associated with the above steps and:
log record that contains a ValidityWindowError
exception. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing
exception in any of the associated FrameSequencePlayed
log records shall
be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Verify that the Test Subject checks that the set of SPBs configured for playout is consistent with the TDL
element) in the controlling KDM.
record associated with the image track file produced during each step, and
confirm that all required elements have correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].FrameSequencePlayed
record contains a Parameter
element with a Name
equal to DownstreamDevice
and a Value
equal to the certificate thumbprint of the Imaging Device
record contains a TDLError
exception. Record all parameters associated with the exception.FrameSequencePlayed
record associated with the image track file produced during each step, and
confirm that all required elements have correctly formatted parameters as defined in [SMPTE-430-5].FrameSequencePlayed
record does not contain a
element with a Name
equal to DownstreamDevice
record contains a TDLError
exception. Record all parameters associated with the exception.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The KDMs specified to be used in this test additionally have one of each type of forensic marking keys FMIK and FMAK. Receiving devices shall process such keys in accordance with the individual implementation, in a manner that will not affect the requirements related to the maximum number of content keys (MDIK and MDAK).
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
and last CPLEnd
records that occurred after the time recorded in
Step 3. Let Plaintext Time be the absolute difference between the TimeStamp
values of the two records.CPLStart
and last CPLEnd
records that occurred after the time recorded in
Step 9. Let Ciphertext Time
be the absolute difference between the TimeStamp
values of the two records.Ciphertext Time
and Plaintext Time
is cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
element matches the value of the
CompositionPlaylistID field of KDM CipherData structure as specified in [SMPTE-430-1]
element of
DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted) and (ii) the value of the <CompositionPlaylistId>
element matches the value of
the CompositionPlaylist <Id>
element of DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted). Attempt to play DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted).
Successful playback is cause to fail this test.<Id>
element of DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted) and (ii) the value of
the <CompositionPlaylistId>
element does not match the value of the CompositionPlaylist <Id>
element in
DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted). Attempt to play DCI 2K StEM (Encrypted). Successful playback is cause to fail this test.KDMKeysReceived
associated with the above steps and:
exception in the KDMKeysReceived
log record. Record any
additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing KDMFormatError
exception in any of the
associated KDMKeysReceived
log records shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
element matches the value of the
field of KDM CipherData structure as specified in [SMPTE-430-1] .
If the Test Subject is an OMB, the KDM targeting the associated IMB is valid, i.e. it is an instance of KDM for 2K StEM (Encrypted) (OBAE).
field of the CipherData
structure does not match the value of the <Id>
element of
DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted) and (ii) the value of the <CompositionPlaylistId>
element matches the
value of the CompositionPlaylist <Id>
element of DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted).
Attempt to play DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted).
Successful playback is cause to fail this test.CompositionPlaylistId
field of the CipherData
structure matches the value of the <Id>
element of
DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted) and (ii) the value of the <CompositionPlaylistId>
element does not match
the value of the CompositionPlaylist <Id>
element in DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted).
Attempt to play DCI 2K StEM (OBAE) (Encrypted).
Successful playback is cause to fail this test.KDMKeysReceived
associated with the above steps and:
exception in the KDMKeysReceived
log record. Record any
additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing KDMFormatError
exception in any of the
associated KDMKeysReceived
log records shall be cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
For each of the rows of Table 6.1, perform the following steps in order:
log record for the associated
Malformed Track File and that the record contains a single instance of the specified
Exception Token.
event associated with the playback.
Failure of any part of any of the steps above shall be cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
of the key is not equal to
log record that contains a
exception. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. Failure to produce correct log
records shall be cause to fail this test. Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
log record for the OBAE track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.TrackFileIDError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the OBAE track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.FrameMICError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the OBAE track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.FrameMICError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the OBAE track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.FrameMICError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
log record for the OBAE track file.CheckValueError
exception in the FrameSequencePlayed
record for the OBAE track file. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
This test requires KDMs that contain ContentKeysNotValidAfter
elements set to a time in the near
future. It is recommended that fresh KDMs be generated that will expire 30-60 minutes after beginning the test
procedures. Refer to information provided in the relevant step to ensure that the applicable KDM is being used at the
appropriate absolute time the step of the test is carried out.
The Test Operator is required to take into account any timezone offsets that may apply to the locality of the Test
Subject and the representation of the ContentKeysNotValidAfter
element of the KDM. For clarity it is
recommended that a common representation be used.
The Security Manager's (SM) clock must be accurately set, to the extent possible, for successful execution of this test.
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
Using a Text Editor, open the KDM
KDM for Past Time Window Extension (OBAE) (Encrypted) and note the value of
the timestamp contained in the <ContentKeysNotValidAfter>
element (i.e. the KDM's end of
validity timestamp).
Note: Steps 2 and 3 must be commenced before the time recorded in this step.
element (i.e. the KDM's end of validity timestamp). Note: Steps 5 and 6 must be commenced before the
time recorded in this step.
Within 5 minutes prior to the timestamp recorded in step 4, attempt to start playing End of Engagement - Within Time Window Extension (OBAE) (Encrypted). The composition should start to playback and continue playing in its entirety. If the show fails to start or fails to playout completely, this is cause to fail this test.
Note: The test operator does not have to be present for the entire playback. Sufficient proof of
successful playback can be observed by examining the security log for complete FrameSequencePlayed
and PlayoutComplete
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
For simplicty, this test procedure uses same OBAE content for all Media Blocks (IMB, integrated IMB, IMBO and OMB) since the objective is to merely to determine whether playback occurs, and not whether a complete presentation occurred.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Failure of any of these above conditions is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
24.4. SDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.4. HDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.4. SDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.4. HDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The KDMs specified to be used in this test additionally have one of each type of forensic marking keys FMIK and FMAK. Receiving devices shall process such keys in accordance with the individual implementation, in a manner that will not affect the requirements related to the maximum number of content keys (MDIK and MDAK).
The CPLStart
and CPLEnd
records are triggered by the first and last edit unit, respectively,
of the CPL reproduced by the Test Subject. For example, in the case of an OMB with OBAE capability, the first and last
edit units of the CPL are OBAE edit units, since picture edit units are not reproduced despite Main Picture assets
being present in the CPL received by the OMB.
and last CPLEnd
records that occurred after the time recorded in Step 3. Let Plaintext Time be
the absolute difference between the TimeStamp
values of the two records.CPLStart
and last CPLEnd
records that occurred after the time recorded in Step 9. Let Ciphertext
be the absolute difference between the TimeStamp
values of the two records.Ciphertext Time
Plaintext Time
is cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
event associated with the above operation and:
element contains the
of the CPL. Verify that the value of the SignerID
parameter contains the Certificate
Thumbprint of the certificate used to sign the CPL. Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a
parameter with a value that is the Id
of the CPL. Missing required
elements or incorrect parameters shall be cause to fail this test. AssetHashError
exception in the CPLCheck
log record.
Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing AssetHashError
shall be cause to fail this test.CPLCheck
event associated with
the above operation and:
element contains the
of the CPL. Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the Id
of the CPL. Missing required elements or incorrect parameters
shall be cause to fail this test. SignatureError
exception in the CPLCheck
log record.
Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing SignatureError
shall be cause to fail this test.CPLCheck
event associated with
the above operation and:
element contains the
of the CPL. Verify that the value of the SignerID
parameter contains the Certificate
Thumbprint of the certificate used to sign the CPL. Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a
parameter with a value that is the Id
of the CPL. Missing required
elements or incorrect parameters shall be cause to fail this test.AssetMissingError
exception in the CPLCheck
log record.
Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing AssetMissingError
shall be cause to fail this test.CPLCheck
event associated with the above operation and:
exception in the CPLCheck
log record.
Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing CPLFormatError
shall be cause to fail this test.CPLCheck
event associated with
the above operation and:
element contains the
of the CPL. Verify that ReferencedIDs
element contains a CompositionID
parameter with a value that is the Id
of the CPL. Missing required elements or incorrect parameters
shall be cause to fail this test. CertFormatError
exception in the CPLCheck
log record.
Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A missing CertFormatError
shall be cause to fail this test. Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
having a certificate thumbprint value that does not match the thumbprint of one of the signer certificates in the
certificate chain that signed the associated CPL.
element having a certificate thumbprint value that matches the thumbprint of
one of the signer certificates in the certificate chain that signed the associated CPL but that certificate has no
element having a certificate thumbprint value that
matches the thumbprint of one of the signer certificates in the certificate chain that signed the associated CPL but
that certificate has a bad role (SM).
element having a certificate
thumbprint value that matches the thumbprint of one of the signer certificates in the certificate chain that signed the
associated CPL but that certificate has an extra role.FrameSequencePlayed
events associated with the above steps and:
log records that contain
exceptions. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A
missing ContentAuthenticatorError
exception in any of the associated FrameSequencePlayed
log records shall be cause to fail this test. Only for the operation associated with step 2, a correctly recorded
log record with a CertFormatError
exception is an allowable substitute for a
log record to satisfy the requirements of this step of the test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
and ContentKeysNotValidAfter
events associated with the above steps and:
log record that contains a
exception. Record any additional parameters associated with the exception. A
missing ValidityWindowError
exception in any of the associated FrameSequencePlayed
records shall be cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "LDB Trust" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Special Auditorium Situation Operations" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LE Key Usage" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "MB Link Encryption" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
This section describes general requirements concerning the time awareness of the components of the theater system. All procedures are applicable to the Security Manager, with the notable exception of section 6.3.2, which is applicable to all SPBs of Type 1.
The following procedures are likely to fail if the Test Subject has had its time adjusted since manufacture. The current
time may not be centered on the adjustment range zero point. Any such adjustments, however, will be evidenced in
the security log and by examining the relevant TimeOffset
elements, the zero point can be derived and the time set
accordingly. If necessary, contact the manufacturer for assistance in determining and setting the time to the center of the
range of adjustment for the current calendar year.
event caused by Step 2. Subtract the value of the time recorded in Step 2 (UTC
time) from the TimeStamp
from the LogRecord
(System time). Record this time as the delta of System time to
UTC time for the unadjusted state.SPBClockAdjust
event from Step 3 and confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value which is the
time recorded in Step 3 (UTC time) + the delta from Step 11 + 6 minutes.SPBClockAdjust
event from Step 7 and confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value which is the
time recorded in Step 7 (UTC time) + the delta from Step 11 - 6 minutes.SPBClockAdjust
event from Step 5 and confirm the presence of an Exception with a name of
. Confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value as follows:
parameter shall be ignored.
event from Step 9 and confirm the presence of an Exception with a name of
. Confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value as follows:
parameter shall be ignored.
event caused by Step 4. Confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value which
is the time recorded in Step 4 (UTC time) + the delta from Step 11 + 6 minutes.FrameSequencePlayed
event caused by Step 8. Confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value which
is the time recorded in Step 8 (UTC time) + the delta from Step 11 - 6 minutes.LogRecord
elements for Steps 11 through 17 shall be cause to fail this test. Note: The
values will have an accuracy that depends on various factors such as system responsiveness, test
operator acuity, etc, and are essentially approximate. The intent is to verify that the TimeStamp
values indeed
reflect the time adjustments.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The phrase "record synchronized accurate time" used below means that the Test Operator records the value of the Accurate Real-Time Clock so as to determine a range of predictable deltas between the value of the Accurate Real-Time Clock and the timestamp in the log record that corresponds to an event. It is not important that the two times be equal, but that the difference be predictable to within a range that accommodates both variances in the responsiveness of the Test Subject for time stamping the logged operation and the accuracy of the Test Operator. Note: Each end of the range of the deltas is extended by an additional 2 seconds to allow for minor resolution inaccuracies of the testing methodology.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The following procedures are likely to fail if the Test Subject has had its time adjusted since manufacture. The current
time may not be centered on the adjustment range zero point. Any such adjustments, however, will be evidenced in
the security log and by examining the relevant TimeOffset
elements, the zero point can be derived and the time set
accordingly. If necessary, contact the manufacturer for assistance in determining and setting the time to the center of the
range of adjustment for the current calendar year.
event caused by Step 2. Subtract the value of the time recorded in Step 2 (UTC
time) from the TimeStamp
from the LogRecord
(System time). Record this time as the delta of System time to
UTC time for the unadjusted state.SPBClockAdjust
event from Step 3 and confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value which is the
time recorded in Step 3 (UTC time) + the delta from Step 11 + 6 minutes.SPBClockAdjust
event from Step 7 and confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value which is the
time recorded in Step 7 (UTC time) + the delta from Step 11 - 6 minutes.SPBClockAdjust
event from Step 5 and confirm the presence of an Exception with a name of
. Confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value as follows:
parameter shall be ignored.
event from Step 9 and confirm the presence of an Exception with a name of
. Confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value as follows:
parameter shall be ignored.
event caused by Step 4. Confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value which
is the time recorded in Step 4 (UTC time) + the delta from Step 11 + 6 minutes.FrameSequencePlayed
event caused by Step 8. Confirm that the TimeStamp
contains a value which
is the time recorded in Step 8 (UTC time) + the delta from Step 11 - 6 minutes.LogRecord
elements for Steps 11 through 17 shall be cause to fail this test. Note: The
values will have an accuracy that depends on various factors such as system responsiveness, test
operator acuity, etc, and are essentially approximate. The intent is to verify that the TimeStamp
values indeed
reflect the time adjustments.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
element of the KDM for audio and image Track Files.ForensicMarkFlagList
element of the KDM and thus the "no FM mark" state applies to the entire
CPL/composition, according to the associated KDM.Note: the equipment manufacturer is required to provide a suitable FM decoder (i.e., software and hardware).
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
An assessment of whether any allowed value for the time stamp and location data can be included in each 5 minute segments is impractical. For example, veryifying that all specified timestamp values are allowed would require testing to continue for a full calendar year. Instead a design review verifies that all specified timestamp and location values can be carried in the Forensic Marking.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
24.4. SDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.4. HDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.4. SDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.4. HDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
"no FM mark" or "selective audio FM mark" commands.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
element of the KDM that enables playout.ForensicMarkFlagList
URI of the form
(where XX is a value in the set {01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 ... 99}) is allowed in the
KDM used to enable the selective audio FM mark command.ForensicMarkFlagList
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
records that correspond to the encrypted track files played during the presentation segments and:
records corresponding to the first segment of the
presentation (plaintext track files do not generate these records).FrameSequencePlayed
records corresponding to the second segment of the presentation
contain values of the ImageMark
parameter equal to "true"
and do not contain an
records corresponding to the third segment of the presentation
contain values of the OBAEMark
parameter equal to "true"
and do not contain an
records corresponding to the last segment of the presentation:
parameter with
and do not contain an OBAEMark
parameter; andOBAEMark
parameter with
and do not contain an ImageMark
parameterSequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
element of the KDM:
element of the
records corresponding to the playback and:
records corresponding to the playback of
2K FM Control Granularity - No FM (OBAE) (Encrypted):
parameter with
value "false"
and do not contain an OBAEMark
parameter; andOBAEMark
parameter with
value "false"
and do not contain an ImageMark
records corresponding to the playback of
2K FM Control Granularity - Image Only FM (OBAE) (Encrypted):
parameter with
value "true"
and do not contain an OBAEMark
parameter; andOBAEMark
parameter with
value "false"
and do not contain an ImageMark
records corresponding to the playback of
2K FM Control Granularity - OBAE Only FM (OBAE) (Encrypted):
parameter with
value "false"
and do not contain an OBAEMark
parameter; andOBAEMark
parameter with
value "true"
and do not contain an ImageMark
records corresponding to the playback of
2K FM Control Granularity - Image and OBAE FM (OBAE) (Encrypted):
parameter with
value "true"
and do not contain an OBAEMark
parameter; andOBAEMark
parameter with
value "true"
and do not contain an ImageMark
parameter. Note: the equipment manufacturer is required to provide a suitable FM decoder (i.e., software and hardware).
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
An assessment of whether any allowed value for the time stamp and location data can be included in each 5 minute segments is impractical. For example, veryifying that all specified timestamp values are allowed would require testing to continue for a full calendar year. Instead a design review verifies that all specified timestamp and location values can be carried in the Forensic Marking.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
"no FM mark" commands.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Verify that the playback system allows click free splicing of the audio track files.
Note: Playback of this test must be done in a properly equipped and set up movie theater, at reference level, i.e., fader setting 7.0 for Dolby and compatibles or fader setting 0 dB for Sony and compatibles. A single channel of pink noise at -20dBFS should produce a Sound Pressure Level (SPL) of 85dBc, from any of the front loudspeakers, at the monitoring position. Monitoring by means of smaller monitor boxes or headphones is not sufficient.
Play back DCP for Audio Tone Multi-Reel (Encrypted), which contains a sequence of audio track files arranged such that no discontinuity exists at the splice points.
Any audible snap, crackle, pop or other unpleasant artifact at any splice point shall be cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Timed Text Synchronization" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections
The section "Support for Multiple Captions" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Only applies to a Test Subject that implements an alpha channel overlay module, a subpicture renderer (a module that converts the subpicture file into a baseband image file with an alpha channel) and a Timed Text renderer (a module that converts Timed Text data into a baseband image file with an alpha channel).
Verify that the Test Subject provides a default font to be used in the case where no font files are supplied with the DCP.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Support for Subpicture Display" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Verify that the playback system allows click free splicing of OBAE track files.
Playback of this test must be done in a theatrical environment calibrated and setup for OBAE reproduction. Monitoring by means of smaller monitor boxes or headphones is not sufficient.
Any audible snap, crackle, pop or other unpleasant artifact at any splice point shall be cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Figure 6.2 shows what a typical measurement is expected to look like. The upper trace shows the light output of the Imaging Device, measured by means of the photo diode. The photo diode signal is shown inverted, i.e., low means high light output. The lower trace shows the analog center channel output.
The optical flashes generated during this test can cause physiological reactions in some people. People who are sensitive to such optical stimuli should not view the test material.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Verify that the playback system supports playback of OBAE content that consists of maximum size frames, as defined in [SMPTE-429-18].
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Verify that the OBAE Sound System meets acoustic rendering expectations.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
When making image measurements on any Imaging Device:
Stray light on the screen shall be minimized. The room lights in test environment shall be turned off, with the exception of the minimal lighting provided for working or safety reasons. The use of black nonreflective surfaces with recessed lighting is encouraged.
Note that, outside of the Test Environment, e.g. in exhibition theaters or review rooms, safety regulations and the placement of exit lights or access lights can result in a higher ambient light level.
With the Projector turned off or the douser closed, the level of ambient light reflected by the screen shall be:
The screen shall be non-specular and equally reflective over the entire visible spectrum. The screen should have variable black masking, adjustable to tightly frame the projected image (at a minimum, this should include the 1.85:1 and 2.39:1 image formats).
When making image measurements on a Projector:
7.5.13. Projector Test Environment records information about the test environment in which projector test procedures were conducted.
With the Direct View Display turned off, the level of ambient light reflected by the screen shall be less than 0.0005 cd/m².
The Direct View Display shall be turned on and allowed to thermally stabilize for 20 to 30 minutes prior to all measurements.
7.5.30. Direct View Display Test Environment records information about the test environment in which the test procedures were conducted.
When performing stereoscopic measurements:
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
24.4. SDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.4. HDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.4. SDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.4. HDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "SPB2 Requirements" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections
The section "SPB2 Secure Silicon Requirements" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SPB2 Tamper Evidence" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Projector Companion SPB Location" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections
element contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the companion SPB.DeviceConnectedID
element contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the Imaging Device SPB2.AuthId
element contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the companion SPB.DeviceConnectedID
element contains the Certificate Thumbprint of the Imaging Device SPB2.AuthId
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
This section only applies to systems that implement an Electronic Marriage, i.e., those that have field replaceable companion MBs.
In the case of an MB that is married to an Imaging Device SPB and implements dual certificates as defined in Section of [DCI-DCSS]:Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Remote SPB Clock Adjustment" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LDB without Electronic Marriage" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LDB TLS Session Constraints" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LDB Time-Awareness" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LDB ASM Conformity" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LDB Key Storage" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LDB Key Purging" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LDB Logging" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Projector Overlay" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Projector Lens" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The 4k pattern consists of a 256 x 135 grid of 16 x 16 pixel arrays. A single-pixel white border surrounds the pattern.
Within each block, color-coded bands mark pixel positions. The bands may have North, South, East or West orientation (the example blocks have South orientation). Pixel positions are coded left to right (top to bottom for East and West orientations) with the following color sequence: brown, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, violet, gray.
Note: North, South, East and West orientations are provided in the test materials set to support investigation of anomalies.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
24.4. SDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.4. HDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.4. SDR Direct View Display Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.4. HDR Projector Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Projector Spatial Resolution and Frame Rate Conversion" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "White Point Luminance and Uniformity" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "White Point Chromaticity and Uniformity" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Sequential Contrast" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Data only | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Data only | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Data only | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Data only | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Step Number | Nominal Luminance above the Screen Black Level (cd/m²) | Tolerance |
1 | 0.121 | ±5% |
2 | 0.731 | ±5% |
3 | 2.098 | ±3% |
4 | 4.432 | ±3% |
5 | 7.917 | ±3% |
6 | 12.718 | ±3% |
7 | 18.988 | ±3% |
8 | 26.870 | ±3% |
9 | 36.497 | ±3% |
10 | 47.999 | ±3% |
Step Number | Nominal Luminance above the Screen Black Level (cd/m²) | Tolerance |
1 | 0.006 | ±20% |
2 | 0.038 | ±5% |
3 | 0.111 | ±5% |
4 | 0.234 | ±5% |
5 | 0.418 | ±5% |
6 | 0.670 | ±5% |
7 | 1.002 | ±3% |
8 | 1.418 | ±3% |
9 | 1.928 | ±3% |
10 | 2.531 | ±3% |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any measurement outside of specified tolerances is caused to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | All data recorded per the test procedure |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | All data recorded per the test procedure |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Parameter | Test Subject | |
Projector | Direct View Display | |
Center luminance (cd/m²) | 299.6 ± 18 | 299.6 ± 9 |
Center chrominance (x, y) | (0.3127 ± 0.002, 0.3290 ± 0.002) |
Parameter | Test Subject | |
Projector | Direct View Display | |
Maximum 𝒩 | 15% | 6% |
Maximum Δu′v′ | 0.0182 |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Parameter | Test Subject | |
Projector | Direct View Display | |
Center luminance (cd/m²) | 48.0 ± 3.5 | |
Center chrominance (x, y) | (0.314 ± 0.002, 0.351 ± 0.002) |
Parameter | Test Subject | |
Projector | Direct View Display | |
Maximum 𝒩 | 20% | 6% |
Maximum Δu′v′ | 0.0171 |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any measurement outside of specified tolerances is caused to fail this test.
Patch | Nominal values (cd/m²) | Tolerances | |
Projector | Direct View Display | ||
Red-1 | 68.13 | ±6% | ±3% |
Green-1 | 207.35 | ||
Blue-1 | 23.86 |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Angular positions | Luminance change ratio tolerance | Viewing-angle color variation tolerance |
+10° vertically (up) | Full Screen Vertical Off-Axis Luminance Uniformity at [DV-ADD] | Full Screen Vertical Off-Axis White Chromaticity Uniformity at [DV-ADD] |
-35° vertically (down) | ||
-60° horizontally (left) | Full Screen Horizontal Off-Axis Luminance Uniformity at [DV-ADD] | Full Screen Horizontal Off-Axis White Chromaticity Uniformity at [DV-ADD] |
+60° horizontally (right) |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
This test procedure only applies to a Test Subject that supports stereoscopic presentations.
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
This test procedure only applies to a Test Subject that supports SDR stereoscopic presentations.
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
If the measurement device or procedure reports the diffuse reflectivity at different optical wavelengths, the weighted average using the CIE Y Color Matching Function shall be used to combine different values at different wavelengths into a single diffuse reflectivity value that is photometrically weighted.
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
This test procedure only applies to a Test Subject that supports SDR stereoscopic presentations.
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any measurement outside of specified tolerances is caused to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Step Number | Nominal Luminance (cd/m²) | Tolerance | |
Projector | Direct View Display | ||
1 | 0.50 | ±5% | ±12% |
2 | 1.00 | ±5% | ±12% |
3 | 2.00 | ±3% | ±6% |
4 | 5.00 | ±3% | ±6% |
5 | 9.99 | ±3% | ±6% |
6 | 20.00 | ±3% | ±6% |
7 | 50.01 | ±3% | ±6% |
8 | 100.10 | ±3% | ±6% |
9 | 200.21 | ±3% | ±6% |
10 | 299.64 | ±3% | ±6% |
Step Number | Nominal Luminance (cd/m²) | Tolerance | |
Projector | Direct View Display | ||
1 | 0.0050 | ±20% | ±20% |
2 | 0.0075 | ±20% | ±20% |
3 | 0.0100 | ±20% | ±20% |
4 | 0.0151 | ±20% | ±20% |
5 | 0.0202 | ±5% | ±12% |
6 | 0.0352 | ±5% | ±12% |
7 | 0.0501 | ±5% | ±12% |
8 | 0.0752 | ±5% | ±12% |
9 | 0.0998 | ±5% | ±12% |
10 | 0.1997 | ±5% | ±12% |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Failure to record any data is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | All data recorded per the test procedure |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | All data recorded per the test procedure |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Patch | Allowable luminance range (cd/m²) | |
Projector | Direct View Display | |
SDR dark | [0.01, 0.032] | [0.01, 0.024] |
SDR light | 15.20 ± 0.46 | |
HDR dark | 0.005 ± 0.001 | |
HDR light | 299.6 ± 18 | 299.6 ± 9 |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
24.2. SDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
This test procedure only applies to Test Subject that support stereoscopic presentations.
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
27.2. SDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Any verification that fails is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
26.2. HDR Direct View Display Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
28.2. HDR Projector Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
A Screen Management System (SMS) (or Theater Management System (TMS)) is responsible for providing the operator's interface for ingest, scheduling, reporting, etc. In this document the term SMS will be used exclusively, although the same test procedures can apply to a TMS that is able to directly manage a suite of equipment for a screen.
The SMS is not hosted on secure hardware (i.e., it is not required to be within an SPB).
Verify that the system provides an interface to the storage system, for DCP ingest, that is Ethernet, 1Gb/s or better, over copper (1000Base-T) or fiber (1000Base-FX), as described in [IEEE-802-3], running the TCP/IP protocol.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
events recorded during the playback for complete and successful reproduction. Any
exceptions or missing FrameSequencePlayed
or PlayoutComplete
events are cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Storage System Redundancy (OBAE)" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
events recorded during the playback for complete and successful reproduction. Any
exceptions or missing FrameSequencePlayed
or PlayoutComplete
events are cause to fail this
test. Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "Screen Management System" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Data only | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Data only | — |
$ schema-check <input-file> schema validation successful
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
The section "KDM Validity Checks" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | Record the available operator roles (names) and whether locally-defined accounts can be created. |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | Record the available operator roles (names) and whether locally-defined accounts can be created. |
playout events.FrameSequencePlayed
event for both audio and image and that they each contain a
parameter named AuthId
with a value that is not absent.AuthId
value. Any missing AuthId
parameter or any AuthId
parameter that has a value that
is unpopulated is cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
role, or the TMS
role, unless
the SMS is contained within an SPB meeting the protection requirements for any other designated roles. SMS
role, or the TMS
role, is cause to fail the test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Two instances of each KDM listed below are needed if the Test Subject is an OMB: one instance of each KDM for the IMB and one instance of each KDM for the OMB.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
For each of the rows of Table 8.2, create a Show Playlist with the Composition and attempt to play it using the Malformed KDM. If playback begins this is cause to fail this test.
Composition | Malformed KDM |
sync_test_with_subs_ct.cpl.xml | m0100_missing_key_pict.kdm.xml |
sync_test_with_subs_ct.cpl.xml | m0102_missing_key_snd.kdm.xml |
sync_test_with_subs_ct.cpl.xml | m0104_missing_key_sub.kdm.xml |
2K_sync_test_with_subs_obae_ct.cpl.xml | m0106_missing_key_pict_obae.kdm.xml |
2K_sync_test_with_subs_obae_ct.cpl.xml | m0108_missing_key_snd_obae.kdm.xml |
2K_sync_test_with_subs_obae_ct.cpl.xml | m0110_missing_key_sub_obae.kdm.xml |
2K_sync_test_with_subs_obae_ct.cpl.xml | m0112_missing_key_obae_obae.kdm.xml |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Failure of any of these above conditions is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
15.2. Integrated IMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Data only | — |
21.2. Integrated IMBO Test Sequence | Data only | — |
The section "Automation Control and Interfaces (OBAE)" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
playout events.FrameSequencePlayed
event for both audio and image and that they each contain a
parameter named AuthId
with a value that is not absent.AuthId
value. Any missing AuthId
parameter or any AuthId
parameter that has a value that
is unpopulated is cause to fail this test.Sequence | Type | Measured Data |
20.2. OMB Test Sequence | Pass/Fail | — |
Type 1 Secure Processing Blocks (SPB) are required by DCI to conform to a U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) FIPS 140 version in effect at the time of DCI compliance testing. Testing for compliance with FIPS 140 is performed by independent CMVP testing laboratories accredited by NIST NVLAP.
In May 2019, NIST announced the plan and schedule to migrate the security requirements for cryptographic modules from FIPS 140-2 to FIPS 140-3. In order to simplify accommodation of this Chapter 9. FIPS Requirements for a Type 1 SPB for FIPS 140-2 and FIPS 140-3 (and references to these documents throughout the CTP), FIPS 140-2 and FIPS 140-3 references have been revised to refer generically to FIPS 140, unless otherwise noted.
The testing program, known as the Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP), is a joint effort of NIST's Computer Systems Laboratory (CSL) and the Communications Security Establishment (CSE) of the Government of Canada. More information about CMVP can be found on the NIST web site at To be compliant with the DCI System Specification, a Type 1 SPB device must be tested by an accredited CMVP testing laboratory, the resulting documentation must be submitted to NIST/CSE for examination, and a validation certificate must be issued by NIST/CSE. Throughout this document, the term "FIPS 140-2 testing" will refer to this entire process.
FIPS 140 testing is very thorough but also very selective. To determine whether Type 1 SPB meets the DCI requirements, the documents prepared for and presented to the CMVP testing laboratory by the manufacturer must be reviewed by an examiner as guided by the requirements presented in this chapter. This chapter will briefly explain the FIPS testing process and the documentation that is produced. A procedure will be presented that will guide the examiner through the task of evaluating a FIPS 140 test report and determining the DCI compliance status of the respective Test Subject.
This section will explain the process of obtaining a FIPS 140 validation certificate from NIST/CSE. This information is intended to guide the examiner in understanding the documentation that will be produced in that process. This information is not exhaustive and is not intended to guide a manufacturer in obtaining a validation certificate. The following sub-sections illustrate the tasks in a typical validation process.
NIST makes available the list of accredited CMVP testing laboratories on the agency web site (see testing_labs/index.html). Any of the testing laboratories can be used, but some restrictions may apply. For example, a laboratory that is owned by the Test Subject manufacturer or one that contributed to the design of the Test Subject will be disqualified from testing that Test Subject. More information about CMVP testing laboratories and CMVP testing laboratory selection can be found in Frequently Asked Questions for the Cryptographic Module Validation Program ( CMVPFAQ.pdf).
The FIPS 140 validation test report prepared by the CMVP testing laboratory is a proprietary and closely controlled document. The manufacturer must ensure that it has permission to disclose the test report to the Testing Organization.
The manufacturer is responsible for implementing a compliant design, and submitting required testing evidence to the CMVP testing laboratory for review and testing
Additionally, the manufacturer may be required to develop test jigs to facilitate the error injection process; for example, to simulate tamper events and other hardware failures.
The CMVP maintains a list of all cryptographic modules validated to FIPS 140 requirements. This list is published online at The CMVP also maintains a list of cryptographic modules currently undergoing FIPS 140 testing (a listing on the CMVP pre-validation website does not equate to having a FIPS 140-2 validation). The pre-validation list is at
The CMVP testing laboratory will review and analyze design materials during the validation testing process. The following list shows the documents generally expected to be submitted.
A FIPS 140 validation test report is created by CMVP testing laboratory engineers for submission to CMVP. The report details the documentation received and the test engineer's evaluation of the implementation's fidelity to the documentation and FIPS 140 requirements. The module tested receives a FIPS 140 validation certificate (i.e., either [FIPS-140-2] or [FIPS-140-3]) once the CMVP reviews and approves the test report.
The CMVP testing laboratory assessments contained within a FIPS 140 validation test report address each of the applicable "TE" requirements corresponding to the eleven areas specified in the FIPS 140 Derived Test Requirements (DTR). These requirements instruct the tester as to what he or she must do in order to test the cryptographic module with respect to the given assertion (which is a statement that must be true for the module to satisfy the requirement of a given area at a given level).
For each applicable FIPS 140 "TE", the tester's assessment includes:
The Testing Organization must obtain an official copy of the FIPS 140 validation test report directly from the CMVP testing laboratory that performed the testing. The Test Operator must verify that the name of the cryptographic module and version (software, hardware, firmware) under review are identical to the versions reviewed for the FIPS 140 validation certificate, and supporting CAVP algorithm validation certificate(s).
To confirm whether the cryptographic module satisfies the DCI requirements, the Test Operator must review the "TE" assessments (and associated references as needed) that are relevant to corresponding DCI requirements (the specific assessments are located below with the respective DCI requirements. The functionality described must be consistent with the observed implementation.
Each of the subsections below describes a DCI requirement that must be proven by examining the FIPS 140 validation report. For each requirement, observe the design of the respective system element (with the aid of the Test Subject Representative) and record whether or not the design meets the requirement.
Verify that the Security Manager (SM) operating environment is limited to the FIPS 140 "limited operational" or "non-modifiable operational" environment category.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "LE Key Generation" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
For components of the system designated Type 1 SPB, verify the following:
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "Security Design Description Requirements" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SPB1 Tamper Resistance" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
For components of the system designated Type 1 SPB, verify the following: the component meets and is certified for the requirements of FIPS 140 Level 3 in all areas except those subject to the exceptions or additional notes as specified in [DCI-DCSS], Section
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "SPB1 Secure Silicon FIPS Requirements" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
For components of the system designated Type 1 SPB, verify that keys are generated as specified in [RFC-3447] and per the requirements of FIPS 140 "Cryptographic Key Management" and the [DCI-DCSS], Section
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that the following Critical Security Parameters (CSPs) receive Secure Processing Block (SPB) Type 1 protection, whenever they exist outside of their originally encrypted state, in accordance with IPS-140 and the requirements of [DCI-DCSS], Section
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "SPB 1 Firmware Modifications" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
This procedure is applicable only to FIPS-140-3 certification.
Verify that degraded mode(s) of operation, as defined in FIPS-140-3, are not implemented.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
This procedure is applicable only to FIPS-140-3 certification.
Verify that the SPB Type 1 inhibits its control output interface during each error state, as specified in FIPS-140-3.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
This procedure is applicable only to FIPS-140-3 certification.
Verify that a maintenance role/interface, as defined in FIPS-140-3, is not implemented.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
This procedure is applicable only to FIPS-140-3 certification.
Verify that, if the SPB Type 1 supports "self-initiated cryptographic output capability," that a User Role and/or Crypto Officer Role is required to support the AuthorityID requirements of DCI-DCSS,
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
This procedure is applicable only to FIPS-140-3 certification.
Verify the strength and hardness of SPB Type 1 physical security enclosure material(s) are sustained over the SPB Type 1's range of operation, storage, and distribution by review of design documentation. Verify that destructive physical attacks performed on SPB-1 at nominal temperature(s) verified the strength and hardness of SPB Type 1 physical security enclosure material(s).
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
This procedure is applicable only to FIPS-140-3 certification.
Verify that the specified Security Policy maximum time between periodic self-tests, as defined in FIPS-140-3, is not more than one week.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Like the previous chapter, this chapter contains procedures for evaluating system design for fidelity to DCI requirements that cannot be tested by direct examination of a finished product. These requirements are different though, because they are not proven by the FIPS 140 certification process. The process of proving these requirements is the same, however. Documentation must be produced and Test Subjects must be instrumented to give the examiner all necessary information to evaluate the design. Manufacturers must produce proof in the form of design documentation for each of the appicable requirement specified in this Chapter. To see which requirements are relevant to a particular Test Subject consult the Design Review sections of Part III. Consolidated Test Procedures.)
To complete a compliance evaluation using the requirements in this section, the examiner must be presented with the documentation detailed below. The examiner must also have access to a Test Sample (a production-grade sample of the system, conforming to the operational capabilities of the Design Review sequence being used). Wherever possible, the examiner should confirm that the documentation matches the Test Sample.
For a Type 1 SPB, it should be possible to validate the requirements in this chapter using much of the test material produced for the FIPS 140 test. It may be necessary for the manufacturer to provide additional information in the case where a requirement is not provable using documentation prepared with only the FIPS 140 test in mind. Manufacturers are encouraged to consider the objectives of this chapter when preparing material for the FIPS 140 test of a Type 1 SPB.
The following documents (repeated from Chapter 9) are examples of the types of documentation that will be useful when proving compliance with the requirements presented in this chapter:
For a Type 2 SPB, it is necessary to produce documentation to validate the requirements in this chapter. Because a Type 2 SPB is not required to undergo FIPS 140 testing, this documentation will be produced only for the purpose of this DCI compliance test. Note that the documentation need not cover aspects of the design that are not the subject of the requirements.
The following documentation must be supplied:
In addition to the above, any documentation that can be used to prove that the design meets a particular requirement should be provided.
For a Test Subject which implements Forensic Marking (FM), it will be necessary to provide, in addition to the documentation listed above, an intellectual property disclosure statement which describes any claims on intellectual property that the manufacturer intends to make on the FM algorithm.
Each of the subsections below describes a DCI requirement that must be proven by examining the manufacturer's documentation.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
24.3. SDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
26.3. HDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
27.3. SDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
28.3. HDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "Security Devices Self-Test Capabilities" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Does not apply to an SMS that is permanently integrated.
Verify that the SMS communicates with the SM under its control using:
, as defined in [RFC-3268], when TLS 1.0 is used.Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "SM Usage of OS Security Features" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Secure Remote SPB-SM Communications" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Playback Preparation" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Special Auditorium Situation Detection" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Prevention of Keying of Compromised SPBs" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SPB Authentication" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "TLS Session Key Refreshes" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "LE Key Issuance" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Maximum Key Validity Period" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "Key Usage Time Window" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections
Sequence | Type |
24.3. SDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
26.3. HDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
27.3. SDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
28.3. HDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
24.3. SDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
26.3. HDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
27.3. SDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
28.3. HDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
24.3. SDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
26.3. HDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
27.3. SDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
28.3. HDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that in the configuration of a permanently married companion SPB (MB) the companion SPB is not field replaceable and require the Imaging Device SPB and companion SPB system to both be replaced in the event of an SPB failure.
If the companion SPB is a MB with single certificate implementation as defined in Section of [DCI-DCSS], verify that the system contains exactly one leaf certificate.
If the companion SPB is a MB with dual certificate implementation as defined in Section of [DCI-DCSS], verify that the system contains exactly two leaf certificates.
Sequence | Type |
24.3. SDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
26.3. HDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
27.3. SDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
28.3. HDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
24.3. SDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
26.3. HDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
27.3. SDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
28.3. HDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that Type 2 SPB surrounds the following sub-systems:
Verify through physical inspection that a sample device contains the above listed sub-systems in a manner consistent with the documentation.
Sequence | Type |
24.3. SDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
26.3. HDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
27.3. SDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
28.3. HDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that the clock is tamper-proof and thereafter may not be reset.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "TLS Endpoints" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Implementation of RRPs" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SMS and SPB Authentication and ITM Transport Layer" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Idempotency of ITM RRPs" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "RRP Synchronism" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "TLS Mode Bypass Prohibition" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "RRP Broadcast Prohibition" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Implementation of Proprietary ITMs" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "RRP Initiator" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SPB TLS Session Partners" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SM TLS Session Partners" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "RRP 'Busy' and Unsupported Types" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "RRP Operational Messages" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "FM Generic Inserter Requirements" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
For a Forensic Marking (FM) embedder:
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that IFM is visually transparent to the critical viewer in butterfly tests for motion image content.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that IFM resists/survives video processing attacks (such as digital-to-analog conversions, including multiple D-A/A-D conversions), re-sampling and re-quantization (including dithering and recompression), common signal enhancements to image contrast and color, resizing, letterboxing, aperture control, low-pass filtering, anti-aliasing, brick wall filtering, digital video noise reduction filtering, frame-swapping, compression, arbitrary scaling (aspect ratio is not necessarily constant), cropping, overwriting, addition of noise and other transformations. Verify that IFM survives collusion (the combining of multiple videos in the attempt to make a different fingerprint or to remove it), format conversion, the changing of frequencies and spatial resolution (among, for example, NTSC, PAL and SECAM, into another and vice versa), horizontal and vertical shifting and camcorder capture and low bit rate compression (e.g., 500 Kbps H264, 1.1 Mbps MPEG-1).
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that AFM is inaudible in critical listening A/B tests
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that AFM resists/survives multiple D/A and A/D conversions, radio frequency or infrared transmissions within the theater, any combination and down conversion of captured channels, re-sampling of channels, time compression/ expansion with pitch shift and pitch preserved, linear speed changes within 10% and pitch-invariant time scaling within 4%. Verify that AFM resists/survives data reduction coding, nonlinear amplitude compression, additive or multiplicative noise frequency response distortion such as equalization, addition of echo, band-pass filtering, flutter and wow and overdubbing.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that the SM is solely responsible for control of FM marking processes (i.e., "on/off") for the auditorium it is installed in and command and control of this function is only via the KDM indicator per [SMPTE-430-1] .
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "SE Time Stamping" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SE Log Authoring" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Verify that log records stored in SPBs are stored in non-volatile memory and are not purge-able. Verify that data is overwritten beginning with the oldest data as new log data is accumulated. Verify that no log records are overwritten unless collected by the SM..
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "Remote SPB Log Storage Requirements" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Verify that the SM is capable of storing at least 12 months of typical log data accumulation for the auditorium in which it is installed.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "Logging for Standalone Systems" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Logging of Failed Procedures" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Verify that behavior of security devices (SPB or SE) is specified and designed to immediately terminate operation, and requires replacement, upon any failure of its secure logging operation.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that resident log records in failed SPBs (and their contained SEs) are not purge-able except by authorized repair centers, which are capable of securely recovering such log records.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that once decrypted from the KDM (and except when being used during playback) content keys are either cached within the secure silicon IC, or protected by AES key wrapping per [NIST-800-38F] when cached externally to secure silicon within the Media Block.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that SPBs of Type 1 are not field serviceable (e.g., SPB Type 1 maintenance access doors shall not be open-able in the field).
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that software protection methods are not used to protect CSPs or content essence
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that in the event that Exhibition command and control designs include the TMS as a device that interfaces with the SMs, such a TMS is viewed by the security system as an SMS, and carries a digital certificate and follows all other SMS behavior, TLS and ITM communications requirements.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that the following Digital Cinema Security Parameters (DCSPs) receive SPB Type 1 protection, whenever they exist outside of their originally encrypted state:
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that the mechanism used to generate RSA key pairs must have at least 128-bits of entropy (unpredictability).
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that AES or TDES symmetric keys pre-loaded into a device are generated with a high quality random number generator with at least 128 bits of entropy (112 bits for TDES).
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that the Media Block is capable of securely caching at least 512 keys.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify the following:
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that log records are not purged from a Type 1 SPB in the event of intrusion or other tamper detection.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "ASM Get Time Frequency" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "SPB2 Log Memory Availability" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Verify that the SPB's Secure Silicon device meets FIPS 140 level 3 "Physical Security" area requirements as defined for "single-chip cryptographic modules". Failure of this verification is cause to fail this test.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Only applies to a Test Subject that is a Companion SPB (SM).
Verify that the Test Subject retrieves the Imaging Device SPB certificate over the marriage connection.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that, when integrated within an Imaging Device as a companion SPB, or permanently married to the Imaging Device, the MB provides 24/7 log recording support, and storage of all log records associated with the Imaging Device SPB.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The following applies only to Test Subjects that are Companion SPBs, i.e. MB designed to operate with an integrated Imaging Device.
Verify that the Test Subject does not operate unless integrated with an Imaging Device SPB. In particular,
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "Standalone MB Single Purpose Requirement" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Verify that the Imaging Device SPB sends log event data across the marriage electrical interface for retention by the companion SPB, as specified in Table 19 of [DCI-DCSS].
Sequence | Type |
24.3. SDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
26.3. HDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
27.3. SDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
28.3. HDR Projector Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "TLS RSA Requirement" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Only applies if the SM uses dual certificates and the SMS is not permanently integrated.
Verify that the SM presents the SM Certificate (SM Cert) to the SMS when the SMS establishes a TLS session with the SM.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that an OMB does not:
Sequence | Type |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that under no circumstances does the SM export any KDM-borne key from the SM's SPB.
Sequence | Type |
15.3. Integrated IMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The section "Encrypted Auxiliary Data Processing" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "OBAE Addendum" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Sequence | Type |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Verify that forensic marking applied to OBAE essence is inaudible in critical listening A/B tests.
Sequence | Type |
20.3. OMB Design Review | Pass/Fail |
21.3. Integrated IMBO Design Review | Pass/Fail |
Each of the subsections below describes a DCI requirement that shall be verified by examining the manufacturer's documentation.
Verify, according to the following steps, that the display pixel density of the imaging device is equal to or greater than 60 display pixels per degree when viewed at 1.6 screen heights:
The nominal average human vision performance called 20/20 vision corresponds to the ability to resolve 30 cycles per degree. On an imaging device the minimum pixel density that can show 30 cycles per degree is 60 pixels per degree.
Sequence | Type |
26.3. HDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
27.3. SDR Direct View Display Design Review | Pass/Fail |
The chapters in this part contain Test Sequences and a standardized Test Report for testing Digital Cinema equipment. Each Test Sequence subjects a Test Subject to a set of Tests selected from Part I. Procedural Tests and Part II. Design Evaluation Guidelines.
The Test Subject is specified at the opening of each Test Sequence chapter and at Table 11.2. Each Test Subject comprises a single certificated device.
A Test Report consists of information about a Test Session recorded as specified in Table 11.1. All fields shall be filled in.
Each certificated device listed on line 9 of a Test Report, with the exception of an SMS, shall be a DCI compliant certificated device as defined below.
NOTE 1: Certificated devices listed on line 9 of a Test Report might have achieved DCI compliance against different versions of the CTP.
EXAMPLE 1: An IMB that achieved DCI-compliance per CTP 1.3 can be used when performing Chapter 24. SDR Projector Consolidated Test Sequence in this version of the CTP.
For a permanently married Imaging Device, line 9 of a Test Report shall identify the Imaging Device and companion device (per [DCI-DCSS], Section
For an integrated SMS, line 9 of a Test Report shall identify the SMS and IMB (per [DCI-DCSS], Section, first bullet).
To assure clarity, line 9 of a Test Report shall include the text "permanently married" or "permanently integrated" as applicable.
1. Reporting date | |
2. Test Start Date | |
3. CTP version | |
4. Name of Testing Organization | |
5. Address of Testing Organization | |
6. Name of Test Operator | |
7. Test location (if not at Testing Organization's site) | |
8. Name of Test Subject Representative | |
9. Address of Test Subject Representative | |
10. Make and model of Test Subject (to be included on the DCI listing hot link) | |
11. Serial and model numbers identifying each of the participating certificated devices, including software and/or firmware version numbers as applicable. | |
12. Test sequence performed (select one) |
☐ Chapter 15. Integrated IMB Consolidated Test Sequence ☐ Chapter 20. OMB Consolidated Test Sequence ☐ Chapter 21. Integrated IMBO Consolidated Test Sequence ☐ Chapter 24. SDR Projector Consolidated Test Sequence ☐ Chapter 26. HDR Direct View Display Consolidated Test Sequence ☐ Chapter 27. SDR Direct View Display Consolidated Test Sequence ☐ Chapter 28. HDR Projector Consolidated Test Sequence |
13. Test status (select one) | ☐ Pass ☐ Fail |
14. Sequences performed (select one) | ☐ Test Sequence and Design Review ☐ Confidence Sequence (Confidence Retest) |
A Test Session is the collection of Test Results gathered by subjecting a set of certificated devices to one of the Test Sequences listed in Table 11.2, with the set of certificated devices including at least those required by the Test Sequence. A certificated device is defined by the combination of its manufacturer, product name and model/version number.
NOTE 2: the set of certificated devices used for a Test Session cannot change, e.g., the same IMB is used for all tests specified in a Test Session against Chapter 24. SDR Projector Consolidated Test Sequence.
NOTE 3: two IMBs with different model/version number are not the same IMB when creating a Test Session.
Test sequence | Test subject | Certificated device that comprise the Test subject | Certificated devices required to perform the Test Sequence |
Chapter 15. Integrated IMB Consolidated Test Sequence | Integrated IMB | IMB | Imaging Device, IMB, SMS |
Chapter 20. OMB Consolidated Test Sequence | Outboard Media Block | OMB | Imaging Device, OMB, IMB, SMS |
Chapter 21. Integrated IMBO Consolidated Test Sequence | Integrated IMBO | IMBO | Imaging Device, IMBO, SMS |
Chapter 24. SDR Projector Consolidated Test Sequence | Projector | Projector | Projector, IMB or IMBO, SMS |
Chapter 26. HDR Direct View Display Consolidated Test Sequence | Direct View Display | Direct View Display | Direct View Display, IMB or IMBO, SMS |
Chapter 27. SDR Direct View Display Consolidated Test Sequence | Direct View Display | Direct View Display | Direct View Display, IMB or IMBO, SMS |
Chapter 28. HDR Projector Consolidated Test Sequence | Projector | Projector | Projector, IMB or IMBO, SMS |
A Test Result is the outcome of evaluating a set of certificated devices against the steps and requirements of a single Test specified in this version of the CTP. Each Test specifies the type of test result generated, either PASS, FAIL or measured data.
A Test Result may, at the discretion of the Testing Organization, be reused across multiple Test Sessions, and thus different Test Sequences, if and only if (a) the underlying test is identical and (b) the set of certificated devices subjected to the Test are identical. The Testing Organization is required to attest that both conditions (a) and (b) are met.
NOTE 4: The above constraints require the supplier(s) of each certificated device to present to the Testing Organization the Test Results to be reused.
EXAMPLE 2: the Test Result obtained by subjecting an SMS to 8.1.1. Storage System Ingest Interface in the course of performing a Test Session against Chapter 15. Integrated IMB Consolidated Test Sequence can be reused when subjecting the same SMS (as defined by its manufacturer, product name and model/version number) to the same test procedure in the course of performing a Test Session against Chapter 21. Integrated IMBO Consolidated Test Sequence.
EXAMPLE 3: the Test Result obtained by subjecting an IMB to 5.1.1. SPB Digital Certificate as specified in CTP 1.2.1 cannot be reused when subjecting the same IMB against the same test procedure in this version of CTP since 5.1.1. SPB Digital Certificate is not identical in both versions of the CTP.
The status of the Test Session is PASS if none of the test results is FAIL; the status of the Test Session is FAIL otherwise.
The certificated device that comprises a Test Subject of a Test Session whose status is PASS is a “DCI compliant certificated device”.
NOTE 5: A “DCI compliant certificated device” is defined in the context of a specific Test Session, i.e., for a particular set of certificated devices and set of tests defined in a specific version of the CTP. As such, while the certificated device remains DCI-compliant in perpetuity within that context, not all Test Results associated with the DCI compliant certificated device can necessarily be reused in all future Test Sessions in which the certificated device is involved, as described in this section.
An entity may aggregate some of its products that only have different NPRCs into a family group by attesting to the similarity of that family group in a letter, signed by a person who has authority to bind the entity under test to the terms of said letter. The letter shall be sent to the contracted licensed test entity and to DCI at
The letter, which will be attached to the detailed report of the tested device, will clearly and comprehensively provide detailed information and justification as described below:
Further, the form specified in Table 11.3 shall be attached to the letter to identify the general family group information. This form will be published with the summary report of the tested device on the DCI Compliant Family Groups web site page.
Manufacturer | ||
Testament Submission Date | ||
Equipment Tested | ||
Family Item 0 | Make | |
Model | ||
Version | ||
Family Item 1 | Make | |
Model | ||
Version | ||
Family Item 2 | Make | |
Model | ||
Version | ||
(add items as needed) | ||
Printed Name | ||
Job Title | ||
Signature |
If any NPRCs fail within a Test Subject during CTP testing, the components may be replaced with equivalent units (having identical technical specifications) and testing resumed from a test point before any anomalous behavior was first observed. In order to assure compliance, the DCI licensed entity will determine the appropriate resumption point and continue testing all procedures thereafter in numerical order.
If any programmable components (e.g., FPGAs) fail within a Test Subject during CTP testing and it can be shown rigorously by the manufacturer that a completely identical component with identical programming is available (same component, version and programming), the programmable component may be replaced with the identical component and testing resumed from a test point before any anomalous behavior was first observed. In order to assure compliance, the DCI licensed entity will determine the appropriate resumption point and continue testing all procedures thereafter in numerical order.
It is recognized that when an SPB-1 or SPB-2 is replaced, the private key will necessarily change. However, the certificate formulation (e.g., digest method, subject name component values (O, OU), subject name CN roles, RSA, key length, extensions, etc.) will need to be identical to that of the certificate in the original SPB so as to result in the same system behavior.
Any device that fails during CTP testing that is connected to the Test Subject may be repaired and then verified as to its correct behavior. If correct behavior is verified, testing may resume from a test point before any anomalous behavior was first observed.
Once compliance has been established for a particular device model per this specification, all product changes shall maintain compliance with the [DCI-DCSS] and this specification. Product changes may require retesting to ensure continued compliance. For the avoidance of doubt, no retesting is required if there are no product changes.
Changes of any kind may require retesting of the SPB-1 device for FIPS 140 compliance by a Cryptographic Module Validation Program (CMVP) testing laboratory. The extent of retesting of FIPS compliance shall be at the determination of the CMVP testing laboratory. Device manufacturers shall notify DCI at of all SPB-1 upgrades prior to deployment, identifying all relevant component version numbers.
Replacing NPRCs with technically equivalent components will not require retesting.
All changes to software and firmware shall maintain compliance with the [DCI-DCSS] and this specification. Device manufacturers shall notify DCI at of all upgrades prior to deployment, identifying all relevant component version numbers.
Changes to software or firmware shall require Confidence Retesting by a licensed DCI test entity on a “three-year or four-upgrade cycle” if either
Any Confidence Retest of updated software or firmware shall be conducted against the version of this specification in force as of the date the device is submitted for Confidence Retest, subject to the following exceptions.
To minimize barriers to upgrades, SPB devices that are already listed on the Compliant Equipment page of the DCI website may be excused from CTP tests associated with the bullets below for purposes of a Confidence Retest:
Confidence Retests have been selected to assure that software/firmware changes have not impacted critical security functionality. Hardware, integrated circuit, FIPS related issues, etc., are addressed by Sections SPB Type 1 (SPB-1) Devices and NPRC.
The chapter "Digital Cinema Package (DCP) Consolidated Test Sequence" was deleted. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The chapter "Digital Cinema Server Consolidated Test Sequence" was deleted. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The chapter "Standalone D-Cinema Projector Consolidated Test Sequence" was deleted. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The test sequence defined in this chapter is intended to be used to test a integrated Image Media Block (IMB) as the Test Subject. The configuration and architecture of the system may vary, but the test sequence requires that the system consists of at least a light processing system including electronic and optical components (Projector), an Image Media Block (containing a Security Manager, Media Decryptor, etc.), and a Screen Management Server (SMS). For the purpose of this test, the Test Operator may substitute a Theater Management Server (TMS) for the SMS if it implements the required functionality. Wherever a test procedure refers to an SMS, the equivalent TMS may also be used.
For the purpose of compliance testing as defined in this Chapter, the spatial resolution of the projector shall be no less than that of the Media Block.
Before performing the test sequence provided below, the Test Operator should read and understand the documentation provided with the Test Subject. If adequate documentation is not available, a Test Subject Representative should be available to provide assistance during the test session.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
For each requirement listed in the table below, prove that the system design meets the requirement by identifying the software or hardware mechanism that implements the requirement and analyzing the design to assure that the requirement has been met, subject to stipulated conditions. If a proof cannot be made, the design will be considered non-compliant with regard to the requirement. To perform this analysis the examiner will require access to exhibit documents (system design artifacts) such as schematic diagrams, implementation source code, unit test source code, state diagrams, design notes, etc. See Chapter 9: FIPS Requirements for a Type 1 SPB and Chapter 10: DCI Requirements Review for more information.
For each requirement, the examiner must record the identifiers of the exhibits consulted in proving the requirement, including applicable version identifiers, section or sheet numbers, grid identifiers, etc., and the examiner must record Pass or Fail to indicate whether or not the requirement has been met by the design. The examiner may also record any notes relevant to interpreting the exhibits and to the determination of the compliance status.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
The chapter "Link Decryptor/Encryptor Consolidated Test Sequence" was deleted. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The chapter "Digital Cinema Server Consolidated Confidence Sequence" was deleted. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The chapter "Standalone D-Cinema Projector Consolidated Test Sequence" was deleted. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The chapter "Integrated IMB Consolidated Confidence Sequence" was moved to 15.4. Integrated IMB Confidence Sequence. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The test sequence defined in this chapter is intended to be used to test an Outboard Media Block (OMB) as the Test Subject. The configuration and architecture of the system may vary, but the test sequence requires that the system consists of at least an OMB, Projector, IMB and SMS. For the purpose of this test, the Test Operator may substitute a Theater Management Server/System (TMS) for the SMS if it implements the required functionality. Wherever a test procedure refers to an SMS, the equivalent TMS may also be used.
Digital cinema systems that include an OMB operate in Multiple Media Block (MMB) mode, wherein the SMS is responsible for managing playout processes of the OMB and IMB, and the IMB provides synchronization to the OMB. The IMB must also be able to play only a portion of the total content in a composition, as the OMB will be handling some of the content. Thus, the IMB and SMS must be "MMB Capable" to function within a MMB architecture. This Chapter contains specific tests for the IMB and SMS to test for this capability.
Before performing the test sequence provided below, the Test Operator should read and understand the documentation provided with the Test Subject. If adequate documentation is not available, a Test Subject Representative should be available to provide assistance during the test session.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
For each requirement listed in the table below, prove that the system design meets the requirement by identifying the software or hardware mechanism that implements the requirement and analyzing the design to assure that the requirement has been met, subject to stipulated conditions. If a proof cannot be made, the design will be considered non-compliant with regard to the requirement. To perform this analysis the examiner will require access to exhibit documents (system design artifacts) such as schematic diagrams, implementation source code, unit test source code, state diagrams, design notes, etc. See Chapter 9: FIPS Requirements for a Type 1 SPB and Chapter 10: DCI Requirements Review for more information.
For each requirement, the examiner must record the identifiers of the exhibits consulted in proving the requirement, including applicable version identifiers, section or sheet numbers, grid identifiers, etc., and the examiner must record Pass or Fail to indicate whether or not the requirement has been met by the design. The examiner may also record any notes relevant to interpreting the exhibits and to the determination of the compliance status
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
The test sequence defined in this chapter is intended to be used to test an integrated Image Media Block with OMB functions (IMBO) as the Test Subject. The configuration and architecture of the system may vary, but the test sequence requires that the system consists of at least a light processing system including electronic and optical components (Projector), an IMBO (containing a Security Manager, Media Decryptors, image, main sound and OBAE sound processing, etc.), and a Screen Management Server/System (SMS). For the purpose of this test, the Test Operator may substitute a Theater Management Server/System (TMS) for the SMS if it implements the required functionality. Wherever a test procedure refers to an SMS, the equivalent TMS may also be used.
For the purpose of compliance testing as defined in this Chapter, the spatial resolution of the projector shall be no less than that of the Media Block.
Before performing the test sequence provided below, the Test Operator should read and understand the documentation provided with the Test Subject. If adequate documentation is not available, a Test Subject Representative should be available to provide assistance during the test session.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
For each requirement listed in the table below, prove that the system design meets the requirement by identifying the software or hardware mechanism that implements the requirement and analyzing the design to assure that the requirement has been met, subject to stipulated conditions. If a proof cannot be made, the design will be considered non-compliant with regard to the requirement. To perform this analysis the examiner will require access to exhibit documents (system design artifacts) such as schematic diagrams, implementation source code, unit test source code, state diagrams, design notes, etc. See Chapter 9: FIPS Requirements for a Type 1 SPB and Chapter 10: DCI Requirements Review for more information.
For each requirement, the examiner must record the identifiers of the exhibits consulted in proving the requirement, including applicable version identifiers, section or sheet numbers, grid identifiers, etc., and the examiner must record Pass or Fail to indicate whether or not the requirement has been met by the design. The examiner may also record any notes relevant to interpreting the exhibits and to the determination of the compliance status
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
The chapter "OMB Consolidated Confidence Sequence" was moved to 20.4. OMB Confidence Sequence. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The chapter "Integrated IMBO Consolidated Confidence Sequence" was moved to 21.4. Integrated IMBO Confidence Sequence. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The Test Subject of the Test Sequence defined in this chapter is a Projector that supports SDR presentations. The configuration and architecture of the system may vary, but the test sequence requires that the system consists of at least a light processing system including electronic and optical components (Projector), an IMB or IMBO (containing a Security Manager, Media Decryptor, etc.), and an SMS. For the purpose of this test, the Test Operator may substitute a Theater Management Server/System (TMS) for the SMS if it implements the required functionality. Wherever a test procedure refers to an SMS, the equivalent TMS may also be used.
For the purpose of compliance testing as defined in this Chapter, the spatial resolution of the projector shall be no less than that of the Media Block.
Before performing the test sequence provided below, the Test Operator should read and understand the documentation provided with the Test Subject. If adequate documentation is not available, a Test Subject Representative should be available to provide assistance during the test session.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
For each requirement listed in the table below, prove that the system design meets the requirement by identifying the software or hardware mechanism that implements the requirement and analyzing the design to assure that the requirement has been met, subject to stipulated conditions. If a proof cannot be made, the design will be considered non-compliant with regard to the requirement. To perform this analysis the examiner will require access to exhibit documents (system design artifacts) such as schematic diagrams, implementation source code, unit test source code, state diagrams, design notes, etc. See Chapter 9: FIPS Requirements for a Type 1 SPB and Chapter 10: DCI Requirements Review for more information.
For each requirement, the examiner must record the identifiers of the exhibits consulted in proving the requirement, including applicable version identifiers, section or sheet numbers, grid identifiers, etc., and the examiner must record Pass or Fail to indicate whether or not the requirement has been met by the design. The examiner may also record any notes relevant to interpreting the exhibits and to the determination of the compliance status
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
The chapter "Projector Consolidated Confidence Sequence" was moved to 24.4. SDR Projector Confidence Sequence. The chapter number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The Test Subject of the Test Sequence defined in this chapter is a Direct View Display that supports both SDR and HDR presentations. The configuration and architecture of the system may vary, but the test sequence requires that the system consists of at least a light processing system including electronic and optical components (Direct View Display), an IMB or IMBO (containing a Security Manager, Media Decryptor, etc.), and a Screen Management Server (SMS). For the purpose of this test, the Test Operator may substitute a Theater Management Server (TMS) for the SMS if it implements the required functionality. Wherever a test procedure refers to an SMS, the equivalent TMS may also be used.
For the purpose of compliance testing as defined in this Chapter, the spatial resolution of the direct view display shall be no less than that of the Media Block.
Before performing the test sequence provided below, the Test Operator should read and understand the documentation provided with the Test Subject. If adequate documentation is not available, a Test Subject Representative should be available to provide assistance during the test session.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
For each requirement listed in the table below, prove that the system design meets the requirement by identifying the software or hardware mechanism that implements the requirement and analyzing the design to assure that the requirement has been met, subject to stipulated conditions. If a proof cannot be made, the design will be considered non-compliant with regard to the requirement. To perform this analysis the examiner will require access to exhibit documents (system design artifacts) such as schematic diagrams, implementation source code, unit test source code, state diagrams, design notes, etc. See Chapter 9: FIPS Requirements fora Type 1 SPB and Chapter 10: DCI Requirements Review for more information.
For each requirement, the examiner must record the identifiers of the exhibits consulted in proving the requirement, including applicable version identifiers, section or sheet numbers, grid identifiers, etc., and the examiner must record Pass or Fail to indicate whether or not the requirement has been met by the design. The examiner may also record any notes relevant to interpreting the exhibits and to the determination of the compliance status.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
The Test Subject of the Test Sequence defined in this chapter is a Direct View Display that supports SDR presentations. The configuration and architecture of the system may vary, but the test sequence requires that the system consists of at least a light processing system including electronic and optical components (Direct View Display), an IMB or IMBO (containing a Security Manager, Media Decryptor, etc.), and a Screen Management Server (SMS). For the purpose of this test, the Test Operator may substitute a Theater Management Server (TMS) for the SMS if it implements the required functionality. Wherever a test procedure refers to an SMS, the equivalent TMS may also be used.
For the purpose of compliance testing as defined in this Chapter, the spatial resolution of the direct view display shall be no less than that of the Media Block.
Before performing the test sequence provided below, the Test Operator should read and understand the documentation provided with the Test Subject. If adequate documentation is not available, a Test Subject Representative should be available to provide assistance during the test session.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
For each requirement listed in the table below, prove that the system design meets the requirement by identifying the software or hardware mechanism that implements the requirement and analyzing the design to assure that the requirement has been met, subject to stipulated conditions. If a proof cannot be made, the design will be considered non-compliant with regard to the requirement. To perform this analysis the examiner will require access to exhibit documents (system design artifacts) such as schematic diagrams, implementation source code, unit test source code, state diagrams, design notes, etc. See Chapter 9: FIPS Requirements fora Type 1 SPB and Chapter 10: DCI Requirements Review for more information.
For each requirement, the examiner must record the identifiers of the exhibits consulted in proving the requirement, including applicable version identifiers, section or sheet numbers, grid identifiers, etc., and the examiner must record Pass or Fail to indicate whether or not the requirement has been met by the design. The examiner may also record any notes relevant to interpreting the exhibits and to the determination of the compliance status.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
The Test Subject of the Test Sequence defined in this chapter is a Projector that supports both SDR and HDR presentations. The configuration and architecture of the system may vary, but the test sequence requires that the system consists of at least a light processing system including electronic and optical components (Projector), an IMB or IMBO (containing a Security Manager, Media Decryptor, etc.), and an SMS. For the purpose of this test, the Test Operator may substitute a Theater Management Server/System (TMS) for the SMS if it implements the required functionality. Wherever a test procedure refers to an SMS, the equivalent TMS may also be used.
For the purpose of compliance testing as defined in this Chapter, the spatial resolution of the projector shall be no less than that of the Media Block.
Before performing the test sequence provided below, the Test Operator should read and understand the documentation provided with the Test Subject. If adequate documentation is not available, a Test Subject Representative should be available to provide assistance during the test session.
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
For each requirement listed in the table below, prove that the system design meets the requirement by identifying the software or hardware mechanism that implements the requirement and analyzing the design to assure that the requirement has been met, subject to stipulated conditions. If a proof cannot be made, the design will be considered non-compliant with regard to the requirement. To perform this analysis the examiner will require access to exhibit documents (system design artifacts) such as schematic diagrams, implementation source code, unit test source code, state diagrams, design notes, etc. See Chapter 9: FIPS Requirements for a Type 1 SPB and Chapter 10: DCI Requirements Review for more information.
For each requirement, the examiner must record the identifiers of the exhibits consulted in proving the requirement, including applicable version identifiers, section or sheet numbers, grid identifiers, etc., and the examiner must record Pass or Fail to indicate whether or not the requirement has been met by the design. The examiner may also record any notes relevant to interpreting the exhibits and to the determination of the compliance status
For each row of the table below, perform the procedure specified in the Procedure column, subject to all conditions specified in the Condition column. Indicate the status of the test in the Pass or Fail column, unless the test is specified as data only. Any marks in greyed-out fields indicate a test failure. Report any information listed in the Measured Data column. The Test Operator may record any additional observations.
To facilitate consistent testing of d-cinema equipment, a set of reference files has been produced to be used as directed in the respective test procedures. These materials are described in detail in this Appendix with the intention that the materials can be re-created from the descriptions and used to achieve testing results equivalent to those achieved with the original reference files.
The test material described below consists of digital certificates, Key Delivery Messages (KDM) and D-Cinema Packages (DCP). A DCP can be further deconstructed as a set of Track Files, Composition Playlists and related file descriptions. Some Track Files will be encrypted.
Because the identity of a Test Subject cannot be known until the device has been manufactured, it is not possible to create reference KDM files in advance. It is therefore necessary to divide the test material into two categories: common-use reference material and per-device reference material. Common-use reference material can be created once and used without limit on any compliant system. Per-device reference material must be created for each Test Subject, with foreknowledge of the date and time of the test session.
Two additional categories of reference material exist: compliant and intentionally non-compliant. Most of the material will be "golden" reference files, intended to be entirely compliant with the relevant specifications. Other files, however, will be intentionally broken to allow testing of error detection and recovery mechanisms.
This section defines a set of MXF picture track files. For each track file, a description is given which details the images encoded in the file. The image track files will be combined with sound files to make complete compositions (see Section A.4).
The section "2K FM Control Granularity Begin" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "2K FM Control Granularity End" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "DCI_gradient_step_s_color_j2c_pt" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Timed Text Example with Font" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections
The section "Timed Text Example with PNG" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Plain_Frame_nosub_j2c_ct" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Sync Count with KDM-Borne MIC Key" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Step Number | X′ | Y′ | Z′ |
1 | 269 | 274 | 283 |
2 | 270 | 275 | 284 |
3 | 271 | 276 | 285 |
4 | 272 | 277 | 286 |
5 | 273 | 278 | 287 |
6 | 274 | 279 | 288 |
7 | 275 | 280 | 289 |
8 | 276 | 281 | 290 |
9 | 277 | 282 | 292 |
10 | 278 | 283 | 292 |
11 | 279 | 284 | 293 |
12 | 279 | 285 | 295 |
13 | 280 | 286 | 296 |
14 | 281 | 287 | 297 |
15 | 282 | 288 | 298 |
16 | 283 | 289 | 299 |
17 | 284 | 290 | 300 |
Step Number | X″ | Y″ | Z″ |
1 | 177 | 181 | 188 |
2 | 178 | 182 | 189 |
3 | 179 | 183 | 190 |
4 | 180 | 184 | 191 |
5 | 181 | 185 | 192 |
6 | 182 | 186 | 193 |
7 | 183 | 187 | 194 |
8 | 184 | 188 | 195 |
9 | 185 | 189 | 196 |
10 | 186 | 190 | 197 |
11 | 187 | 191 | 198 |
12 | 188 | 192 | 199 |
13 | 189 | 193 | 200 |
14 | 190 | 194 | 201 |
15 | 191 | 195 | 203 |
16 | 192 | 196 | 204 |
17 | 193 | 197 | 205 |
This section defines a set of MXF sound track files. For each track file, a description is given which details the sounds encoded in the file. The sound track files will be combined with image files to make complete compositions (see Section A.4).
The section "Pink Noise, 16 Channels, 96 kHz (Encrypted)" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "400 hz sine wave (Encrypted)" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "FM StEM 5.1 Sound (Encrypted)" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
c5 9a f6 6f bd e0 70 39 ba 36 2c 62 e8 21 e6 02
.The section "Sync Count 5.1 with KDM-Borne MIC Key" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "OBAE Tone Multi-Reel" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Main Sound for OBAE Tone Multi-Reel" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Audio Tone Multi-Reel" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
This section defines a set of D-Cinema Compositions and D-Cinema Packages. The Compositions depend upon the track files created in Section A.2 and Section A.3. The Packages contain the Compositions for ingest.
The section "Multi-line Subtitle Test" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Multi-line PNG Subtitle Test" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Subtitle Test Part 1" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Subtitle Test Part 2" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "Subtitle Test Part 3" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "DCI 2K Moving Gradient" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "DCI DCP 2K (Encrypted)" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
Six certificate chains are defined, which separate certificates by device type and level of conformity. In the descriptions below, the IMB label refers to a certificate which contains roles for a Media Block (MB) or a certificate which signs such certificates. Similarly, PRJ refers to certificates or signers associated with an Imaging Device and KDS refers to certificates associated with a Key Distribution System (a KDM authoring entity).
Contents removed, not used by any procedure
Contents removed, not used by any procedure
The KDM files defined in this section must be generated for the Test Subject and the time and date of the test procedure.
element with the value
, and one
element with the value
.The section "KDM with the projector and LDB on the TDL" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with the LDB alone on the TDL" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with imminent expiration date" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
shall be used.The section "KDM for 2K StEM with Device Specific Special Auditorium TDL" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM for DCI 2K StEM with a TDL that contains all of the certificate thumbprints for the devices in the special auditorium situation" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with a TDL including Responder A" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with a TDL including Responder B" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with a TDL that contains all of the certificate thumbprints for the devices in the special auditorium situation and an additional device certificate" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with a TDL that contains all but one of the certificate thumbprints for the devices in the special auditorium situation" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with a TDL that contains all of the certificate thumbprints for the devices in the special auditorium situation and the 'assume trust' thumbprint" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with a TDL that contains one more LD/LE device thumbprints than there are LD/projector thumbprints in the special auditorium situation" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with Assume Trust TDL Entry for DCI 2K Sync Test (Encrypted)" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The section "KDM with a TDL that contains all of the certificate thumbprints for the devices in the special auditorium situation" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
value "MDAK"
be used.Wherever possible, the computer programs used in the test procedures in this document are freely available. Where appropriate, the listings in Appendix B provide a URL where the software can be obtained.
In some cases, it was necessary to develop programs because free alternatives were not available. Those programs are presented here in source code form along with instructions for building and executing the programs.
The programs are expressed in the C, C++ and Python programming languages. Build instructions and prerequisites for the
C and C++ programs are given in the comments at the beginning of each source module. Machine readable copies of the
programs are available in the source-code
directory in the Reference Materials distribution (see Appendix A).
This program reads a PEM formatted X509 certificate and calculates a SHA-1 message digest over the signed portion of the
certificate as required by [SMPTE-430-2] . The value is encoded as a Base64 string and returned on stdout
. The following
example illustrates this usage:
$ dc-thumbprint my-cert.pem aZMVnZ/TzEvLUCmQFcc8U0je9uo=
/* * dc-thumbprint.c -- calculate certificate thumbprint of PEM-encoded * X.509 document per SMPTE 430-2 * * $Id$ * * This program requires OpenSSL. To build: * $ cc -o dc-thumbprint dc-thumbprint.c -lcrypto */ #include <errno.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <openssl/crypto.h> #include <openssl/err.h> #include <openssl/evp.h> #include <openssl/pem.h> #include <openssl/x509.h> int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { /* pointer to SHA-1 hash details */ const EVP_MD *md = EVP_sha1(); /* PEM source file pointer */ FILE *fp = NULL; /* pointer to an X509 structure */ X509 *x = NULL; /* pointer to DER-encoded TBSCertificate */ unsigned char *p_tbs = NULL; /* length of DER-encoded TBSCertificate (p_tbs) */ int tbs_len = 0; /* buffer for the message digest */ unsigned char md_value[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE]; /* return value from digest calculation */ int digest_rc = 0; /* buffer for base64 encoding of the message digest */ char md_base64[EVP_MAX_MD_SIZE * 4 / 3 + 2]; if (argc != 2) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: dc-thumbprint cert-file.pem\n"); return 1; } fp = fopen(argv[1], "r"); if (fp == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "ERROR: Cannot open %s: %s\n", argv[1], strerror(errno)); return 2; } x = PEM_read_X509(fp, NULL, NULL, NULL); (void) fclose(fp); if (x == NULL) { ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); return 3; } /* get the tbsCertificate as a DER string */ tbs_len = i2d_re_X509_tbs(x, &p_tbs); X509_free(x); if (tbs_len <= 0) { ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); return 4; } /* perform the message digest */ digest_rc = EVP_Digest(p_tbs, tbs_len, md_value, NULL, md, NULL); OPENSSL_free(p_tbs); if (digest_rc == 0) { ERR_print_errors_fp(stderr); return 5; } /* perform the base64 encoding */ (void) EVP_EncodeBlock((unsigned char *)md_base64, md_value, EVP_MD_meth_get_result_size(md)); printf("%s\n", md_base64); return 0; } /* * end dc-thumbprint.c */
This program parses and validates XML instance documents. When an XML document is specified alone, the file is checked for well-formedness but is not validated. When an XML document is specified with one or more schema files, schema-check validates that file against the schemas. Only one file to be tested may be specified at a time. Note that schema files must be listed in order of dependency (most dependent last). The following example illustrates using the program to check well-formedness:
$ schema-check perfect-movie.cpl.xml
The next example shows how to use the program to check for valid content:
$ schema-check perfect-movie.cpl.xml SMPTE-428-7.xsd
// // schema-check.cpp -- test XML document against schema // // $Id$ // // This program requires the Xerces-c XML library. To build: // $ c++ -o schema-check schema-check.cpp -lxerces-c // #include <iostream> #include <list> #include <string> #include <cstdio> #include <xercesc/util/OutOfMemoryException.hpp> #include <xercesc/dom/DOM.hpp> #include <xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp> #include <xercesc/framework/XMLGrammarDescription.hpp> #include <xercesc/sax/ErrorHandler.hpp> #include <xercesc/sax/SAXParseException.hpp> using std::cerr; using std::endl; XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Utility code adapted from the DOMPrint program distributed with Xerces-c // simple transcoding wrapper class StrX { char* fLocalForm; public : StrX(const XMLCh* const toTranscode) { fLocalForm = XMLString::transcode(toTranscode); } ~StrX() { XMLString::release(&fLocalForm); } const char* localForm() const { return fLocalForm; } }; std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& target, const StrX& toDump) { target << toDump.localForm(); return target; } // error handler interface class DOMTreeErrorReporter : public ErrorHandler { public: void warning(const SAXParseException& toCatch) {} void resetErrors() {} void error(const SAXParseException& toCatch) { cerr << "Error at file \"" << StrX(toCatch.getSystemId()) << "\", line " << toCatch.getLineNumber() << ", column " << toCatch.getColumnNumber() << endl << " Message: " << StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << endl; } void fatalError(const SAXParseException& toCatch) { cerr << "Fatal Error at file \"" << StrX(toCatch.getSystemId()) << "\", line " << toCatch.getLineNumber() << ", column " << toCatch.getColumnNumber() << endl << " Message: " << StrX(toCatch.getMessage()) << endl; } }; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- int main(int argc, const char** argv) { try { XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize(); } catch(const XMLException& e) { StrX tmp_e(e.getMessage()); cerr << "Xerces initialization error: " << tmp_e.localForm() << endl; return 2; } // check command line for arguments if ( argc < 2 ) { cerr << "usage: schema-check <xml-file> [<schema-file> ...]" << endl; return 3; } for ( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ ) { FILE *f = fopen(argv[i], "r"); if ( f == 0 ) { perror(argv[i]); return 4; } } XercesDOMParser *parser = new XercesDOMParser; DOMTreeErrorReporter *errReporter = new DOMTreeErrorReporter(); parser->setErrorHandler(errReporter); parser->setDoNamespaces(true); parser->setCreateEntityReferenceNodes(true); parser->useCachedGrammarInParse(true); if ( argc > 2 ) { parser->setDoSchema(true); parser->setValidationScheme(AbstractDOMParser::Val_Always); parser->setValidationSchemaFullChecking(true); for ( int i = 2; i < argc; i++ ) { if ( parser->loadGrammar(argv[i], Grammar::SchemaGrammarType, true) == 0 ) { cerr << "Error loading grammar " << std::string(argv[i]) << endl; return 4; } } } bool errorsOccured = true; try { parser->parse(argv[1]); errorsOccured = false; } catch ( const OutOfMemoryException& ) { cerr << "Out of memory exception." << endl; } catch ( const XMLException& e ) { cerr << "An error occurred during parsing" << endl << " Message: " << StrX(e.getMessage()) << endl; } catch ( const DOMException& e ) { const unsigned int maxChars = 2047; XMLCh errText[maxChars + 1]; cerr << endl << "A DOM error occurred during parsing: '" << std::string(argv[1]) << "'" << endl << "DOM Exception code: " << e.code << endl; if ( DOMImplementation::loadDOMExceptionMsg(e.code, errText, maxChars) ) cerr << "Message is: " << StrX(errText) << endl; } catch (...) { cerr << "An unclassified error occurred during parsing." << endl; } return errorsOccured ? 1 : 0; } // // end schema-check.cpp //
This program reads a KDM and an RSA private key in PEM format and decrypts the EncryptedKey elements in the KDM.
The decrypted key blocks are printed to stdout
. Note that key blocks in the KDM must have been encrypted using the
public key which corresponds to the RSA key given as the second argument to this program.
$ kdm-decrypt test_file.kdm.xml my_id_key.pem CipherDataID: f1dc124460169a0e85bc300642f866ab SignerThumbprint: q5Oqr6GkfG6W2HzcBTee5m0Qjzw= CPL Id: 119d8990-2e55-4114-80a2-e53f3403118d Key Id: b6276c4b-b832-4984-aab6-250c9e4f9138 Key Type: MDIK Not Before: 2007-09-20T03:24:53-00:00 Not After: 2007-10-20T03:24:53-00:00 Key Data: 7f2f711f1b4d44b83e1dd1bf90dc7d8c
// // kdm-decrypt.cpp -- decrypt and display KDM EncryptedKey elements // // $Id$ // // This program requires the Xerces-c XML, XMLSecurity, OpenSSL // and asdcplib libraries. To build: // // c++ -o kdm-decrypt kdm-decrypt.cpp // -lxerces-c -lxml-security-c -lkumu -lcrypto // #include <KM_util.h> #include <KM_fileio.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <openssl/pem.h> #include <xercesc/util/OutOfMemoryException.hpp> #include <xercesc/parsers/XercesDOMParser.hpp> #include <xercesc/framework/MemBufInputSource.hpp> #include <xsec/framework/XSECProvider.hpp> #include <xsec/framework/XSECException.hpp> #include <xsec/enc/XSECCryptoException.hpp> #include <xsec/enc/OpenSSL/OpenSSLCryptoKeyRSA.hpp> XERCES_CPP_NAMESPACE_USE using std::cout; using std::cerr; using std::endl; using namespace Kumu; const size_t KeyType_Length = 4; const size_t DateTime_Length = 25; const ui32_t X509Thumbprint_Length = 20; // A structure to hold key block data retrieved during a decrypt operation. struct S430_2_KeyBlock { byte_t CipherDataID[UUID_Length]; byte_t SignerThumbprint[X509Thumbprint_Length]; byte_t CPLId[UUID_Length]; byte_t KeyType[KeyType_Length]; byte_t KeyId[UUID_Length]; byte_t NotBefore[DateTime_Length]; byte_t NotAfter[DateTime_Length]; byte_t KeyData[SymmetricKey_Length]; S430_2_KeyBlock() { memset(this, 0, sizeof(S430_2_KeyBlock)); } std::string Dump() const; }; std::string safe_char(char c) { char b[2] = {'*', 0}; if ( isprint(c) ) b[0] = c; return b; } // Pretty-print key block data. std::string S430_2_KeyBlock::Dump() const { using std::string; Kumu::Identifier<X509Thumbprint_Length> TmpThumbprint; UUID TmpUUID; char tmp_buf[64]; string out_string; bin2hex(CipherDataID, UUID_Length, tmp_buf, 64); out_string = " CipherDataID: " + string(tmp_buf); TmpThumbprint.Set(SignerThumbprint); out_string += "\nSignerThumbprint: " + string(TmpThumbprint.EncodeBase64(tmp_buf, 64)); TmpUUID.Set(CPLId); out_string += "\n CPL Id: " + string(TmpUUID.EncodeHex(tmp_buf, 64)); TmpUUID.Set(KeyId); out_string += "\n Key Id: " + string(TmpUUID.EncodeHex(tmp_buf, 64)); out_string += "\n Key Type: " + safe_char(KeyType[0]) + safe_char(KeyType[1]) + safe_char(KeyType[2]) + safe_char(KeyType[3]); assert(DateTime_Length<64); tmp_buf[DateTime_Length] = 0; memcpy(tmp_buf, NotBefore, DateTime_Length); out_string += "\n Not Before: " + string(tmp_buf); memcpy(tmp_buf, NotAfter, DateTime_Length); out_string += "\n Not After: " + string(tmp_buf); bin2hex(KeyData, UUID_Length, tmp_buf, 64); out_string += "\n Key Data: " + string(tmp_buf); out_string += "\n"; return out_string; } // Given a KDM string and a parsed RSA key, decrypt the key blocks // in the KDM and print them to stdout. int decrypt_kdm(const std::string& KDMDocument, EVP_PKEY* Target) { assert(Target); XercesDOMParser* parser = new XercesDOMParser; parser->setDoNamespaces(true); parser->setCreateEntityReferenceNodes(true); try { MemBufInputSource xmlSource(reinterpret_cast<const XMLByte*>(KDMDocument.c_str()), static_cast<XMLSize_t>(KDMDocument.length()), "pidc_rules_file"); parser->parse(xmlSource); int errorCount = parser->getErrorCount(); if ( errorCount > 0 ) { cerr << "XML parse errors: " << errorCount << endl; return -1; } } catch ( const OutOfMemoryException& ) { cerr << "Out of memory exception." << endl; } catch ( const XMLException& e ) { char* emsg = XMLString::transcode(e.getMessage()); cerr << "An error occurred during parsing" << endl << " Message: " << emsg << endl; XSEC_RELEASE_XMLCH(emsg); } catch ( const DOMException& e ) { const unsigned int maxChars = 2047; XMLCh errText[maxChars + 1]; cerr << endl << "DOM Exception code is: " << e.code << endl; if ( DOMImplementation::loadDOMExceptionMsg(e.code, errText, maxChars) ) { char* emsg = XMLString::transcode(errText); cerr << "Message is: " << emsg << endl; XSEC_RELEASE_XMLCH(emsg); } } catch (...) { cerr << "Unexpected XML parser error." << endl; } try { XSECProvider prov; OpenSSLCryptoKeyRSA* PrivateKey = new OpenSSLCryptoKeyRSA(Target); if ( PrivateKey == 0 ) { cerr << "Error reading private key" << endl; return -1; } DOMDocument* doc = parser->getDocument(); assert(doc); XENCCipher* cipher = prov.newCipher(doc); cipher->setKEK(PrivateKey); DOMNodeIterator* Iter = ((DOMDocumentTraversal*)doc)->createNodeIterator(doc, (DOMNodeFilter::SHOW_ELEMENT), 0, false); assert(Iter); DOMNode* Node; int keys_accepted = 0; int key_nodes_found = 0; while ( (Node = Iter->nextNode()) != 0 ) { char* n = XMLString::transcode(Node->getLocalName()); if ( n == 0 ) continue; if ( strcmp(n, "EncryptedKey") == 0 ) { key_nodes_found++; S430_2_KeyBlock CipherData; ui32_t decrypt_len = cipher->decryptKey((DOMElement*)Node, (byte_t*)&CipherData, sizeof(CipherData)); if ( decrypt_len == sizeof(CipherData) ) { keys_accepted++; cout << CipherData.Dump(); } else if ( decrypt_len > 0 ) cerr << "Unexpected cipher block length: " << decrypt_len << endl; else cerr << "Error decoding key block: " << key_nodes_found << endl; } XSEC_RELEASE_XMLCH(n); } Iter->release(); } catch (XSECException &e) { char* emsg = XMLString::transcode(e.getMsg()); cerr << "Key decryption error: " << emsg << endl; XSEC_RELEASE_XMLCH(emsg); return -1; } catch (XSECCryptoException &e) { cerr << "Crypto error: " << e.getMsg() << endl; return -1; } catch (...) { cerr << "Unexpected decryption error." << endl; } delete parser; return 0; } // int main(int argc, const char** argv) { if ( argc < 3 ) { cerr << "USAGE: kdm-decrypt <kdm-file> <RSA-PEM-file>" << endl; return 2; } try { XMLPlatformUtils::Initialize(); XSECPlatformUtils::Initialise(); } catch(const XMLException& e) { char* emsg = XMLString::transcode(e.getMessage()); cerr << "Xerces or XMLSecurity initialization error: " << emsg << endl; XSEC_RELEASE_XMLCH(emsg); return 3; } catch (...) { cerr << "Unexpected Xerces or XMLSecurity initialization error." << endl; } FILE* fp = fopen (argv[2], "r"); if ( fp == 0 ) { perror(argv[2]); return 4; } EVP_PKEY* Target = PEM_read_PrivateKey(fp, 0, 0, 0); fclose(fp); if ( Target == 0 ) { cerr << "Error reading RSA key in file " << std::string(argv[2]) << endl; return 5; } std::string XML_doc; Result_t result = ReadFileIntoString(argv[1], XML_doc); if ( KM_FAILURE(result) ) { cerr << "Error reading XML file " << std::string(argv[1]) << endl; return 6; } if ( decrypt_kdm(XML_doc, Target) != 0 ) return 1; return 0; } // // end kdm-decrypt.cpp //
This program reads a JPEG 2000 codestream from a file and produces parametric data on the standard output. The following example illustrates this usage:
$ j2c-scan test_frame_000002.j2c coding parameters digital cinema profile: none rsiz capabilities: standard pixel offset from top-left corner: (0, 0) tile width/height in pixels: (2048, 1080) image width/height in tiles: (1, 1) tile #1 coding style: 1 progression order: Component-Position-Resolution-Layer POC marker flag: 0 number of quality layers: 1 rate for layer #1: 0.0 multi-component transform flag: 1 component #1 coding style: 1 number of resolutions: 6 code block width/height: (5, 5) code block coding style: 0 discrete wavelet transform identifier: 0 quantization style: 2 number of guard bits: 1 step size pairs: 16 region of interest shift: 0 component #2 coding style: 1 number of resolutions: 6 code block width/height: (5, 5) code block coding style: 0 discrete wavelet transform identifier: 0 quantization style: 2 number of guard bits: 1 step size pairs: 16 region of interest shift: 0 component #3 coding style: 1 number of resolutions: 6 code block width/height: (5, 5) code block coding style: 0 discrete wavelet transform identifier: 0 quantization style: 2 number of guard bits: 1 step size pairs: 16 region of interest shift: 0
/* * j2c-scan.cpp -- parse j2c file and display data concerning it * * $Id$ * * This program requires version 1.5.2 of the OpenJPEG * library. Furthermore, it requires the header files "openjpeg.h" and * "j2k.h" from its source distribution. Copy these headers to your * build directory. After doing so, execute the following to build: * $ c++ -o j2c-scan j2c-scan.cpp -lopenjpeg */ #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "openjpeg.h" #include "j2k.h" static void j2k_dump_cp (opj_image_t * image, opj_cp_t * cp) { const char *s; int i, j; int step_size_pairs; printf ("coding parameters\n"); if (cp->comment != NULL) { printf (" coding comment: %p\n", cp->comment); } switch (cp->cinema) { case OFF: s = "none"; break; case CINEMA2K_24: s = "2k @ 24 fps"; break; case CINEMA2K_48: s = "2k @ 48 fps"; break; case CINEMA4K_24: s = "4k @ 24 fps"; break; default: s = "unknown"; break; } printf (" digital cinema profile: %s\n", s); switch (cp->rsiz) { case STD_RSIZ: s = "standard"; break; case CINEMA2K: s = "2k digital cinema"; break; case CINEMA4K: s = "4k digital cinema"; break; default: s = "unknown"; break; } printf (" rsiz capabilities: %s\n", s); printf (" pixel offset from top-left corner: (%d, %d)\n", cp->tx0, cp->ty0); printf (" tile width/height in pixels: (%d, %d)\n", cp->tdx, cp->tdy); printf (" image width/height in tiles: (%d, %d)\n", cp->tw, cp->th); for (i = 0; i < cp->tw * cp->th; i++) { printf (" tile #%d\n", i + 1); printf (" coding style: %x\n", cp->tcps[i].csty); switch (cp->tcps[i].prg) { case LRCP: s = "Layer-Resolution-Component-Position"; break; case RLCP: s = "Resolution-Layer-Component-Position"; break; case RPCL: s = "Resolution-Position-Component-Layer"; break; case PCRL: s = "Position-Component-Resolution-Layer"; break; case CPRL: s = "Component-Position-Resolution-Layer"; break; default: s = "unknown"; break; } printf (" progression order: %s\n", s); printf (" POC marker flag: %d\n", cp->tcps[i].POC); printf (" number of quality layers: %d\n", cp->tcps[i].numlayers); for (j = 0; j < cp->tcps[i].numlayers; j++) { printf (" rate for layer #%d: %.1f\n", j + 1, cp->tcps[i].rates[j]); } printf (" multi-component transform flag: %d\n", cp->tcps[i].mct); for (j = 0; j < image->numcomps; j++) { printf (" component #%d\n", j + 1); printf (" coding style: %x\n", cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].csty); printf (" number of resolutions: %d\n", cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].numresolutions); printf (" code block width/height: (%d, %d)\n", cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].cblkw, cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].cblkh); printf (" code block coding style: %x\n", cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].cblksty); printf (" discrete wavelet transform identifier: %d\n", cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].qmfbid); printf (" quantization style: %d\n", cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].qntsty); printf (" number of guard bits: %d\n", cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].numgbits); step_size_pairs = (cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].qntsty == J2K_CCP_QNTSTY_SIQNT) ? 1 : cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].numresolutions * 3 - 2; printf (" step size pairs: %d\n", step_size_pairs); printf (" region of interest shift: %d\n", cp->tcps[i].tccps[j].roishift); } } } void error_callback (const char *msg, void *client_data) { FILE *stream = (FILE *) client_data; fprintf (stream, "[ERROR] %s", msg); } void warning_callback (const char *msg, void *client_data) { FILE *stream = (FILE *) client_data; fprintf (stream, "[WARNING] %s", msg); } int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { char *filename; /* name of the file to process */ FILE *fp; /* input file pointer */ int file_length; /* length of the input file */ unsigned char *buffer = NULL; /* in-memory buffer containing the input file */ opj_cio_t *cio = NULL; /* OpenJPEG wrapper around file buffer */ opj_dparameters_t parameters; /* decompression parameters */ opj_dinfo_t *dinfo = NULL; /* pointer to a JPEG-2000 decompressor */ opj_event_mgr_t event_mgr; /* manager of events' callback functions */ opj_image_t *image = NULL; /* pointer to the decoded image */ memset (&event_mgr, 0, sizeof (opj_event_mgr_t)); event_mgr.error_handler = error_callback; event_mgr.warning_handler = warning_callback; event_mgr.info_handler = NULL; /* establish default decoding parameters for JPEG-2000 codestreams */ opj_set_default_decoder_parameters (¶meters); parameters.decod_format = 0; if (argc != 2) { fprintf (stderr, "USAGE: j2c-scan file.j2c\n"); return 1; } filename = argv[1]; strncpy (parameters.infile, filename, sizeof (parameters.infile) - 1); /* read the input file and put it in memory */ fp = fopen (parameters.infile, "rb"); if (fp == NULL) { perror ("fopen"); return 2; } fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_END); file_length = (int) ftell (fp); fseek (fp, 0, SEEK_SET); buffer = (unsigned char *) malloc (file_length); fread (buffer, sizeof (unsigned char), file_length, fp); fclose (fp); /* decode the JPEG-2000 codestream */ dinfo = opj_create_decompress (CODEC_J2K); opj_set_event_mgr ((opj_common_ptr) dinfo, &event_mgr, stderr); opj_setup_decoder (dinfo, ¶meters); cio = opj_cio_open ((opj_common_ptr) dinfo, buffer, file_length); image = opj_decode (dinfo, cio); if (image == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, "ERROR -> j2c-scan: failed to decode image!\n"); opj_destroy_decompress (dinfo); opj_cio_close (cio); free (buffer); return 1; } opj_cio_close (cio); free (buffer); /* display information about the image */ j2k_dump_cp (image, ((opj_j2k_t *) dinfo->j2k_handle)->cp); /* free the memory */ opj_destroy_decompress (dinfo); opj_image_destroy (image); return 0; }
The section "" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
This program reads one or more XML files containing d-cinema metadata and tests each of the UUID values for compliance
with [RFC-4122]. The program will emit a message on stderr
for each malformed UUID that is encountered. The
following example illustrates this usage for a KDM file:
$ Example.kdm.xml UUID: 7556bff9-58f9-4320-bb1f-fb594219a957 UUID: bdb3a717-5062-4822-8dfc-0dc6570cc116 UUID: 71f7926e-8ce6-4763-b14b-0ef7dcd952f5 UUID: 6083adad-472c-43da-b131-c6dc601cd154 UUID: aeaae312-a257-11da-a601-8b319b685f8e
#!/usr/bin/env python # # -- Scan an XML file and see that all UUID values # conform to RFC-4122 # # $Id$ # from __future__ import print_function import sys, re # regular expressions for use below urn_uuid_re = re.compile('urn:uuid:([^<]*)') uuid_re = re.compile('^[0-9a-f]{8}-[0-9a-f]{4}-\ ([1-5])[0-9a-f]{3}-[8-9a-b][0-9a-f]{3}-[0-9a-f]{12}$', re.IGNORECASE) # def uuid_scan(text): uuid_list = [] while text: match = if not match: break uuid_val = text = text[match.end():] match = uuid_re.match(uuid_val) if not match: sys.stderr.write("urn:uuid: value is not an RFC-4122 UUID: %s\n" % (uuid_val)) continue type = int([0]) if type not in (1, 4, 5): sys.stderr.write("Unexpected UUID type: %d for value %s\n" % (type, uuid_val)) uuid_list.append(uuid_val) return uuid_list # # if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.stderr.write("usage: <xml-file> [...]\n") sys.exit(1) for filename in sys.argv[1:]: try: handle = open(filename) text = handle.close() except Exception as e: print("{0}: {1}".format(filename, e)) else: for uuid in uuid_scan(text): print("UUID: {0}".format(uuid)) # # end #
This program reads a signed XML file and re-writes the file to the standard output using the certificate order expected by the checksig program from the XML Security package. The following example illustrates this usage for a KDM file:
$ test-kdm.xml >tmp.xml $ checksig tmp.xml Signature verified OK!
#!/usr/bin/env python # # -- Re-order certificates in an XML signature # # NOTE: This program requires Python 2.7 or greater # # $Id$ # from __future__ import print_function import sys, re from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # regular expressions for use below SignatureValue_end_re = re.compile('</(?:[\w\-]+:)?SignatureValue[^>]*>') X509Data_re = re.compile('<(?:[\w\-]+:)X509Data[^>]*>(.*?)</(?:[\w\-]+:)X509Data\s*>\s+', re.DOTALL) X509Certificate_re = re.compile('X509Certificate[^>]*>(.*?)</', re.DOTALL) dnQualifier_re = re.compile('dnQualifier=([\\w+/]+=)') # def get_dnq_type(pem_text, type): """Extract the dnQualifier value for the given certificate and common name.""" handle = Popen(('/usr/bin/openssl', 'x509', '-noout', '-'+type), stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, close_fds=True) handle.stdin.write(pem_text) handle.stdin.close() name_text = handle.wait() if handle.returncode != 0: raise Exception("No X509Certificate element in {0}".format(pem_text)) dnq ='\\', '')) if not dnq: raise Exception("Error retrieving dnQualifier from {0}.".format(type)) return # def PEMify(base64_text): """ create canonical PEM lines from any base64 input""" in_text = re.sub('[\r\n]', '', base64_text) idx = 0 end = len(in_text) retval = '' while idx < end: retval += in_text[idx:idx+64] + '\n' idx += 64 return retval # class dsig_certificate_set: """An object for manipulating XML Signature certificates.""" def __init__(self, xml_doc): """Initialize with a signed XML document string.""" body_end = if not body_end: raise Exception("Document does not contain a SignatureValue element.") self.kdm_head = xml_doc[:body_end.end()] xml_doc = xml_doc[body_end.end():] self.X509Data_list = [] x509_data = if x509_data: self.kdm_head += xml_doc[:x509_data.start()] while x509_data: x509_text = xml_doc[x509_data.start():x509_data.end()] self.X509Data_list.append({ 'text': x509_text }) xml_doc = xml_doc[x509_data.end():] x509_data = self.kdm_tail = xml_doc for x509_data in self.X509Data_list: # extract the certificate cert =['text']) if not cert: raise Exception("No X509Certificate element in {0}".format(x509_data['text'])) cert = PEMify( cert = "-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----\n%s-----END CERTIFICATE-----\n" % (cert) x509_data['subject_dnq'] = get_dnq_type(cert, 'subject') x509_data['issuer_dnq'] = get_dnq_type(cert, 'issuer') x509_data['pem_cert'] = cert def order_by_dnq(self): """Arrange certificates in leaf-root order.""" root = None issuer_map = {} for x509_data in self.X509Data_list: if x509_data['subject_dnq'] == x509_data['issuer_dnq']: if root: raise Exception("Certificate list contains multiple roots.") root = x509_data else: issuer_map[x509_data['issuer_dnq']] = x509_data if not root: raise Exception("Self-signed root certificate not found.") tmp_list = [root]; try: key = tmp_list[-1]['subject_dnq'] next = issuer_map[key] while next: tmp_list.append(next) key = tmp_list[-1]['subject_dnq'] next = issuer_map[key] except: pass if len(self.X509Data_list) != len(tmp_list): raise Exception("Certificates do not form a complete chain.") tmp_list.reverse() self.X509Data_list = tmp_list return self def write_certs(self, prefix='cert_set_'): """Write PEMcertificates to files using the optional filename prefix value.""" count = 1 for x509_data in self.X509Data_list: filename = "%s%d.pem" % (prefix, count) handle = open(filename, 'w') handle.write(x509_data['pem_cert']) handle.close() count += 1 def __repr__(self): cert_text = '' for cert in self.X509Data_list: cert_text += cert['text'] return self.kdm_head + cert_text + self.kdm_tail # if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) < 2: sys.stderr.write("usage: <xml-file>\n") sys.exit(1) try: handle = open(sys.argv[1]) text = handle.close() cert_set = dsig_certificate_set(text) cert_set.order_by_dnq() print(cert_set) except Exception as e: print(e) # # end #
This program reads a signed XML file and writes the certificates contained within to individual PEM files. As shown below,
the -p
option can be used to provide a prefix for the automatically-generated filenames. In this example, the input document
contained four certificates.
$ -p my_prefix_ test-kdm.xml $ ls my_prefix_* my_prefix_1.pem my_prefix_2.pem my_prefix_3.pem my_prefix_4.pem
#!/usr/bin/env python # # -- Extract certificates from an XML signature # # $Id$ # from __future__ import print_function from dsig_cert import dsig_certificate_set import sys prefix = 'xmldsig_cert_' filename = None def usage(): sys.stderr.write("usage: [-p <prefix>] <xml-file>\n") sys.exit(1) if len(sys.argv) < 2: usage() if sys.argv[1] == '-p': if len(sys.argv) < 4: usage() prefix = sys.argv[2] filename = sys.argv[3] else: filename = sys.argv[1] try: handle = open(filename) text = handle.close() set = dsig_certificate_set(text) set.write_certs(prefix=prefix) except Exception as e: print(e) # # end #
The section "ASM Simulator" was deleted. The section number is maintained here to preserve the numbering of subsequent sections.
The GPIO test fixture has eight outputs, which connect to ground via normally-open switch contacts. These outputs are expected to interface to command and/or status inputs of the d-cinema equipment under test.
The fixture has eight inputs, which connect to powered, current limited LEDs and will illuminate when the corresponding input is grounded. These inputs interface to command and/or status outputs of the d-cinema equipment under test.
Example circuits are provided below. Interface of outputs, inputs and ground is made via a single DB-25 female connector on the test fixture.
Testing Entities are not required to follow the above design, and are free to develop their own equipment and connector standards. The manufacturer of the d-cinema equipment being tested is responsible for providing a cable, appropriate for the individual Test Subject, that will interface to the test fixture being used.
Note that the LED inputs are internally current limited. External devices will be expected to sink 25mA per channel. Also, the test fixture has an integral PSU (the PSU may be external but it must use a different connector).
The following describes evaluation requirements, basic and specific pass/fail criteria to be used when testing the subtitle rendering capabilities of the Test Subject, as called for in 6.7.1. Media Block Overlay.
It is expected that the Test Operator shall, by referencing both the CPL and the referenced subtitle track file XML, confirm that all elements expected to appear on (or off) screen for each scene, do so with all intended characteristics. This includes, but is not limited to, positioning, alignment, font size, color, script, effect, effect color, italic, underline, bold, aspect adjust and spacing, whether specified directly, default values, or inherited from ancestor values or defaults.
The colorimetric relationship between the PNG image and the image contained in the DCDM* is, at the time of publication of this document, under study. Unexpected appearance of saturation, hue, luminance and bit-depth of PNG images should be noted in the test results and brought to the attention of the manufacturer pending further work to quantify this relationship. At this time, the Test Subject shall not be subject to failing this test on such characteristics.
The behavior of the Direction
attribute of the Text
element and/or the Unicode Bidirectional Algorithm is, at the time of
publication of this document, under study. Scenes that utilize these features should be noted in the test results and brought to
the attention of the manufacturer pending further work to quantify this relationship. At this time, the Test Subject shall not be
subject to failing this test on such characteristics
This section describes general pass/fail criteria to be applied to all scenes unless Specific Criteria directs otherwise.
Main Picture Image Track Files - Labels: The image track files referenced by the compositions have a burned-in label in a small text font, centered horizontally and close to the bottom of the main picture. The label is comprised of the image structure of the sequence being viewed (2K, 4K, or 2K-48fps), the aspect ratio, and the name of the scene. The name of the scene may be used to locate specific pass/fail requirements for a particular scene, and descriptive notes to the test operator, providing additional context.
Bounding Boxes: White bounding boxes, with a one pixel size, are burned into the image track files to confirm correct positioning of the rendered timed text. Some slides, mainly those that announce upcoming scenes, present timed text that do not have bounding boxes. When bounding boxes are displayed, the associated text is intended to fall completely within the boxes. Differences in implementations can produce significant differences in the vertical positioning of text, depending on whether the renderer uses the baseline of the text characters, or the edges of the rendered characters for positioning. Exceeding the bounding boxes shall not be cause to fail the test.
Composition Main Picture and Alpha Channel Timing: The appearance of a particular label on the main picture, is intended
to be accompanied by that scene's rendered text, and/or PNG images, as determined by the provided FadeUpTime
Text and/or Image element parameters, or their default value of 2 frames if none are specified. For example,
for the beginning title slide, "2K-scope-title", the image track file will display the label for 240 frames (10 seconds). The
and FadeDownTime
parameters are not specified for the accompanying timed text, so for the 1st frame that
displays the image label no timed text should be visible, the 2nd frame should have the timed text at 50% opacity of the rendered
intent (the element's final opacity is specified by a parameter of the Font element), and frames 3 until 238 inclusive should have
the timed text at 100% opacity of the rendered intent. Frame 239 should be identical to frame 2, and frame 240 should have no
visible timed text. Except where specified, if the timing of the rendered text and/or PNG images differs by more than plus or
minus 3 frames from that commanded by the Subtitle DCDM and the controlling CPL, this is cause to fail the test.
Some of the slides that test PNG images have FadeUpTime
and FadeDownTime
values of zero, so it is not expected, or
correct behavior, for the corresponding image track labels to be visible with these slides.
This section lists pass/fail criteria specific to each scene in the composition. The identifier for each scene is constructed by prepending the image structure and aspect-ratio for the variant under test to the scene title. E.g. "2K-scope-title" or "2K-48fpsflat-title" as applicable. For each of the scenes, refer to the text below the identifier. Descriptions of scene specific elements may be described more fully. Scene specific pass/fail requirements are presented as bullet lists.
and FadeUpTime
elements are set to 00:00:00:00 which will result in a seamless
transition between the subtitle instances.
and FadeDownTime
elements, or their defaults, may be considered to be equal to
zero. If any of the fades specified in the XML are rendered as if they were zero, this shall not be cause to fail this test.This appendix specifies requirements and expected acoustic outcome from the rendering of OBAE Rendering Expectations by an OBAE Sound System.
The OBAE Sound System shall be configured as an Ideal Environment, as specified at [SMPTE-2098-3].
The test material consists of a sequence of scenes, identified in the top right corner of the image, as illustrated at Figure J.1.
The expectations for each scene are described using a combination of text and images, as illustrated at Figure J.1.
Sounds heard during each scene shall conform to the expectations specified for the scene by the corresponding table in J.4. Expectations.
There shall be no sounds heard other than those specified at J.4. Expectations.
Expectations that refer to a specific loudpspeaker, e.g. "Left Speaker", shall be skipped if the OBAE Sound System is not equipped with that loudpspeaker.
Loudspeakers are defined at [SMPTE-428-12] and [SMPTE-2098-5].
All sounds heard shall be free of artifacts, e.g. "zipper" noise, discontinuities, clicks.
Text on screen | Expectations |
BEEP! | A sound is heard |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Left' | The word "left" is heard from the Left speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Left' | Pink noise is heard from the Left speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Right' | The word "right" is heard from the Right speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Right' | Pink noise is heard from the Right speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Center' | The word "center" is heard from the Center speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Center' | Pink noise is heard from the Center speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'LFE' | Sound is heard from the LFE speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'LFE' | Pink noise is heard from the LFE speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Left Surround' | The word "left surround" is heard from the Left Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Left Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Surround speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Right Surround' | The word "right surround" is heard from the Right Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Right Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Surround speaker |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Left' | The word "left" is heard from the Left speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Left' | Pink noise is heard from the Left speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Right' | The word "right" is heard from the Right speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Right' | Pink noise is heard from the Right speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Center' | The word "center" is heard from the Center speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Center' | Pink noise is heard from the Center speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'LFE' | Sound is heard from the LFE speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'LFE' | Pink noise is heard from the LFE speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Left Side Surround' | The word "left side surround" is heard from the Left Side Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Left Side Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Side Surround speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Right Side Surround' | The word "right side surround" is heard from the Right Side Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Right Side Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Side Surround speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Left Rear Surround' | The word "left rear surround" is heard from the Left Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Left Rear Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Right Rear Surround' | The word "right rear surround" is heard from the Right Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Right Rear Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Rear Surround speaker |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Left' | The word "left" is heard from the Left speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Left' | Pink noise is heard from the Left speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Right' | The word "right" is heard from the Right speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Right' | Pink noise is heard from the Right speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Center' | The word "center" is heard from the Center speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Center' | Pink noise is heard from the Center speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'LFE' | Sound is heard from the LFE speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'LFE' | Sound is heard from the LFE speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Left Side Surround' | The word "left side surround" is heard from the Left Side Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Left Side Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Side Surround speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Right Side Surround' | The word "right side surround" is heard from the Right Side Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Right Side Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Side Surround speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Left Rear Surround' | The word "left rear surround" is heard from the Left Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Left Rear Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Right Rear Surround' | The word "right rear surround" is heard from the Right Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Right Rear Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Left Top Surround' | The word "left top surround" is heard from the Left Top Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Left Top Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Top Surround speaker |
You should hear SPEAKING on 'Right Top Surround' | The word "right top surround" is heard from the Right Top Surround speaker |
You should hear PINK on 'Right Top Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Top Surround speaker |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear pink-noise GainPrefix = ONE |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent timbre, loudness, and size. |
You should hear Silence GainPrefix = zero |
No sound is heard. |
You should hear the volume changing GainPrefix = CUSTOM gain=X.XX |
Pink noise is heard. For three times in a row, the loudness of the pink noise monotically increases from silence, and then monotically decrease back to silence. The loudness scales with the value of gain. The noise maintains consistent timbre and size. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear pink noise ChannelDecorCoefPrefix = NONE |
Pink noise is heard. |
You should hear pink noise ChannelDecorCoefPrefix = MAX |
Pink noise is heard. |
You should hear pink noise ChannelDecorCoefPrefix = CUSTOM XX% |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should not hear pink noise The 13.1HT pink noise is superseded by one of the 5.1, 7.1DS, 9.1OH beds |
No sound is heard. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should only hear pink noise on Center (NOT from Left) | Pink noise is heard from the Center speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Right (NOT from Center) | Pink noise is heard from the Right speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Left (NOT from Right) | Pink noise is heard from the Left speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Center (NOT from Left Side Surround) | Pink noise is heard from the Center speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Left (NOT from Right Side Surround) | Pink noise is heard from the Left speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Center (NOT from Left Rear Surround) | Pink noise is heard from the Center speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Left (NOT from Right Rear Surround) | Pink noise is heard from the Left speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Right (NOT from LFE) | Pink noise is heard from the Right speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Center (NOT from Left Height) | Pink noise is heard from the Center speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Right (NOT from Center Height) | Pink noise is heard from the Right speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Left (NOT from Right Height) | Pink noise is heard from the Left speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Center (NOT from Left Surround Height) | Pink noise is heard from the Center speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Left (NOT from Right Surround Height) | Pink noise is heard from the Left speaker only |
You should only hear pink noise on Right (NOT from Top Surround) | Pink noise is heard from the Right speaker only |
The noise maintains consistent timbre and loudness in each test. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left' | The word "left" is heard from the Left speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left' | Pink noise is heard from the Left speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left Center' | The word "left center" is heard from the Left Center speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left Center' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Center speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Center' | The word "center" is heard from the Center speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Center' | Pink noise is heard from the Center speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right Center' | The word "right center" is heard from the Right Center speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right Center' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Center speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right' | The word "right" is heard from the Right speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right' | Pink noise is heard from the Right speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left Side Surround' | The word "left side surround" is heard from the Left Side Surround speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left Side Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Side Surround speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left Surround' | The word "left surround" is heard from the Left Surround speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Surround speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left Rear Surround' | The word "left rear surround" is heard from the Left Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left Rear Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right Rear Surround' | The word "right rear surround" is heard from the Right Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right Rear Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Rear Surround speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right Side Surround' | The word "right side surround" is heard from the Right Side Surround speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right Side Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Side Surround speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right Surround' | The word "right surround" is heard from the Right Surround speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Surround speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left Top Surround' | The word "left top surround" is heard from the Left Top Surround speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left Top Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Top Surround speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right Top Surround' | The word "right top surround" is heard from the Right Top Surround speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right Top Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Top Surround speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'LFE' | Sound is heard from the LFE speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'LFE' | Sound is heard from the LFE speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left Height' | The word "left height" is heard from the Left Height speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left Height' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Height speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right Height' | The word "right height" is heard from the Right Height speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right Height' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Height speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Center Height' | The word "center height" is heard from the Center Height speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Center Height' | Pink noise is heard from the Center Height speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left Surround Height' | The word "left surround height" is heard from the Left Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left Surround Height' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right Surround Height' | The word "right surround height" is heard from the Right Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right Surround Height' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left Side Surround Height' | The word "left side surround height" is heard from the Left Side Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left Side Surround Height' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Side Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right Side Surround Height' | The word "right side surround height" is heard from the Right Side Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right Side Surround Height' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Side Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Left Rear Surround Height' | The word "left rear surround height" is heard from the Left Rear Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Left Rear Surround Height' | Pink noise is heard from the Left Rear Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Right Rear Surround Height' | The word "right rear surround height" is heard from the Right Rear Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Right Rear Surround Height' | Pink noise is heard from the Right Rear Surround Height speaker |
You should hear: SPEAKING on 'Top Surround' | The word "top surround" is heard from the Top Surround speaker |
You should hear: PINK on 'Top Surround' | Pink noise is heard from the Top Surround speaker |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear pink noise GainPrefix = ONE |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent timbre, location, size and loudness. |
You should hear silence GainPrefix = ZERO |
No sound is heard. |
You should hear the volume changing GainPrefix = CUSTOME (X.XX) |
Pink noise is heard. Three times in a row, the loudness of the pink noise monotically increases from silence, and then monotically decrease back to silence. The loudness scales with the value of GainPrefix. The noise maintains consistent timbre and size. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
Snap off Angle: XXX° |
A point source emitting pink noise is heard, making four revolutions clockwise around the room. The motion of the point source is continuous. |
Snap On Angle: XXX° |
A point source emitting pink noise is heard, making four revolutions clockwise around the room. Sound is heard from only one loudspeaker at any given time. |
SnapTolerance Angle: XXX° |
A point source emitting pink noise is heard, making four revolutions clockwise around the room. Sound may be heard from one or more loudspeakers at any given time. |
The noise maintains consistent timbre, loudness, and size in each test. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the SCREEN LEFT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from screen loudspeakers left of center. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the SCREEN CENTER zone |
Pink noise is heard only from screen center loudspeakers. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the SCREEN RIGHT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from screen loudspeakers right of center. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the WALL LEFT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from loudspeakers on left wall. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the WALL RIGHT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from loudspeakers on right wall. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the REAR LEFT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from loudspeakers on left half of rear wall. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the REAR RIGHT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from loudspeakers on right half of rear wall. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the OVERHEAD LEFT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from overhead loudspeakers left of center. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the OVERHEAD RIGHT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from overhead loudspeakers right of center. |
The noise maintains consistent timbre, loudness, and size in each test. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the SCREEN LEFT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from screen loudspeakers left of center. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the SCREEN CENTER zone |
Pink noise is heard only from screen center loudspeakers. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the SCREEN RIGHT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from screen loudspeakers right of center. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the WALL LEFT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from loudspeakers on left wall. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the WALL RIGHT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from loudspeakers on right wall. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the REAR LEFT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from loudspeakers on left half of rear wall. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the REAR RIGHT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from loudspeakers on right half of rear wall. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the OVERHEAD LEFT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from overhead loudspeakers left of center. |
Angle: XXX° You should hear pink noise ONLY in the OVERHEAD RIGHT zone |
Pink noise is heard only from overhead loudspeakers right of center. |
The noise maintains consistent timbre, loudness, and size in each test. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
Location: Overhead Spread Mode: Low-Rez Spread Value: X.XX |
Pink noise is heard centered overhead. The perceived extent of the sound source may flucuates with the Spread Value. |
Location: Overhead Spread Mode: One-D Spread Value: X.XX |
Pink noise is heard centered overhead. The perceived extent of the sound source may flucuates with the Spread Value. |
Location: Overhead Spread Mode: Three-D Spread Value: x=X.XX, y=X.XX, z=X.XX |
Pink noise is heard centered on the screen. The perceived extent of the sound source may flucuates with the Spread Value. |
Location: Screen Spread Mode: Low-Rez Spread Value: X.XX |
Pink noise is heard centered on the screen. The perceived extent of the sound source may flucuates with the Spread Value. |
Location: Screen Spread Mode: One-D Spread Value: X.XX |
Pink noise is heard centered on the screen. The perceived extent of the sound source may flucuates with the Spread Value. |
Location: Screen Spread Mode: Three-D Spread Value: x=X.XX, y=X.XX, z=X.XX |
Pink noise is heard centered on the screen. The perceived extent of the sound source may flucuates with the Spread Value. |
The noise maintains consistent loudness in each test. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = NONE Location: Screen |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the screen. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = MAX Location: Screen |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the screen. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = CUSTOM (XX%) Location: Screen |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the screen. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = NONE Location: Rear |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the rear wall. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = MAX Location: Rear |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the rear wall. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = CUSTOM (XX%) Location: Rear |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the rear wall. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = NONE Location: Left |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the left wall. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = MAX Location: Left |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the left wall. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = CUSTOM (XX%) Location: Left |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the left wall. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = NONE Location: Right |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the right wall. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = MAX Location: Right |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the right wall. |
You should hear pink noise ObjectDecorCoefPrefix = CUSTOM (XX%) Location: Right |
Pink noise is heard, centered on the right wall. |
The noise maintains consistent loudness in each test. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear a 3 note chord (one note per object) Spread On |
A sound is heard, centered on the screen. |
You should hear a 3 note chord (one note per object) Snap Off, Spread Off |
A sound is heard, centered on the screen. |
You should hear a 3 note chord (one note per object) Snap On |
A sound is heard, centered on the screen. |
You should hear a 3 note chord (one note per object) SnapTolerance |
A sound is heard, centered on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
Sub-blocks: XXXXXX RPM: XX Angle: XXXXXXXX |
Pink noise is heard, moving clockwise around the room. The noise maintains consistent loudness, timbre and size. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but remains primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but remains primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but remains primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but remains primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but remains primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but should remain primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but should remain primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but should remain primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but should remain primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but should remain primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but should remain primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear no drop-outs Active Object: XX |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness and timbre. The location of the noise may shift but should remain primarily on the screen. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear a 5.1 pink-noise bed Note: authoring info located at the Beginning of the iaFrame ChildElements |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness, timbre and size. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear a 5.1 pink-noise bed Note: authoring info located at the End of the iaFrame ChildElements |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness, timbre and size. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear a 5.1 pink-noise bed Unknown element located at the beginning of the IAFrame |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness, timbre and size. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear a 5.1 pink-noise bed Unknown element located at the end of the IAFrame |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness, timbre and size. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear a 5.1 pink-noise bed User Data located at the Beginning of the iaFrame ChildElements |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness, timbre and size. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear a 5.1 pink-noise bed User Data located at the End of the iaFrame ChildElements |
Pink noise is heard. The noise maintains consistent loudness, timbre and size. |
Text on screen | Expectations |
You should hear a pink-noise bed Audio Description: AMBIENCE, EFFECTS |
Pink noise is heard. |
You should hear a pink-noise bed Audio Description: DIALOG, FOLEY, MUSIC |
Pink noise is heard. |
You should hear a pink-noise bed Audio Description: AMBIENCE, DIALOG |
Pink noise is heard. |
You should hear a pink-noise bed Audio Description: MUSIC |
Pink noise is heard. |
You should hear a pink-noise bed Audio Description: AMBIENCE, DIALOG, EFFECTS |
Pink noise is heard. |
You should hear a pink-noise bed Audio Description: ADDITIONAL, DIALOG Note: there is a custom Audio Description present |
Pink noise is heard. |
The noise maintains consistent loudness, timbre and size in each test. |
This appendix summarizes changes across releases of the CTP, which are listed in Table K.1.
This appendix is informative and shall not be used to perform or interpret the contents of the CTP.
Version | Release date | Summary of changes |
1.0 | Not applicable | |
1.1 | K.2. Changes prior to CTP 1.2.1 | |
1.2 | ||
1.2.1 | ||
1.3 | K.3. Changes between CTP 1.2.1 and CTP 1.3 | |
1.3.1 | K.4. Changes between CTP 1.3 and CTP 1.3.1 | |
1.3.2 | K.5. Changes between CTP 1.3.1 and CTP 1.3.2 | |
1.3.3 | K.6. Changes between CTP 1.3.2 and CTP 1.3.3 | |
1.4b | K.7. Changes between CTP 1.3.3 and CTP 1.4b | |
This version | K.8. Changes between CTP 1.4b and this version |
Changes to CTP releases prior to CTP 1.2.1 are described in the collection of documents titled Revision To DCI Digital Cinema System Specification Compliance Test Plan at